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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. Death before Disco Disco biscuit any one? For my sins, I am listening to Van McCoy & The Soul City Symphony "Do The Hustle", great record no matter which way you slice it but for some it smacks of commerciality and is as far away from every thing Northernsoul as humanly possible yet he is a god! 1976 was a great year with some self imposed conflicts, medallions and porn tashes where in abundance and the divide between the genres where huge. Yes all records are Disco or so they say? We did have some Disco records cross over to be played at Wigan Casino and Blackpool Mecca. "Let's not get wrapped up in the Modern versus Oldies thang" Also, how did these records go down? Were they played as unheard imports before taking off into the main stream? Did they get plucked off the US dance floors? Who was responsible? Ian, Richard and Sam? Any one else? Did every one dance, did any one leave the dance floor in disgust, Wigan had their records, Can we make the list? Brainstorm "lovin is really my game" Tavares -- Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel
  2. Hi Phil, do you really need this explaining?
  3. Dave if the correct default is one of indifference with the mantra "It is un important and only a film", then why are their 88 replies to this thread with nearly 4,000 views so far? Important, funny old word that because my family and friends are important and my career and my health. But there are also many people; you are one of them, who have either directly or indirectly affected me in one way or another. The effects are small but lasting and things that are "unimportant" and insignificant like retro clothing for some, records and venues for others, these all form tiny memories and experiences that help define who we are as individuals and help set our moral compass. Saying that you don't care then being omnipresent on a Northernsoul forum is a paradox, I think you do care and I would bet Pete Smith left nut that you care passionately. I know some are uber fans and some are even slightly manic but on the whole our passion for this music far supersedes any attitude that can dismiss a film about our scene as if it is a throw away movie such as "finding nemo" If you can honestly say that a movie about Northernsoul matters as much as a children's Disney movie then I for one have miss read you for many years. I am not "The Northernsoul Police' but "your fookin nicked sunshine":hatsoff2:
  4. My two little Belarusian guests don't go back until the 19th so I am going to miss the July 17th Stoke Nighter.
  5. I hope Mike deletes any post that is either deliberate or a stealth attack on any one individual. Not every thing has to be a hate campaign, we do still have some good guys on Soul source, I have faith in you.
  6. Could you dance to Bach's "Minuet in G major"?
  7. Venues, venom and vendettas PUNTERS AND PROMOTORES I have "Put on a Soul do" so I suppose I have been a promoter. The question I want to ask is "What problems and experiences have you had as a promoter"? I matters not if you have been instrumental in your local pub playing Northernsoul or if you have been involved with a mega event such as a weekender or a Allnighter. Have you been let down by venue managers, pub owners, local authorities, punters, DJ's or even plagues of locusts? What are your experiences? (Can we please avoid the temptation to slate any one, thank you)
  8. Anton I know what you are saying and there are many truths to what you have said but there are additional factors that should be considered if using Quadrophenia as a comparison. The Who made the film as a direct and respectful thank you to the fans that had supported them, there where always going to be some research problems such as the Intercity 125's and the other handful of well known blibs associated with the film but this is not the point. The Who involved them selves from start to finish on the film in order to capture the spirit knowing and respecting that if they got it wrong they would never have been forgiven. Franc Roddam was aware right from the offset that this was not going to be a BBC type costume drama bur he also understood that he had to capture the correct attitude and spirit and this was done by doing his home work so that we had a film worthy of our thoughts all of these years later and worthy of the affection from a generation. Big shoes to fill. Mistakes are some times inevitable but there is a difference between mistakes and missing the point, some times the point can be so subtle that it's almost impossible to explain yet it can hit you like a train. The mistakes on Quadrophenia are just errors, the make little to no impact on the story or impact. Quadrophenia FIlm Mistakes In the end of the film when Phil Daniels is about to run over a cliff with his scooter, in the first shot there is a windshield on the scooter. In the second the windshield is gone. In the third the windshield is back again. Routemaster buses have the late 1970s white London Transport logo, not the gold lettering they should have for the mid 1960s when the film is set. There is a view from Phil Daniels window where a High Speed Train (first operated in about 1975) goes past - the film is set in mid 1960s. The police in the riot scenes have got hair hanging well over their collars - they are supposed to be POLICE in the mid 1960s whereas in fact they are a mob of scruffy layabout 1970s extras. Early in the film they go to a scrap yard to see a friend to buy drugs - the cars in that scrap yard are models that were new or not even launched in 1964. One car springs to mind the Austin/Morris 1100 that features in quite a few of the shots; although it may have found its way to a scrap yard following an accident the one in the shot has clearly aged - the model was only launched in 1962! (Mind you, it was a notorious rust bucket!) The bikes are all wrong. Rockers at that time went in for the 'Cafe Racer' style with clip-on handle bars, rear set footrests, bum stops etc. The bikes in the shots en route to Brighton had high bars; five years too early. Although some helmets were seen in a cafe it was a characteristic of Rockers to wear helmets. As they 'evolved' into self-styled 'Hells Angels' a few years later many idiots abandoned helmets. source: Movie Mistakes
  9. Is this a 3 or a 6 now?
  10. Barnsley has just let go of sixpences! My local pub takes farmers produce, I have paid for a pint of bitter with duck eggs, I can't see Euros ever being accepted. I like the idea that Great Britain is still somewhat stuck in the mud, it celebrates our quirky reluctance to wake up from the empire dream.
