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Everything posted by Djfriendly

  1. dead stock but with a few light scuffs
  2. So it seems I have this on a 12" Columbia Test Pressing. Posted a video up on my Facebook page today. https://www.facebook.com/nicktherecord
  3. For soundclips & pics & to order go to www.djfriendly.co.uknick@djfriendly.co.uk Gospel Soul/Funk lp’s Ben Moore - Purified US PRIORITY LP - £8 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed Inc. a sweet version of I'LL KEEP A LIGHT IN MY WINDOW Bobby Jones And New Life - Come Together US MYRRH LP - £25 VG+ Light cover wear Inc. a sweet version of I AM SOMEBODY Bobby Jones And New Life - Soul Set Free US MYRRH LP - £25 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed More great soulful stuff from Bobby & some powerful female vocalists Inc. CLOSE TO YOU / NO ONE CAN MATCH YOUR LOVE / CELEBRATION Brenda Holloway - Brand New US BIRTHRIGHT LP - £20 Some cover wear 1980 & this famed Motown singer goes back to her Gospel roots but doesn't forget she has soul Inc. a great version YOU MAKE ME FEEL BRAND NEW (duet with IVORY HUDSON) - more gospel but with soulful class THE DAY WILL COME / HALLELUJAH / GIVING LOVE Eddie Robinson - Reflections Of The Man Inside US MYRRH LP - £20 Gospel LP with some really soulful tracks YOU ARE NEVER LEFT ALONE sounds like a MIKE KIRKLAND tune Edward Duncan III - What We Must Do US ALPHA OMEGA LP - £10 EX Signed on front cover Inc. WHAT WE MUST DO Evangelist John F. Morris - Keep Looking Up US PAKEJO'S LP - £90 Killer unknown Gospel soul on HE'S ALIVE Fernando Allen Singers and Players Ensemble - Joy US TR LP - £15 Pretty straight up big group Gospel sound. Recorded well in 1980 best for me is HOLY FATHER & the sweet Instrumental tune MATTHEW MARK LUKE & JOHN George Walls And The Inspiring Gospeltones - A Bright Tomorrow US WALLMARK LP - £20 Nr. Mint 1982 Gospel lp out of North Carolina Inc. LIFE'S A FLOWING RIVER / LILY IN THE VALLEY Gloria Spencer - Gloria's Views Of Glory US JAY WALKING LP - £55 Nr. Mint / cut corner top right Gloria Spencer - Gloria's Views Of Glory US JAY WALKING LP - £25 G+ pretty mashed but plays decent on I GOT IT Some basic sleeve wear Gwen Carter - If I Can Help Somebody US TCS LP - £60 VG / ring wear - lots of light marks - plays with some crackle here & there but not overpowering This is a rare & obscure lp out of Philly from 1977 with 2 great Soul tunes GOD IS SO GOOD TO ME / IF I CAN HELP SOMEBODY as well as 2 Disco Funk tunes YOU CAN'T MAKE HIM DOUBT ME / WADE IN THE WATER Infinity - Infinity US LUMINAR LP - £15 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Great Soulful Gospel from 1981 Inc. TAKE IT TO JESUS / SIGNS / Etc.. Jay Caldwell & The Gospel Ambassadors - On My Journey Now US PRAY LP - £40 Vinyl Mint / Some damp damage on cover 2 quality Funky/Soulful tunes on here WHEN THE GATES SWING OPEN & I'VE GOT SOMETHING Jessy Dixon - You Bring Out The Sun US LIGHT LP - £15 Nice mid tempo soul cut LOVE LIFTED ME & NOBODY BUT YOU has got the funk Julia Mae Price-Williams - Jesus Is Using Me US GOSPEARL LP - £15 Sealed - partly open Big group live recording from 1983 - comes together in a Joyful way on WERE YOU THERE Justine - If Heaven's A Dream(Don't Wake Me) US TCS LP - £30 VG+ in shrink! Obscure lp out of Philly from 1980 with 2 decent tunes LITTLE IS MUCH (WHEN GOD IS IN IT) & WHEN I GET HOME Keith Pringle - I Feel Like Going On US HOPE SONG LP - £15 RUNNING FOR MY LIFE is a sweet early eighties Soulful Gospel tune Keith Pringle - Perfect Peace US ONYX INTERNATIONAL LP - £25 Mint in shrink! Keith Pringle - Perfect Peace US ONYX INTERNATIONAL LP - £15 VG+ in shrink / cut corner bottom right Early eighties funky gospel soul/boogie Inc. HE THAT HATH AN EAR / SAVED TO SERVE / YOU CANNOT RUN FROM THE LORD / Etc.. Leomia Boyd - Changed US JEWEL LP - £18 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed / sleeve has basic wear & cut Best cut for me is HE KEEPS DOING GREAT THINGS Mattie Moss Clark - UNAC V 1984 - A Song Is Born US DME LP - £40 Nr. Mint in shrink Quality soulful stuff from 1984 Inc. THE REASON I LIVE THIS LIFE / GIVE HIM THE GLORY / JESUS CARES Mattie Moss Clark - UNAC 5 Houston 1986 US SPIRIT & TRUTH 2xLP - £40 Sealed no cut out Big room Gospel vibes here Inc. FREE ME / YOU CAN MAKE IT / SONG OF DAVID / THE ANNOINTING BREAKS THE YOKE. The clip comes from a scratchy copy of course Missionary Essie Moss - Take One Day At A Time US BILESSE LP - £35 Mint in shrink! Gospel Soul out of Detroit with the outstanding tune THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE which steals a guitar riff from something famous that I just can't recall... Missionary Essie Moss - Love And Care US BILESSE LP - £25 EX in shrink! Gospel from Detroit - some Aretha vibes here on IF YOU BLESS THE SINNER MAN / GOD'S JOY Passage - Passage US A&M LP - £12 Nr. Mint! Passage - Passage US A&M LP - £8 WOL/VG+ light cover wear Gospel flavoured soul lp from 1981 Produced and featuring Louis Johnson of The Brothers Johnson. I SEE THE LIGHT has been getting all the attention but there is more to enjoy. THE GREAT FLOOD is far more uplifting than it sounds with a mellow jazzy feel. POWER is uptempo & slower cuts are HAVE YOU HEARD THE WORD / YOU CAN'T BE LIVIN' / OPEN UP YOUR HEART Pentecostal Ambassadors - A New Beginning US TYSCOT LP - £25 Nr. Mint in shrink Sophisticated Soulful