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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. Ady I do hope that it wasn't one of those little cinemas in Soho that you are banned from?
  2. Fascinating thread and a real inside to the sexy world of DJing, I think Little Stevie's quote "This thread will never stop the fighting i guess but could help avert world war 3" was mega! Wish I'd said that!! Do many Allnighter DJ's get poached? What makes a DJ stay at a venue or with a certain promoter? Is their any loyalty? Is it for the music or are they kinda like footballers who's can be bought and sold or transferred? Why does a promoter want certain DJ's? Is it just about what they have in their box or are we to believe there is political wrangling?
  3. Don't worry about not getting the concept. I very rarely do and I started this thread lol Consider it forgotten like a sardine or a seagull following the trawler.
  4. Carms apparently 80% of all statistics are made up on the spot but it is a 100% fact that !00% of those people interested in statistics have 0% interest in allnighters 85% of the time. "Regular " nighter people have always been very few
  5. Mace I am not convinced that most got into "the scene' due to their eagerness to begin a voyage of discovery for black American music, rare soul. I am convinced that the meat and potatoes of the scene back in the day where people on a journey of cool and anti fashion that became fashion. What convinces me is the born again's who are now the "Wigan Casino Reenactment Society" who are far too quick to profess their love of Northernsoul yet entrench themselves in the time warp of nostalgic ignorance. Most have nothing more than pilfered memories, copy and pasted experiences and CD cover knowledge. Unfortunately they now represent the high numbers but they do not represent me nor do they represent you or those who celebrate the joy of expanding their musical experience. I personally believe that those who insist on looking backwards should be burnt at the stake for they are truly evil and bring great shame on our great house.
  6. I think that when ever a term or a phrase starts to be used as a derogatory reference it usually has a root of origin from those who either do not understand or those who feel left out of a perceived inner circle when they desperately desire to be within that circle. I kinda suspect that what we have is a number of chaps returning back to a scene that has moved on leaving many behind scratching their heads and possible feeling quite left out and even a bit dated when some cling to a couple of years at Wigan Casino or the like.
  7. I am an Allnighter punter, not sure if there is such a thing as an average punter? Nevertheless I will write what I, and my fellow traveling companions consider when choosing an Allnighter. Before I start I think it best to explain what our little group consists of because we all have different tastes and slightly different takes on what constitutes a good night. Our collective selection on where we are going to go usually happens like this.......... 1. We keep in touch via texts and phone calls and we pretty much decide on if WE are all available such as "Are you going out next weekend?", if the answer is no then the exercise halts here. 2. If we are all agreed that there is sufficient numbers (Usually one or two cars) then we look to see what's on. 3. We are all smack bang in the middle of South Yorkshire and we are all willing to travel any distance as long as the Allnighter is of a decent quality. It isn't nice but true that the further south and the further north that we go the quality line dips, this is a reality so we don't find our selves going any further than Rugby in the south and the odd 100 Club. 4. We select the do soulie on word of mouth, nothing more nothing less. It matters not what is on the flyer less a list of trusted and respected DJ's. 5. What sort of music do we want? Well we know that we have Allnighters that are like restaurants serving different food, we all enjoy the many flavors on offer and we all worship in our broad church. 6. There is a social side that is fun and we meet up with many friends and make new ones all the time. 7. Facilities; Dance floors can vary in size and quality, sound systems can fail, venues can look brand new and some can look tired, bar prices can very and so can entrance fees, we all know and understand that there is no such thing as the perfect do but we insist on a few basic things less we feel we are having the piss taken. 8. DJ's n Music: None of us are remotely interested in "The Formula" and we all love dancing to records but we get very tired of unimaginative and lazy DJ's who become faceless and predictable yet we don't want to hear a selection of tunes selected by people who have no connection or understanding towards those who are on the dance floor or tapping their feat. We want passionate people who dare to bomb and have the courage to introduce the odd new flavor. At the same time we want a DJ to be able to admit when he has got it wrong and change tack, this does not mean reaching for The Snake! Like I said, this is only The South Yorkshire Soul Searchers and I am not sure if any of us are "normal" so our views may not help?
