Mike you are unhealthily quick to champion this sort of thing leaving me completely and utterly confused at your motives and view point considering that Soul Source is such a bastion of our beloved genre?
Surely you must take the sharpest of intakes of breath as I do when yet another camera lens is thrust our way with scant regard to the impact it has, surely it’s not all about freedom of expression because I know that posts on here have been deleted for expressing opinions and viewpoints that are moderated to be “out of step”?
Your comment on my involvement with a camera crew is hardly the same and the comment is a little cheap?
Vicky approached you (Soul Source) and a request was made to the Soul Sourcers for input for her dancing, I made no social comment and I certainly did not have any of my opinions plat formed, the clip of some of us showing her how to dance was not the main focus as you well know.
Back to the Northern Soul Film "keep The Faith", the clip of the chap wearing the Steve Cradock hat is as embarrassing as it gets for Scooterists full stop and has little to nothing to do with Northernsoul less than show how it wasn’t and you DO NOT need to be from Dundee to know this!
I care passionately about Northernsoul, I know that the history of our wonderful scene is being rewritten by those who are running rough shod over our fantastic memories distorting, diluting and becoming an embarrassing pastiche, and it’s like a clown troop doing Shakespeare!
I think there will be some who just do not get what I am alluring to, Mike this is your train set mate and you will be remembered for this a long time after you have gone, If I was Mike and if Soul Source was mine I would love to be the man remembered for saying STOP! This is enough; The Northernsoul scene is too precious and I will have no part in allowing this dross to continue.
But I am not Mike; I am just a little fat bloke who weeps while I watch something fantastic be destroyed.