Gospel male vocal trio recorded properly in studio with a full backing band. Inc. WE SHALL SEE OUR SAVIOR (IN PEACE) / WORK ON ME JESUS Rance Allen Group - Say My Friend US CAPITOL LP - £30 Nr. Mint cut out top right Great gospel soul LP produced by the Mizell brothers REASON TO SURVIVE/PEACE OF MIND Sam Nix - Heaven On Your Mind US LGC LP - £25 Sealed great Soul meets Gospel lp out of Dallas Texas Inc. SMILE / I'M BLESSED / FIVE SMOOTH STONES & a slow soulful tune ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD Sister Lucille Pope & The Pearly Gates - Moving On US GOSPEL AIR LP - £25 Nr. Mint in shrink Small label release out of Atlanta Georgia. MOVING ON is the funkiest tune plus a couple of slow cuts Sister Sadie & The Famous Biblettes - Time US BIBLETTES LP - £15 Nr. Mint in shrink Just the 1 Funky tune on this obscure looking release SPARROW Stephens Singers Of Jersey City - Oh When I Come US P&J LP - £40 EX in shrink! It's all soulful but there is one outstanding funky soul tune SERVE THE LORD The Artistic Sounds - Message To A Nation SAVOY LP - £25 Sealed - seal is a bit dirty / cut out The Artistic Sounds - Message To A Nation US SAVOY LP - £13 Nr. Mint vinyl - sleeve has water damage bottom left Great soulful gospel lp with lead vocal from AL MASON. Inc. WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE / LITTLE CHILDREN / KEEP ON TOILING / GIVE IT UP The Clark Sisters - Is My Living In Vain US NEW BIRTH LP - £30 Strict VG / light sleeve wear Killer Gospel/soul as featured on my Ebonycuts mix & also edited / booted The East St. Louis Gospelettes - Movin' On Up US NASHBRO LP - £15 large seam split / cover damage Inc. 2 great funky tunes YOU CAN CARRY ME OVER & IF I HAD MY WAY The Gospel Miracles - The Lord Has Been Good To Me US T-JAYE LP - £75 Sealed with some signs of ageing killer funky Gospel lp out of Nashville on the same label as SUGARBEAR JOHNSON recorded at AL GREEN studios with production from WILLIE MITCHELL - several good cuts BUILDING UP MYSELF / ORDINARY THING / I'M THANKFUL / I'VE GOT MY TICKET / LORD HELP ME HOLD OUT / YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE The Karavans - Two Wings / Now US CO-TOWN LP - £75 Nr. Mint in shrink Inc. one great Funky & Soulful tune THE LORD WILL MAKE A WAY The Latinos - It Must Be Love US WORD LP - £35 Sealed Great soul Gospel set from 1981 Inc. BORN AGAIN / THE BEST IS YET TO COME / HOW LONG / THE BEST IS YET TO COME The Loving Sisters - The Sisters And Their Sons US ABC PEACOCK LP - £30 VG++ Some cover damage / aging Inc. the monster gospel vocal funk cut COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Sleeve pretty battered hence bargain price The New Generation - Same God US LARK LP - £40 VG- cover wear Strong Funky & Soulful Gospel on SAVIOUR DON'T PASS ME BY & THE POOR AND THE NEEDY The Pilgrim Jubilees - Crying Won't Help US ABC PEACOCK LP - £22 VG+ in shrink Really solid Funky Gospel Soul lp with several good tunes. Title tune has a Funk/Drum break intro. Also ARE YOU READY / CALL HIM UP / PUT ON YOUR SHOES / A JOB TO DO The Spencer Jackson Family - The Hand Of God US ABC LP - £40 Nr. Mint Inc. the monster funky tune WALK UP MOSES The Violinaires - Groovin' With Jesus US CHECKER LP - £60 Nr. Mint in shrink with some dirt underneath & a hint of damp damage Classic funky gospel lp out of Chicago Inc. the tough funk of GROOVING WITH JESUS + some non gospel tunes WE GOTTA LIVE TOGETHER / NO BACK DOOR / LET THE SUN SHINE IN The Violinaires featuring Robert Blair - Talk To Jesus US MALACO LP - £8 VG+ 1984 Soulful outing Inc. JESUS I LOVE CALLING YOUR NAME & DON'T TAKE YOUR LOVE AWAY The Williams Family - I Gave My Life To Jesus US MALACO LP - £10 Nr. Mint in shrink Sweet & Funky Gospel sounds on LORD YOU CAN DEPEND ON ME / JESUS IS EVERYTHING TO ME / HOW DO YOU SPELL RELIEF The Winans - Live At Carnegie Hall US QWEST 2xLP - £22 Nr. Mint in shrink This group was large on the Gospel Soul scene & you can feel the love in the room on this live recording. RESTORATION is the best cut for me Tramaine Hawkins - Tramaine US LIGHT LP - £5 Strict VG / light sleeve wear Inc. 2 very fast Gospel-Soul-Disco tunes CALL ME & I'LL BE WITH HIM - a couple of slower tunes are better LOOK AT ME & the second half of HOLY ONE Truth & Devotion - Heaven At Last US TYSCOT LP - £40 Sealed with cut out One of the best Gospel Soul lp's here Inc. I MUST SEE MY LORD Clip here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rs_nTt6VrY World Wonders Of Birmingham ALA - The Cost Of Living Is Very High US SAVOY LP With Official sleeve Sticker - £30 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed / cut corner 3 good funky cuts THE COST OF LIVING (IS VERY HIGH) / AIN'T IT GOOD TO BE HERE / PRAYER CHANGES THINGS plus the soulful cut THIS LIGHT OF MINE SOUL & FUNK LPs Ava Cherry - Ripe US RSO LP Promo - £8 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed / with very light sleeve wear Great soulful dsco sound from 1980 with cuts produced by BOBBY ELI & CURTIS MAYFIELD - has 2 lovely soulful disco tunes I JUST CAN'T SHAKE THE FEELING & I'M ALWAYS READY + a quality uptempo disco tune YOU NEVER LOVED ME as well as the mid tempo sleeze disco style tune GIMMIE YOUR LOVIN' Brick - Brick US BANG LP - £12 Lovely Nr. Mint copy! cut out Brick - Brick US BANG LP Promo - £10 EX Corner cut out - top right Brick - Brick US BANG LP - £8 WOL / taped seams / cut corner