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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. The second wave! Mega times
  3. Where have all the Modern Rooms gone? Calling allnighter promoters There is nowt I like better than an allnighter that gives me the choice of a "Main Room" and a "Modern Room", do they still exist? What nighters give both a Modern and Main Room?
  4. Thanks for that, just listened to Paramount Four: Sorry Ain't The Word, Wow! Love it
  5. I have asked Dave Rimmer on many occasions if he had "The Snake", he told me to fook off!
  6. What's your take on rare soul? Can you dig it? In five months time you have an opportunity to experience some thing quite remarkable, some think that is a strange as it is wonderful, a weird whacky wonderful experience of an allnighter based around throwing away the rule book and the formula without boundaries and without a script. I'm talking about a quirky, marvelously nutty allnighter called Bidds. To me it's like one of those strange and intriguing "cult films" that some will find confusing and leave the cinema scratching their heads wondering what all the fuss is about while others will be straight round to the ticket office ready to see it again. There are so many strange flavors being offered, I wouldn't want any of them in a sandwich at tea time but they kinda work, no they make up this sort of delicious trifle, its as if you are tasting some thing for the first time yet it sends you hurtling back to tastes of your mums and nowt on this earth tastes better than mums cooking! I'm not over egging this, you have to experience it your self coz there is some thing very special tucked away and a little hidden. I felt as if I have stumbled across one of those TV programs lost or hidden in the after ten o'clock slot where no one watches it yet there is a cadre of fans. I liken Bidds to a mini series that has long had cult following, all of the characters and components are there. You drive into this "road house" venue and some one will more than likely help you to park, no they don't jump into your car or anything, its just that the people who stand out side aren't the usual scary starey people who you usually walk around. There is a warm and genuine greeting that doesn't scare or intimidate you nor is it one of these American "Moonie" sickly sweet affairs. You are now ready to start to meet the Bidds cast of characters, first up is the doormen who look as if they could rip you spine out yet welcome you as if you are coming home and they are distant relations, you get a real hand shake and a sense of relaxed control. The manager is a top banana who is very hard not to like, he is in charge yet both him, the bar staff and door staff soon become part of the experience, I see them dancing some times and its ace to see them popping up at other venues and it kinda sets the stage for the other cast members. I'm used to seeing a line of tables with aluminum record boxes protecting the dealers who all look as if they are at a car boot sale for blokes who need girlfriends. Here at Bidds there is a collective giggle of characters ready to take the piss and have, dare I say fun? There is a frivolity that renders any preconceptions void, all are individual, all have there own take on music and it is here that Bidds has its true heart beat, it is this musical jigsaw puzzle made up from different boxes where some of the pieces don't quite fit yet no one cares and no one seams to be worried that the picture forming will be out of focus to most of the Northernsoul community and that is where Bidds becomes Bidds. The punters are the "who's who" of the scene yet there is no "Royalty" present, no corners, groups or cliques of old school, new school, or bold school, just dancers who want to dance. I took time out to see what was occurring, was there a large group of beard strokers here to judge the music, there was not? The whole Bidds experience is a paradox, the music comes from individual DJ's who offer up their record box as if they are exposing their souls warts n all, you get this impression that rather than try to impress they have opened their hearts to play the music of their lives, you may think that I am waxing lyrical here but there is an air of vulnerability when playing the music you love, they are offering the dance floor an honest glimpse of soul, Its hard not to fall in love with that sort of DJ and it manifests its self gloriously on the dance floor. Bidds will not be for every one but it is open to every one and I recommend that this is thee place to have visited before you die, Its on again in five months, the toilets aren't mega but the people and the place are and the music is enigmatic, powerful and honest. Footnote. This isn't my stab at giving Bidds a thumbs up nor is it a "Look Back", this is my take on the rare souls scene from the perspective of a dancer/punter. I no little to nothing about our wonderful scene other than it's a broad church and with so much out there I believe a honest recommend is often needed.
  7. Hearing new plays, it matter not if every one else knows it, when I hear a track for the first time that fires my socks off it makes the complete nighter for me! Des that was a mega play, I am enjoying it now listening to it on Refosoul! Thank you. Des you is top geezer today!!!!!!!
  8. CHUCK CORNISH - A TRIBUTE TO MOHAMMED ALI - Thats the Badger Des!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Top play, loved it straight away and a first hearing for me!!!!!!
