Soul Source Works!
I hope this post can stay in all about soul for a little bit because too be honest it could go in free basing, people with soul and feed back but I want to ad a little bit about how Soul source transcends the internet and becomes real and part of peoples lives.
Meeting fellow Soul Sources is always a great opportunity to just say hi, swap stories and to comment on the many debates here on this most excellent forum.
Last night I took a break and rode out to Killamarsh near Rotherham for a scooter meeting and it was here that I met fellow Soul searcher Ray and we got talking about Northernsoul and I mentioned that I haddent heard the tune playing at the pub we met at.
Today I log on and ray had PM'd me with the track! Gary Puckett - Lady Willpower, never heard of this before but that is not the point.
Soul Source is a superb means and widens both musical knowledge and it also gives another slant to socialising, thanks to mike, all the mods n every one who contributes!
Soul Source rocks!
Has any one else met others due to Soul source?
I miss Northernsoul!
I have two little guests staying at my house for a month, they are here for another three more weeks and I am missing my Northern Soul!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't think I'd miss it quite so much until this morning when we packed them off to the dentist and I played "The Flirtations - Stronger than Her Love"
Wow, I am missing our wonderful music and it's just not enough to me to hear it cold without a load of like minded loonies giving it large on a sprung dance floor.
I have played "The Flirtations - Stronger than Her Love" three times now and I shut my eyes and I want to be at....................... Stoke!
Much as I love my Modern and under played Newies, I want to dive head first into the crashing waves of Oldies!
Have there been any tracks that inspire you to get out and about?
Stronger than Her Love has got me looking at my calendar.
What makes you want to get out to dance?
Richard "Popcorn" Wylie - Rosemary What Happened
Whether or not this fantastic track was inspired by the movie Rosemary's Baby or not?
The lyrics tell a story and gives social comment.
Tony Clarke "(They call me) a wrong man"
Surely a perfect story teller?
I think there would be an issue if the price was raised after you had booked it at a specific rate unless they clearly state that it is their proactive to do this without consultation with the customer.
If there is no "small print' to inform you of this and you can prove that the "contract" has been made for a particular rate then you have reasonable grounds for redress.
The key words would be reasonable and this is born by both parties, an increase of £1.75p a night could be argued in a small claims court but sea side resorts have a high season and adjust prices accordingly.
Arguing that an increase of £1.75p would be a very steep hill to climb.
"What Tune Sums Up The Way Things Are today"
Without doubt Duffy nails it for me it hails the dawn of the divvy You can almost smell the talc
I think if the truth be known most of the Northernsoul scene is now made up of born again fibbers who wouldn't know where to clap if their lives depended on it!
Can any one remember the chap at Bradford who used to clap louder than humanly possible, I think it was like his super power or some thing? We used to call him "The phantom clapper", he would clap behind you making you quite startle as it sounded like a bleedin gun bien fired!
Mark you have every right to be angry about this mate!
I know I copied a few things when I did the Imber site but that was "Spoofing", to copy some ones hard work I don't think that's on!
My sweet Baby was always one of those simmering in the background down tempo tunes that either became disposable or inspired and soothed.
I love the unassuming approach to his singing, it's almost as if a friend is telling you a story. Sir Guy was part of Black American whose wonderful voice lives on, I am quite sad listening to "My Sweet Baby", I have no fookin doubt that the angels will sing this to him.
God bless.
Clarence "Sir Guy" Barron
Clarence Barron NORFOLK - Clarence "Sir Guy" Barron, a native of Berkley, passed away June 15, 2010 at his residence in Aiken, S.C. He was a local recording artist in the late 1960s, known for such hits as, "Broke Down and Cried" and his soulful rendition of "Funky Virginia." A home going service will be held today, June 19, at 1 p.m. in Aiken, S.C
I know what you mean about the "Plink Plonk", it's quite the sound of an artist trying too hard to squeeze a hit out and it just sounds like a session's musician and a dreary professional lyric writer cracking an unimaginative shallow pile of tosh, I am quite surprised that we don't see any "Jazz fingers" and a load of 100 Club dancers giving the health and safety team a heart attack! At best this is like album filler destined to be as disposable as a wet wipe.
I think this is as soulful as my last prostate examination.
Could this be the next big thing?
Totally knocked me for a six did this, new to my ears and hit me like a big massive hitty thing!
Is this a Modern classic? A cross over sound, a Latin dancer?
I don't care but I'd love to do my thing to it!
Does any body play it????????
Will I hear this out?
Views on hearing new stuff????
You is the fookin dude today mate!
That has just blown my cotton socks off!!!!
I love it and this is a perfect example of hearing new stuff versus that stupid attitude of shunning the new, I personally think that all of these old stuff born again soul boys should be burnt at the stake or publicly flogged to have the audacity of missing out on such an amazing tune as this one!
I can not begin to explain how this makes me feel to hear a new sound to my ear as amazing as this is!!!!!!!
LOVE IT!!!!!
Fire in the disco, Fire in the gates of hell
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
I'd be surprised if this hasn't been done?
The Wigan Casino fire.
Was it lit or did it light?
Any conspiracy theories?
There are a few Scooterists within our SS membership who know of mysterious fires sparking at a few scooter tuner's premises usually just before they where to go bankrupt or out of business, any similarities?
Some say it was the Imber crowd? I have no comment on that.
Mace is spot on in saying that a few of us swing our snake like hips to some crazy hot Latin spins at Bids.
I for one lurvvvvvv the Lationo Soul that is well danceable!
Big recommend for Bids wear ya best dancing trousers!