top right Inc. the classic LIVING FOR THE MIND - as sampled in house and hip hop + FUN which has been used by Akinyele + India Aire Brick - Waiting On You US BANG LP - £15 Sealed no cut out Classic 1980 Soul - Funk sound Inc. GET STARTED / PUSH PUSH / SPREAD LOVE / Etc.. Cloud One - Atmosphere Strut US P&P LP - £18 VG+ vinyl - sleeve is badly seam split / light ring wear Coke Escovedo - Comin' At Ya! US MERCURY LP - £40 NM in shrink! Classic rare groove with break RUNAWAY/I WOULDN'T CHANGE A THING Coke Escovedo - Coke US MERCURY LP - £20 Lovely Nr. Mint clean copy vinyl & sleeve Coke Escovedo - Coke US MERCURY LP - £16 VG++ in shrink! Inc. MAKE IT SWEET with lead vocal from LINDA TILLERY Donny Hathaway - Extension Of A Man US ATCO LP Gatefold - £12 strict VG / saw cut & some basic sleeve wear Donny Hathaway - Extension Of A Man US ATCO LP Gatefold - £25 Nice Nr. Mint copy! Classic soul LP + VALDEZ IN THE COUNTRY Donny Hathaway - Live US ATCO LP Gatefold - £22 Nr. Mint with some basic sleeve wear Donny Hathaway - Live US ATCO LP Gatefold - £15 Strict VG / saw cut / basic sleeve wear Classic live set with the Incredible version of THE GHETTO + WHAT'S GOING ON / WE'RE STILL FRIENDS / Etc.. Donny Hathaway - Everything Is Everything US ATCO LP - £22 Strong EX in shrink! Donny Hathaway - Everything Is Everything US ATCO LP - £10 Strict VG / STOC / some wear along the top of sleeve Classic soul LP includes THE GHETTO / SUGAR LEE / VOICES INSIDE / JE VOUS AIME / Etc.. Donny Hathaway - Donny Hathaway US ATCO LP - £18 VG++ / light sleeve wear Donny Hathaway - Donny Hathaway US ATCO LP - £22 EX in shrink! Donny Hathaway - Donny Hathaway US ATCO LP - £15 VG+ small writing on cover / basic sleeve wear Great heartfelt soul with a big sound in places courtesy of the string section & female backing vocals. I BELIEVE IN MUSIC / HE AIN'T HEAVY HE'S MY BROTHER / TAKE A LOVE SONG / A SONG FOR YOU / PUT YOUR HAND IN THE HAND not forgetting the huge & much sampled drum break intro on MAGNIFICENT SANCTUARY BAND Edwin Birdsong - Dance Of Survival US BAM-BOO LP Gatefold - £70 nice clean copy Killer spacey keyboard funky solo LP from ROY AYERS sideman Inc. NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON / ASTRAL WALK / Etc...this his Indie released 1975 lp with amazing silver foil like cover art Edwin Birdsong - Funtaztik US SALSOUL LP - £10 Nr. Mint / SAW CUT Edwin Birdsong - Funtaztik US SALSOUL LP - £12 Sealed with saw cut Great 1981 funky boogie sound from ROY AYERS right hand man & bad ass squidgy keyboards player EDWIN - Inc. WIN TONIGHT / RAPPER DAPPER SNAPPER / GOOD LOVIN' BRINGS AN ENCORE / TWO FACED LOVER / Etc... Edwin Birdsong - Edwin Birdsong US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £25 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed Edwin Birdsong - Edwin Birdsong US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £20 EX Promo WOC Great leftfield funky disco with crazy keys COLA BOTTLE BABY (as sampled by DAFT PUNK) / PHISS-PHISS / KUNTA DANCE / GOLDMINE / Etc.. vinyl Nr. Mint - has a weird mark on track 1 side 2 which clicks a few times on the intro of LOLLIPOP Edwin Birdsong - Super Natural US POLYDOR LP - £18 ROY AYERS'S right hand man goes it alone with his first solo lp from 1973 with a funky and rock edged feel Inc. TURN AROUND HATE (COMMUNICATE) / DOWN ON THE BEAT / RISING SUN & IF I EVER as sampled in hip hop Edwin Birdsong - What It Is US POLYDOR LP - £12 VG+ some basic cover damage / corner cut out Edwin Birdsong - What It Is US POLYDOR LP Promo - £15 vg+ ROY AYERS collaborator goes solo but covers a couple of tunes made famous by ROY - PRETTY BROWN SKIN / IT'S HARD TO MOVE WHEN IT'S YOUR MOVE as well as several other funky tunes SPIRIT OF DO DO / WHEN A NEWBORN BABY IS BORN / UNCLE TOM GAME as well as an unlikely version of the club rocker MONGOOSE Gene Redding - Blood Brother US CAPITOL LP - £12 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Soul lp from 1974. Probably better when he gets a little funky. He certainly tells a good story on BLOOD BROTHERS & I CAN'T GET ARRESTED Gloria Scott - What Am I Gonna Do US CASABLANCA LP Promo with sleeve Sticker - £90 Nr. Mint w/ few very light marks / light sleeve wear Classic BARRY WHITE production! Inc. (A CASE OF) TOO MUCH LOVEMAKIN'!! Henry Mancini - Symphonic Soul US RCA LP - £17 EX Lovely LP from Mr. Mancini Inc. BUTTERFLY/SLOW HOT WIND which has been sampled & used on tv programs & adverts to evoke a feeling of fancy living and luxury + the nice percussion breaked AFRICAN SYMPHONY Ike & Tina Turner - The Hunter US BLUE THUMB LP Promo - £15 VG+ STOC Cut out / cover damage front & some wear Ike & Tina Turner - The Hunter US BLUE THUMB LP - £20 Nr. Mint Inc. BOLD SOUL SISTER as used on LAKIM SHABAZZ "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE" & MAIN SOURCE - "JUST HANGIN' OUT" Ike & Tina Turner - The Soul Of Ike & Tina Turner US SUE LP - £30 VG small seam split & sticker on back cover Joe Bataan And His Mestizo Band - Mestizo US SALSOUL LP - £12 Nr. Mint in shrink! Joe Bataan - Mestizo US SALSOUL LP - £10 EX - promo stamp on back cover Latin soul dude goes disco & funky in 1980 courtesy of Salsoul Records. SADIE (SHE SMOKES) with Jocelyn Brown on vocals + MESTIZO / RAP-O-CLAP-O / LATIN LOVER Joe Bataan - Joe Bataan II US SALSOUL LP - £10 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed Joe Bataan - Joe Bataan II US