  9. Muhammad Ali ID Track Please I heard a track played at Bidds, I think it may be called Muhammad Ali? Quite and oldie sixties up tempo dancer?
  10. Mickeyb please give your lady wife a message from me, "You have taste!" I am 100% in love with LET ME DOWN EASY Like I said at the beginning, throw the rule book away and add the track that is YOUR Northernsoul Anthem. I'm now listening to FIRST CHOICE ( LET ME DOWN EASY ) never heard this version and I always thought the 1976 version was the original, kinda bet it was? I would have lost money on it being British? Still you live n learn. So back to enjoying your Anthems keep em coming and don't forget to let us know what inspires you. Tis good to be in love with all of this wonderful music. FIRST CHOICE - LET ME DOWN EASY - RARE PLEASURE - LET ME DOWN EASY -
  11. Ooh Dave, your gonna reveal all my secrets!
  12. Good enough for Sylvester, good enough for me!
  13. Billy you rock mate! Glad to call you my friend!!
  14. Come on now Billy, I want to see you do it yourself, if I can you can mate!
  15. Remember kids that you can choose owt you want, honest there will be no recriminations; I have it on good authority that The Soul Police have given us leave on this one so enjoy and tell us why your choice is yours. Oh and you can change your mind as many times as you want! Aint Northernsoul brilliantttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Have a go at Refosoul as well, you know it makes sense!
  16. RARE PLEASURE - LET ME DOWN EASY - Ooooooh I fookin like this!!!!!!! Only been on bleedin SS for 5 years! I never said I wasn't mince! "Rare pleasure" - let me down easy I love the fact that its British, it's a great dancer and yet slightly melancholy, the lyrics are simple yet there is a real story and a feeling of pain and hurt. A disco, dance beat drives me to the wildest dance and I love the horns that make this a rare stand alone track. I can hear it every day and yet still marvel in its composition as a master piece of strings, clip clop percussion and soaring but understated vocals. It is a far removed from The Snake or do I love you blah de bleedin blah, its never gonna be found in the divies box but I tell ya that I love this record.
  17. Chalky you is the man today!!!!!!!
  18. browser do you use, Firefox, IE? IE 6 I have just tried again, Copied TEAR STAINED FACE into the track and hit my enter button Nothing ? I then typed it and hey presto Mega!!!!!!! Listening now and I am going to try copying the link to the thread DON VARNER - TEAR STAINED FACE -
  19. Chalky when I click on DON VARNER - TEAR STAINED FACE - It takes me off the thread, what am I doing wrong?
  20. Chalky tried your tip I copied Rosemary from Billy's post Opened a new window and viewed refosoul Pasted Rosemary into the track and nothing happened I hit my enter button Nothing try it ................ Opened up youtube copied Rosemary from Billy's post had to add Northernsoul listening to Richard "Popcorn" Wylie - Rosemary What Happened
  21. I know that Little Stevie took it quite hard after the filming and ended up in a rather sleethy burlesque show in Driffield for a few months eventually becoming addicted to Cr¨me de menthe. He became homeless for eighteen months. In 2008, Little Stevie sued his parents and former manager over misappropriation of his trust fund. Little Stevie was charged with assault in 2009 after he slapped some one with a frozen piece of fish. He had been working as a security guard, and bus driver Tracy Fields requested his autograph while he was shopping for a bulletproof vest in a Manchester shopping centre. The two argued about the autograph, wherein Fields mocked Little Stevie's shoes. Little Stevie testified that "I was getting scared, and she was getting ugly"; he said that he thought Fields was going to hit him, so he fished. Coleman pleaded no contest and received a suspended sentence. He was also ordered to pay Fields a few quid for some make up. Little Stevie is back on the Northernsoul Scene and he has been ordered to stay away from any frozen food.
  22. Refosoul is a bit too clunky if the truth be known and it takes me away from the page I am viewing and when I want to add a clip it isn't as user friendly as the tube. I have wrestled with Refosoul on many occasions and sadly lost, it doesn't seam to favor the thick and I is thick. "Webbydubbers" thanks for the observations you little pedant you, try to remember that this is like made up stuff and there are no rules like flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz, we like know they cant fly and stuff but its like just a film. Now if you want to choose your own Northernsoul National Anthem, I promise not to tell the Queen and you can choose anything you want and it doesn't have to be all scientific n stuff.

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