  11. I can see the poll mate; I think this is because I haven't cast a vote? I may be wrong but once you cast your vote you cant vote again and the poll voting mech disappears? Mike????
  12. Pete I think your being a little harsh here mate? I know we aren't professional film critics and even then an opinion is just an opinion but to give a score of 8 out of 10 for a movie would suggest that we are about to receive a cinematic master piece such as The Godfather or The Deer Hunter. What's the point in having a poll if ridiculous scores are being given? Unless of course we are going to see a few Oscars being won? I should imaging people would be a little more than miffed if records sold as "mint" condition turned out to be a gross exaggeration?
  13. Excellent TV and what a come back! Tom Jones is a national treasure and as soulful as they come. 'Trouble O Soul', Carl I like it! It would be ace to dance to that at a Nighter and wouldn't it be brilliant if this caught on and got some plays! I've danced worse but this aint bad mate!!
  14. Not too sure if this counts as they are DJ's but I am sure I have seen the following popping up these movies: Keb Darge - The Hills Have Eyes Dave Rimmer - Mad Max beyond Thunder Dome, I think he appears seven or eight times in this film Butch - lead role in Kes (The boy not the bird!) The Bids Crew - I think most appeared in Please sir as the Fenchurch street gang Ady Croasdale - Appeared briefly in episode three of Captain Pugwash as a Spanish sailor Russ Winstanley - Played villain number seven in get carter (The original) Russ also stared as the shampoo bottle in the popular TV commercial "Matey Bubble Bath" Kev Roberts - Very small part in the 1979 West German vampire horror film Nosferatu the Vampyre, this scene was heavily edited by the censor.
  15. My dirty little secret Confessions of a Divvy My secret Northernsoul likes are: Ron Grainer A touch of Velvet the Sting of brass Ron Grainer Joe 90 Derek & Ray - Interplay I have danced in platforms and worn "Roller trousers" There ya go, stone me!
  16. Webby are you internet grooming Isis?
  17. I would love to be able to understand the reasons why there are places dry of Northernsoul that border or are surrounded by such saturated strong holds, how does this happen, what are the reasons and origins of this phenomena? I remember from the age of twelve seeing and hearing of Northernsoul at Longcroft School in Beverley, indeed we would see kids trying to spin perched on empty crisp packets up and down the corridors and Motown and Soul fists would adorn exercise books. The very first bus trip for me was to The Blind Institute in Hull just off Beverley Road where there was stories of "Bigger Boys" doing this strange and amazing dances learned at Wigan Casino, cam any one remember the Black lad "Brother Louie" who would dance like a devil at this youth club in Hull? We then had "Wallies" under 16's disco with its hour of Northernsoul that attracted the older boy's n girls and it was here we would hear of stories of coach trips setting off from the New York pub at the top of Anlaby Road. It is here that I first became aware of Martin Byrd and crew who where the bigger boys I wanted so much to be like and this is how I see the path towards Northernsoul, well my path any way. Now I know the path, I still can't work out how some geographical places, especially those close to the epe centre, dodged this disease or had a full scale epidemic to the point that it has entered our DNA. I remember watching the film The Commitments and hearing one proclaim "Do you not get it, lads? The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud" Is the answer to our Northernsoul infection based on a Northern working class ideal? If so how come Liverpool missed this plague and we also have the likes of Chester who dodged the angel of death as if marked with lamb's blood on the pass over? Could it be as simple as how accessible the records where? I remember Sidney Scarborough's records underneath the town hall in Hull always stocking Northernsoul records and it was as common place as reggae and heavy metal. Was this phenomena spread just because some individual had the courage to organize a coach trip? The geographical footprint does not make easy sense, or does it? Was there also a flavor of music favored more or less at different locations? I think that in Hull the Newies and smoothie stompers where big?
  18. Ripping from Refosoul Just started a new thread in feed back as it may be of more interest in there Mike?
  19. Murder beat I couldn't agree more, I find my self going straight to youtube and google to hear and surf for new music. I find distant memories and new tunes all the time and the spiders web linking is great to channel you towards different and unknowns. I also find it a sinch to rip the audio tracks from youtube clips. I think I can attribute youtube for expanding my mind on the Modern side and on the Latin side, great source for all and once you get past the stereo type Wigan Casino clips you are left with some excellent sounds and clips.
  20. The geography of Northernsoul Where is the most and where is the least? I live smack bang between Sheffield and Barnsley, not too far from Rotherham and not too far from Doncaster and you would be very hard pushed to find some one who doesn't know what Northernsoul is and there is a heavy concentration of Northernsoul events from nighters in Barnsley and Sheffield to soul Nights that seam to be on in every other pub. I heard Northernsoul being played in B&Q the other week in Barnsley! Is this the same right up and down the M62 corridor? Are there place where you could mention Northernsoul and get a blank stare? I'm not talking about finding some youth in a base ball cap who is too young to remember it, I am asking if there are places where our musical phenomena has never taken root? Where is the richest concentration? Where is the soulless desert? And why?
  21. Webby I just knew you were heading into the weeds with that list mate lol We should have a pin badge? It would be great to id each other when out and about? Any thing but an SS badge me thinks

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