SALSOUL LP - £12 Sealed with saw cut Joe Bataan - Joe Bataan II US SALSOUL LP - £8 EX Saw cut / like edge/cover wear Latin soul dude goes disco & funky in 1981 LING CHING TONG is based on the groove from Dee Dee Sharp - Easy Money. Also Inc. HE DON'T REALLY LOVE YOU / YOU MY LOVE / MESTIZO II Keith Killgo - Keith Killgo US BWI LP - £32 Mint / Unplayed cut corner top right 4 cut lp from 1982 form former Blackbyrd Inc. 2 strong boogie tunes - WHEN THE LIGHTS ARE OUT (MAKE IT RIGHT) which spreads across a whole side & LOVING YOU IS GOOD which is a little more soulful! Larry T - I'm Moving On US LET LP - £175 Sealed no cut out Classic rare funk and soul set on tiny Indie label outta OAKLAND CALIFORNIA Loose Change - Loose Change US CASABLANCA LP - £12 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed in shrink! Loose Change - Loose Change US CASABLANCA LP Promo - £10 EX light sleeve wear Loose Change - Loose Change US CASABLANCA LP - £7 VG++ STOC some light sleeve wear / cut corner One of the more soulful lp's from the generally disco Casablanca label Inc. the huge mid tempo soul tune I WANNA HOLD ON TO YOU & a great 2 step RISING COST OF LOVE as well as the big disco number STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART as played by MAURICE FULTON Maxx Traxx - Maxx Traxx US PULSE LP - £150 EX with Promo stamp on sleeve Classic Boogie - Funk lp from 1982 out of Chicago! Inc. DON'T TOUCH IT / LET'S HAVE A PARTY / TO BE WITH YOU / Etc.. McNeal & Niles - Thrust US TINKERTOO LP - £500 Amazing raw Funk / Soul lp out of Ohio Meli'sa Morgan - Do Me Baby US CAPITOL LP - £6 Nr. Mint / Looks unplayed Classic mid eighties soul Inc. FOOL'S PARADISE / HEART BREAKING DECISION Moses - The Coming Of Moses US PURE SILK LP - £30 Mint / unplayed in shrink! cut out hole top right Moses - The Coming Of Moses US PURE SILK LP - £35 Sealed no cut out Funky and soulful set from 1978! Inc. LOVE TO LIVE / STRIVIN' FOR TOMORROW / Etc... Night Force - Hold The Night FRANCE CARRERE LP - £20 EX Great french Boogie-Soul lp from 1983 Inc. 2 versions of HOLD THE NIGHT / LOOK AROUND. Great Instrumental N.A.T.H. & mid tempo tune YOU JUST YOU Platinum Hook - Watching You US RCA LP - £30 VG+ saw cut in shrink! Platinum Hook - Watching You US RCA LP - £40 Mint / Unplayed in shrink no cuts Rarely seen lp from the early eighties Inc. I DON'T WANNA LIVE WITHOUT YOU Platinum Hook - Platinum Hook US MOTOWN LP - £5 Ring & edge wear Inc. the wonderful brazilian flavoured downtempo disco/soul tune GOTTA FIND A WOMAN Richard Evans - Dealing With Hard Times US ATLANTIC LP - £18 VG+ light sleeve wear Great funky soulful Instrumental LP with nice string arrangements! Scherrie & Susaye - Partners US MOTOWN LP - £6 Inc. the soulstepper YOU'VE BEEN GOOD TO ME Sedan - Sedan US COTILLION LP - £18 Nr. Mint in shrink with small saw cut Sedan - Sedan US COTILLION LP - £13 VG+ Sticker removal mark / light cover & ring wear Mid eighties Funk-Soul sound! Best Funk cuts are STICK TO YOUR DREAM & KRAZ-Y 'BOUTCHA. But some of the slow cuts are probably stronger like YOU AIN'T GOT TO DO NOTHING & JUST BE MY LOVER Soul Inc - Live At The Cellar US EMBLEM LP - £175 Tiny private press label soul release out of SOUTH CAROLINA from 1967 - white group but a great soul band with a strong Northern soul dancer sound - many good cuts WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN / GOOD TO THE LAST DROP / GYPSY WOMAN / AIN'T NO BIG THING / YOU TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS / KNOCK ON WOOD / YOU DON'T KNOW LIKE I KNOW / Etc.. The Perfect Circle - The Perfect Circle US INNER CITY LP - £70 VG++ in shrink! Great funky LP on Indie label out of OAKLAND CA Inc. FOR YOUR FUNKIFICATION / DIP STICK / THE HANDS OF TIME The Strikers - The Strikers US PRELUDE LP - £10 VG+ WOL - light sleeve wear The Strikers - The Strikers US PRELUDE LP - £15 The Strikers - The Strikers US PRELUDE LP Promo - £12 EX WOL - light sleeve wear Classic 1981 funk/boogie sound with lots of strong cuts like INCH BY INCH / STRIKE IT UP / GIVE IT WHAT YOU GOT & the killer mid tempo tune HOLD ON TO THE FEELING which is not on 12" U.S. Warren – For A Few Funky Dues More US CHYTOWNS LP - £50 VG+ small writing on cover & some creasing / stains Raw funk sound out of Chicago Inc. the 10 minute Instrumental GUERRA BAILE + PRETTY BABY / GOD GAVE ME A SONG / Etc.. William Devaughn - Be Thankful For What You Got US ROXBURY LP - £20 Nr. Mint with minimal sleeve wear William Devaughn - Be Thankful For What You Got US ROXBURY LP - £12 Strict VG / stain at top of sleeve Classic Philadelphia soul set produced by JOHN DAVIS at Sigma Sound Studios & feat. many of the main Philly session men like VINCE MONTANA / NORMAN HARRIS / EARL YOUNG / Etc.. Inc. original version of the title tune + GIVE THE LITTLE MAN A GREAT BIG HAND / BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER / SOMETHING'S BEING DONE / SING A LOVE SONG William DeVaughn - Figures Can't Calculate The Love I Have For You US TEC / STERLING ARTISTS LP Promo - £12 Nr. Mint! William DeVaughn - Figures Can't Calculate The Love I Have For You US TEC / STERLING ARTISTS LP - £8 VG+ small writing on back cover Great set from 1980 with the "New" version of BE THANKFUL mixed by DAVID TODD as well as a great version of I NEVER FOUND A GIRL / HOLD ON TO LOVE / LOVE COMES SO EASY / Etc.. For soundclips & pics & to order go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk
  4. For soundclips & pics & to order go to www.djfriendly.co.uknick@djfriendly.co.uk Crossover Singles Albert Jones - You and Your Love / Hustle Disco CANADA CANDY APPLE 7 inch - £25 Alex Brown - What Would You Do Without Someone To Love / I'm In Love US TANGERINE 7 inch - £10 Strong EX - label mark Annette Poindexter - You'll Get It Right Back US BRENA 7 inch - £10 vg Bad Boys - You're Not Alone Anymore / What Took You So Long US BELL 7 inch Promo - £20 VG+ Barbara Acklin - I Did It / I'm Living With A Memory US BRUNSWICK 7 inch Promo - £8 unplayed but has a little dirt - in correct sleeve! Betty Everett - I Got To Tell Somebody / Why Are You Leaving Me? US FANTASY 7 inch - £6 VG+ Betty Everett - Better Tomorrow Than Today / I Can't Say No To You US UNI 7 inch - £8 Nr. Mint Betty Lavette - Heart Of Gold / You'll Wake Up Wiser US ATCO 7 inch Promo - £18 VG++ 2 strong sides Billy Keene - Losers Win Sometimes / Somebody Please US RONN 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £12 VG++ has a pressing lump in the vinyl but it can't be heard Nice crossover soul sound Brenda & The Tabulations - Walk On In US EPIC 7 inch - £6 EX Brothers Of Love - Check My Live / You Changed Me US BLUE ROCK / MERCURY 7 inch Company Sleeve - £30 Strict VG - plays great! sticker removal mark on label Bull & The Matadors - If You Decide / Love Come Down US TODDLIN' TOWN 7 inch - £15 VG / WOL Great double sider in nice clean EX condition Carl Carlton - Wild Child / Sure Miss Loving You US BACKBEAT 7 inch - £10 Nr. Mint Carla Thomas - Unchanging Love / When Tomorrow Comes US STAX 7 inch - £5 vg Center Stage - Hey Lady / Someday Someway US DISPO 7 inch - £20 VG visually but plays great Chi-Lites - What Do I Wish For / Give It Away US BRUNSWICK 7 inch Company Sleeve - £8 Nr. Mint WOL Chris Bernard - Good Hearted Woman / Mother US REVUE 7 inch Company Sleeve - £10 Strong EX Nice crossover soul sound plus a funky flip Dan Greer - Curiosity Killed The Cat / I Remember Mama US ODE 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £12 EX Dee Dee Warwick - Cold Night In Georgia / Searching US ATCO 7 inch Promo - £8 Nr. Mint Unplayed copy! Denise LaSalle - Hung Up Strung Out / Heartbreaker Of The Year US WESTBOUND 7 inch Promo - £8 EX Unplayed copy! Don Trotter And The Eighth Wonder - Loveland / The Apartment US JOSIE 7 inch Promo - £8 Strict VG Freddie Hughes - I Gotta Keep My Bluff In / Natural Man US WAND 7 inch - £8 Strict VG Happiness - Gotta Have Love US AFFIE 7 inch - £150 just a shade off Mint! Wonderful crossover soul sound out of California with instrumental on the flip Honey & The Bees - Help Me (Get Over My Used To Be Lover) / Please Have Mercy Baby US JOSIE 7 inch - £18 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed / small label mark Great female vocal double sider Ila Vann - My Mother Said US P.I.P 7 inch Promo - £5 VG plays with light static Stereo / Mono Leon Haywood - It's Got To Be Mellow / Cornbread And Buttermilk US DECCA 7 inch Company Sleeve - £10 Lovely EX copy with cut out hole in label Margie Joseph - Punish Me / Sweeter Tomorrow US VOLT 7 inch White Label - £10 Nr. Mint Great crossover soul sound from 1970 in Volt sleeve Prophecy - Rain In My Life / Let Me Keep On Walking US ALL PLATINUM 7 inch - £25 G+ lots of marks - plays with some crackle - check the clip great double sider with an uptempo tune & a deep soul cut T.N.J.'s - Don't Forget About Me US CHESS 7 inch - £25 vg+ light label wear T.N.J.'s - Don't Forget About Me US CHESS 7 inch - £40 Nr. Mint Stunning Philly crossover Soul-Pre Disco sound The Artistics - It's Those Little Things That Count US BRUNSWICK 7 inch Promo - £12 Nr. Mint / WOL Great Sweet & Soulful tune Stereo / Mono The Continental 4 - The Love You Gave To Me / How Can I Pretend US JAY WALKING 7 inch - £7 Nr. Mint The Continental 4 - The Way I Love You / I Don't Have You US JAY WALKING 7 inch Promo - £30 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed small warp DNAP The Continental 4 - The Love You Gave To Me / How Can I Pretend US JAY WALKING 7 inch Promo - £10 Nr. Mint The Continental 4 - The Love You Gave To Me / How Can I Pretend US JAY WALKING 7 inch - £5 VG++ WOL The Continental 4 - The Love You Gave To Me / How Can I Pretend US JAY WALKING 7 inch Promo - £5 VG/WOL This tune must have been big with the early seventies DJ's in Philly because I always find it in those kinds of collections The Crusaders - You Pay For Love / Be My Girlfriend US PHILLY GROOVE 7 inch Promo - £100 VG+ check the clip Killer Philadelphia soul crossover double sider! The Free Movement - The Harder I Try (The Bluer I Get) / Comin' Home US COLUMBIA 7 Inch - £5 VG Sweet double header The Independents - I Just Want To Be There / Can't You Understand It US WAND (Brown Label) 7 inch Promo - £7 Nr. Mint The Intruders - Baby I'm Lonely / A Love That's Real US GAMBLE 7 inch - £6 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed with cut out hole The Notations - I Can't Stop / I'm Still Here US TWINIGHT 7 inch - £15 VG+ The Notations - I Can't Stop / I'm Still Here US TWINIGHT 7 inch - £25 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed The Ovations - Touching Me / Don't Break Your Promise US SOUND OF MEMPHIS 7 inch - £3 VG / WOL Young Ladies - He's Gone To Another / I'm Tired Of Running Around US STANG 7 inch - £500 VG+ light marks plays good - pressing isn't the best! For soundclips & pics & to order go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk
  5. for pics & clips & to order go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk Soul & Funk LPs Anthony Watson - Anthony Watson US AMHERST LP - £10 Nr. Mint with very light sleeve wear Bernard Tarver / USC - You're A Very Special Part Of Me USA PARALLEL/USC LP - £40 EX / WOC American Football student shows his musical side with this home made lp. Best cuts are BIG JOHN / FANTASIZING AWAY / ONLY JUST A MATTER OF TIME Betty Davis - Betty Davis US JUST SUNSHINE LP - £15 Strict vg slv wear - saw cut Betty Davis - Betty Davis US JUST SUNSHINE LP - £25 vg++ light sleeve wear cut out - top right Super sassy female vocal funk psych from Miles' better half. Inc. ANTI LOVE SONG / IF I'M IN LUCK I MIGHT GET PICKED UP / OOH YEA / Etc.. Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different US JUST SUNSHINE LP Gatefold - £30 VG++ Small writing on label - some basic sleeve wear Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different US JUST SUNSHINE LP Gatefold - £40 Nr. Mint vinyl / sleeve has a little wear and a sticker bottom left Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different US JUST SUNSHINE LP Gatefold - £28 VG+ with some basic sleeve wear Betty Davis - Nasty Gal US ISLAND LP - £20 Strong EX with minimal sleeve wear Betty Davis - Nasty Gal US ISLAND LP - £12 Strict VG with minimal sleeve wear / sticker Charles Wright - Ninety Day Cycle People US ABC LP - £18 EX in shrink / small cut corner bottom right Charles Wright - You're So Beautiful US WARNER BROTHERS LP Gatefold - £23 EX small cut corner top left Charles Wright - You're So Beautiful US WARNER BROTHERS LP Gatefold - £25 Strong EX in shrink! Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd St Rhythm Band - Express Yourself US WARNER BROTHERS LP - £20 EX vinyl / sleeve has some basic wear / ageing Charles Wright / The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Ban - Together US WARNER BROTHERS LP - £15 VG++ small cut corner top left Davis Import - You're The One US AVI LP Promo with Picture sleeve - £25 EX with some browning on the back cover Davis Import - You're The One US AVI LP Promo - £12 VG+ WOL No Cover Described as a Mini lp - there are only 3 tunes. Less Disco & a little more Soulful than their other releases. Inc. the great mid tempo tune STAR CHILD & a little more dance floor is SHADOW FATE. Mis-labelled as Davis Brothers Davis Import - Hot-Hot-Hot US AVI LP Promo with Picture sleeve - £30 Nr. Mint Davis Import - Hot-Hot-Hot US AVI LP Promo - £18 EX no sleeve Another of those AVI 4 cut (is it an lp is it an ep?). HOW MY LOVE GOES is a nice male vocal disco tune mixed by RICK GIANTOS & SHADOW FATE is a dope funky mid tempo soulful groover & I'M GLAD YOUR MINE is also good mid tempo funky disco Herb Reed & Sweet River - Sweet River UK PVK LP - £5 Nr. Mint Seems to be UK only for this quality Soul lp from former member of The Platters. Inc. lots of sweet & soulful tunes IT'S THE FUNNY WAY / SHOWMAN / WHAT'S YOUR NAME WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER / Etc.. Hot Bush - Hot Bush US APA LP Promo - £15 VG+ light sleeve wear / small cut out Hot Bush - Hot Bush US APA LP Promo - £25 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed with small cut out Soul funk lp with the best cut being a two step style tune TELL ME THAT YOU WILL Joe Tex - From The Roots Came The Rapper US ATLANTIC LP - £10 Nr. Mint / Looks unplayed / saw cut / small WOC More slow & Soul cuts on this 1972 lp. Still funky on I CAN DO IT BETTER / CHAINED IN THE MIND / SOMETHINGS IN LIFE ARE WORTH DYING FOR Joe Tex - Live And Lively US ATLANTIC LP With Official sleeve Sticker - £22 Nr. Mint vinyl - DJ stamp on back cover Great funky R&B set with tight drums & funky backing GET OUT MY LIFE WOMAN / PAPA WAS TOO / SKINNY LEGS AND ALL / YOU'RE GONNA THANK ME WOMAN / WOODEN SPOON / Etc.. Tough to find clean like this Joe Tex - The New Boss US ATLANTIC (Mono Dial Series) LP - £25 EX in shrink 1965 R&B session with a couple of tunes with that Funky Soul sound he would develop further in the next few years STOP LOOK AND LISTEN / YOU'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES / C.C. RIDER Joe Tex - Rub Down US EPIC LP - £7 Nr. Mint in shrink! Joe is up to his usual old Funky tricks on this 1978 lp Inc. GET BACK LEROY / GET IT (AND GET ON HOME) / I KNOW HOW YOU LIKE YOUR LOVING / DON'T CRY OVER SPILLED MILK / YOU MIGHT BE DIGGING THE GARDEN Joe Tex - Bumps & Bruises US EPIC LP - £10 EX with some light ring wear 1976 lp & Joe brings a touch of Disco & humour to the Funk on AIN'T GONNA BUMP NO MORE & JUMP BAD. Slow funky tunes HUNGRY FOR YOUR LOVE / I ALMOST GOT TO HEAVEN ONCE. Then there is the controversial BE COOL (WILLIE BE DANCING WITH A SISSY) - dare you to play that out in these modern times. Much sampled vocal intro. All these tunes have been sampled in Hip Hop Joe Tex - I Gotcha US DIAL LP - £12 Sealed no cut out Joe Tex - I Gotcha US DIAL LP - £8 EX in shrink Classic Raw Funk / R&B sound with plenty of Breaks YOU SAID A BAD WORD / I GOTCHA / GIVE THE BABY ANYTHING THE BABY WANTS / BABY LET ME STEAL YOU / LOVE ME RIGHT GIRL / Etc... Kwick - To The Point US EMI LP - £22 Nr. Mint in partial shrink - minor sleeve wear / no cuts Kwick - To The Point US EMI LP - £25 Sealed with cut out Great Soul/Boogie set which encapsulates the sound