  8. Godzilla , not me mate. I think you have got me mixed up with some one else. I have always loved 70T's stuff.
  9. coffee - casanova -
  10. Coffee - Casanova One of my all time fave dancers but there are oodles of this track, who was the original and how many uptempo versions are there?
  11. Prayer said. get well soon :thumbsup:
  12. Top tip for Soul Sourcers............. Think of a track and have a play, the quality is mega!!!!! I think is like every thing new on the Tinternet, you have to read the screen and be a little patient because once you get it the mist clears and you get a better web experience. Don't be shy, show us yer pie! :D :no:
  13. Ooooh Me like!!!!!
  14. No scratch that, its me! Just tried ronnie dyson - lady in red and it works perfectly!!!!!!!
  15. chosen few - footsee - Still scratching my head? This is what I did Thought of an easy track to find so I thought jackie wilson reet petite would be an easy one? 1. typed in reet petite in the white box to the left 2. hit enter 3. every thing but reet petite drops down? I will try another track? I'll try dancing in the street Nothing? Trying another Do I love you Hit enter and it took me to this page /more/ Trying again I type Footsie I now get a drop down menu and at number 8 is Footsie I click on it I get the page with the info needed to paste the clip in Mike this is the clunkiest think on your magnificent forum mate. I know I'm thicker than a whale omelet but this is far from easy to use.
  16. No joy for me mate, tried and failed. This is what I did. 1. looked top right 2. Clicked on "Reply with Refosoul Clip" 3. Selected soul-clips 4. Clicked on continue 5. Typed in reet petite into clip name 6. Hit enter 7. Got red message you did not submit any files with your download record. 8. Logged onto google to check my spelling 9. Google says yes 10. Scratching head?
  17. Gate way sounds Introductions to different levels The Northernsoul meat and potatoes are the 6T's rare soul tracks that we worship and love but we all know that Northernsoul is a very broad church and many of us have drifted towards the enjoyment of different flavors such as 7T's, Modern, RnB, and the like. What where your "Gateway Tunes"? I Wanna Give You Tomorrow - Benny Troy was possibly my "Gateway Tune" from being an avid dyed in the wool 6T's fan to the 7T's Newies tunes that I am passionate about to this day. That soaring intro and the haunting guitar rift embedded itself firmly into my DNA and I fell madly deeply in glorious love with this master piece. What was your "Gateway Tunes"? from one type of music to another? Can you remember where you heard the tune and who played it? I think mine was at Rotherham, cant remember who spun it? It could have been Bri? Or Pat Brady??
  18. Allnighter Enticer A thread for the none attendees There are more people who don't do allnighters than do and they all have their reasons be it money, tiredness, age, health, lost the urge etc. Lets say that you fall into the category of allnighter none attendee, what would it take to entice you to go? Would it be a band? Djs, a reunion or some thing else?
  19. I would say no. The production line attitude saw many super records shelved, dumped, deleted and generally ignored due to the tremendous profits and volume of records and it was here where we find the copyists and the Aladdin's caves of finds of the unwanted soul records and these ended up being championed in the north of England and ended up being called "Northernsoul".
  20. Is this a Boot of Webby's thread? :lol: :P
  21. I think you were in the Monty Python's Cheese shop lol
  22. Is it the Youtube clips that are the problem Mike? Honest question mate coz I know you love Disco, Ive seen you dance
  23. Was this played at Wigan?
  24. THE RING Savage Lover starts like "Magic fly" by Space! It then gets all Sara Brightman and I'm sure I can hear 24hrs a Day as well? Patrick Juvet's "I Love America" is a well classy track and one I have always loved. Not for the Northernsoul dance floor but that's my opinion, I'd still love to have a time machine to go back to the seconds of the first ever plays of what we all know as the sounds of Northernsoul. Good post murder Beat but do not slate Mr Hernandez

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