of 1981! Many good tunes NIGHTLIFE / YOU'RE THE STAR OF MY SHOW / SPLIT DECISION / YOU'RE THE KIND OF GIRL I LIKE / NO WINNERS NO LOSERS / Etc.. Kwick - Foreplay US EMI LP - £18 Nr. Mint / light sleeve wear / Promo stamp Their 1983 lp with drum machine Funk & Boogie tunes I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU (WATCHING ME) / WILL YOU / I'LL GET YOU RIGHT / STUCK UP Kwick - Kwick US EMI LP - £8 Nr. Mint in shrink / cut out Kwick - Kwick US EMI LP - £6 VG+ Cut out Kwick - Kwick US EMI LP - £10 Sealed with cut out Quality Soul & Boogie set from 1980! For me the best cuts are the mid tempo bits like CAN'T HELP MYSELF / HERE I GO AGAIN (ANOTHER WEEKEND) / TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT and these are a bit more uptempo WE OUGHT TO BE DANCING / I WANT TO DANCE WITH YOU Logg - Logg US SALSOUL LP - £32 Nice EX copy in partial shrink Classic LEROY BURGESS LP - every track a winner! Madcliff - Madcliff US GUINESS LP - £80 Vinyl EX light sleeve wear / cut corner top right Another obscure and rare lp from this tiny collectable label which brought us Carlos franzetti - Inc. a version of the PLAYERS ASSOCIATION tune I LIKE IT + nice disco cut GOIN' TO A DISCO as well as the funky tune YOU CAN MAKE A CHANGE Marlena Shaw - Take A Bite US COLUMBIA LP - £7 small cover wear Inc. the disco classic TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING Marlena Shaw - The Spice Of Life US CADET LP Promo - £55 lovely strong EX copy / light sleeve wear Silver cover 1st issue of this classic LP Inc. WOMAN OF THE GHETTO /CALIFORNIA SOUL / GO AWAY LITTLE BOY / Etc... Marlena Shaw - Just A Matter Of Time US BLUE NOTE LP - £10 Mint / unplayed with small cut corner / light ring wear Marlena Shaw - Just A Matter Of Time US BLUE NOTE LP - £8 Nr. Mint / writing on cover This mid seventies lp has a few hustle type Disco tunes but the strongest cuts are the slower more soulful ones like SING TO ME / BRASS BAND but the stand out is the mid tempo Funky Soul tune THINK ABOUT ME Marlena Shaw - Out Of Different Bags US CADET LP - £30 WOC - signed by Marlena on back cover / saw cut 1967 set which is funky boss sister soul on IT SURE IS GROOVY & NOTHING BUT TEARS whilst SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT is a more sophisticated jazz sound Marlena Shaw - Who Is This Bitch Anyway? US BLUE NOTE LP - £10 Cut corner / small seam split /creased corner / visually VG but plays great Marlena gets sassy on STREET WALKIN' WOMAN also includes her awesome version of FEEL LIKE MAKIN' LOVE / LOVIN YOU WAS LIKE A PARTY / Etc.. Much sampled in Hip Hop! Marlena Shaw - From The Depths Of My Soul US BLUE NOTE LP - £12 Nr. Mint Marlena's rich voice always works best on the slow & mid tempo funkier tunes like EASY EVIL / HUM THIS SONG / SAY A GOOD WORD Maurice Long - Sanctified USA PARAMOUNT LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £25 EX with minor ringwear & a small tear on back cover Great 1973 lp with Crossover, Sweet & Northern Soul styles WAITIN' FOR YOU BABY / ONE STANDS HERE / NO MAN IS AN ISLAND / I'M MOVIN' ON / A LOVER'S QUESTION / Etc.. Nappy Brown - Thanks For Nothing US ELEPHANT LP Gatefold - £25 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed Blues with a touch of funk Nolen & Crossley - Nolen & Crossley US GORDY LP - £10 Srtong EX in shrink Nolen & Crossley - Nolen & Crossley US GORDY LP Promo in Company Sleeve - £5 Nr. Mint quality soul-boogie set LAY IT ON THE LINE / IF YOU COME BACK / DREAMIN' / LET'S GET FREAKY TONIGHT but probably best of all is the mid tempo tune MESSIN' UP A GOOD THING Nolen & Crossley - Ambience US GORDY LP Promo - £22 Mint / Unplayed / Gold Promo stamp Really strong lp with that great Feel Good Sunshine sound of 1982. Many good tunes INTO THE GROOVE / SALSA BOOGIE / CHANCE / READY OR NOT / SATISFIED plus a quality slow cut A PLACE IN MY HEART Phil Flowers And His United Family - Alpha And Omega US LONGWOOD LP Gatefold - £75 vg+ WOC - front / signed by Phil Flowers - back Heavy lp with shades of Funk Gospel & Psych which hits hard on DEVIL'S THEME / PROSTITUTION (HOOKED) / GOD'S CREATION 1 & 2 / I CAN SEE THE SUNLIGHT / FIRE FIRE / GABRIEL'S GONNA BLOW Rare Gems - Million Dollar Disco US CALIFORNIA GOLD LP - £22 Mint / unplayed small cut corner Rare Gems - Million Dollar Disco US CALIFORNIA GOLD LP - £20 Nr. Mint / sleeve has some seam wear Obviously a disco lp but the best cut is a mid tempo funky soulful number MAKE YOUR LIFE SO EASY Rare Gems Odyssey - Rare Gems Odyssey US CASABLANCA LP Promo - £12 Mint / Unplayed / Cut corner top right Rare Gems Odyssey - Rare Gems Odyssey US CASABLANCA LP - £12 EX small cut corner top left / In shrink Rare Gems Odyssey - Rare Gems Odyssey US CASABLANCA LP Promo - £8 VG++ cut corner top right Funk and soul set from 1977 WHAT IS FUNK / Etc...same group that released the Million Dollar Disco lp Sly Slick And Wicked - Sly Slick And Wicked US JU-PAR LP - £12 Nr. Mint / saw cut / light ring wear / small writing on back Sly Slick And Wicked - Sly Slick And Wicked US JU-PAR LP - £15 Mint / Unplayed vinyl / small saw cut / minor cover wear Sly Slick And Wicked - Sly Slick And Wicked US JU-PAR LP - £9 VG+ saw cut / ring & cover wear Nice solid soul set from 77 with some nice Modern & funky cuts IF THIS AIN'T REALLY LOVE / LOVE ALL OVER THE WORLD / MONEY BACK GUARENTEE / WE WON'T MISS IT / Etc.. Spiders Webb - I Don't Know What's On Your Mind US FANTASY LP Gatefold - £12 Nr. Mint with light sleeve wear 1976 raw early disco funk sound Inc. I'VE LEARNED FROM MY BURNS / SPIDER'S WEBB & I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND which has a writing credit from Billy Nichols. It used to get plays in London back in 76 & was revived by DJ Harvey in the 90's. SOFT WIND & GOOD THING are slower & Funkier Starshower Band - Starshower Band US ??? LP No cover - £50 VG+ Tiny private press lp out of a small town in Georgia. The Ethics - Sing US LOVE LP - £75 EX in shrink! Great mix of crossover & Northern Soul tunes which seem to be recorded from 7" copies so some background noise & the odd pop can be heard on a few cuts - great selection with not a bad cut on it - Inc. some of the bigger 45's FAREWELL / THERE'S STILL A SWEET TOMORROW / THAT'S THE WAY LOVE GOES / STANDING IN THE DARKNESS / Etc.. The Nite-Liters - Different Strokes US RCA LP - £20 Nr. Mint - saw cut / in shrink / some tape on back The Nite-Liters - The Nite-Liters US RCA LP - £40 Sealed no cut out The Nite-Liters - The Nite-Liters US RCA LP - £18 Strict VG - something sticky on back cover!! The Nite-Liters - Instrumental Directions US RCA LP - £10 VG+ sleeve has quite a bit of seam & ring wear The Nite-Liters - Instrumental Directions US RCA LP - £15 Nr. Mint / sleeve has minor wear on edges The Nite-Liters - Morning Noon & The Nite-Liters US RCA LP - £15 Strong EX saw cut The Nite-Liters - Morning Noon & The Nite-Liters US RCA LP With Official sleeve Sticker - £25 Sealed with saw cut The Nite-Liters - A-nal-y-sis US RCA LP - £12 VG light ring wear - quite a few light scuffs but plays great The Nite-Liters - A-nal-y-sis US RCA LP - £22 Nr. Mint with saw cut / in shrink Van Jones - Time Has Made Me New US NIGER RIVER / IMPULSE LP £350 Nr. Mint in shrink! Super rare lp out of Norfolk Virginia from local vocalist with falsetto vocal. NOT ABOUT THAT / LET'S GO THIS GO / SHAKE YOUR CHEEKS TO THE BEAT / SHE'S A FFFF / Etc... Beautiful copy Wilmer & The Dukes - Wilmer & The Dukes US APHRODISIAC LP Promo - £30 VG++ light sleeve wear Either late sixties or early seventies uptight funky 'now sound' with breaks on GET OUT MY LIFE WOMAN / SHOW ME / HEAVY TIME + the uptempo funk Instrumental GET IT for pics & clips & to order go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk
  6. Soul & Funk LPs For pics & soundclips go to www.djfriendly.co.uk Anthony White - Could It Be Magic US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL LP - £45 Nr. Mint Anthony White - Could It Be Magic US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL LP - £40 VG++ small writing on back Anthony White - Could It Be Magic US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £45 Nr. Mint vinyl - small writing on back & name written on the promo sticker Great 1975 philadalphia soul sound with several good dancers NEVER LET YOU GET AWAY / WHERE WOULD I BE WITHOUT YOU / STOP AND THINK IT OVER / YES YOU NEED LOVE plus the great mid tempo NEVER REPAY YOUR LOVE. This lp shows up rarely in good shape. One of the hardest on the label. Autumn - Arrival US COMPLEAT LP - £15 VG+ with some light cover wear vinyl Autumn - Arrival US COMPLEAT LP - £22 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed decent 1984 soul boogie sound. Probably best is the slow cuts IN TIME + COME WALK MY WAY then there are the boogie tunes SURE SOUNDS SHAKY / COMPUTER TOUCH / HOPSCOTCH Chain Reaction - Indebted To You UK GULL LP - £135 Nr. Mint vinyl / some light ring/cover wear Classic UK soul & funk set with lots of good tunes HOGTIED / WHY CAN'T WE BE LOVERS / THINK I'LL KEEP THIS SONG JUST LIKE IT IS / QUICKSAND / INDEBTED TO YOU / MISS LOVELY MISS BEAUTIFUL / Etc.. Curtis Mayfield - Back To The World US CURTOM LP Gatefold - £10 VG++ small writing on back and some seam wear Curtis Mayfield - Back To The World US CURTOM LP Gatefold - £8 VG++ Large WOC - front / back / inside / WOL Curtis Mayfield - Back To The World US CURTOM LP Gatefold - £12 VG+ Classic Curtis LP Inc. FUTURE SHOCK / KEEP ON TRIPPIN' + the much sampled RIGHT ON FOR THE DARKNESS - GANGSTARR / CYPRESS HILL / Etc... Curtis Mayfield - Sweet Exorcist US CURTOM LP Gatefold - £15 Strong EX vinyl - sleeve is better Promo copy Curtis Mayfield - Sweet Exorcist US CURTOM LP - £12 VG++ Inc. MAKE ME BELIEVE IN YOU / KUNG FU / Etc.. Curtis Mayfield - Here's Something To Believe In US RSO LP Promo - £15 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed / no cuts Great LP from 1980 TRIPPING OUT / LOVE ME LOVE ME NOW / Etc... Gold promo stamp on back cover Curtis Mayfield - Here's Something To Believe In US RSO LP - £17 Mint /unplayed in shrink! Great LP from 1980 TRIPPING OUT / LOVE ME LOVE ME NOW / Etc... Curtis Mayfield - Never Say You Can't Survive US CURTOM LP - £6 EX sleeve has a mark from removed sticker Curtis Mayfield - Never Say You Can't Survive US CURTOM LP With Official sleeve Sticker - £8 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed 1977 set full of slow & mid tempo melancholy Soul tunes ALL NIGHT LONG / SPARKLE / I'M GONNA WIN YOUR LOVE / I JUST WANT TO BE WITH YOU / Etc.. with insert lyric sheet Curtis Mayfield - There's No Place Like America Today US CURTOM/ICHIBAN LP Reissue - £10 Sealed no cut out - seal is a little tight & corner a little bent Curtis Mayfield - There's No Place Like America Today US CURTOM LP - £12 EX with some light sleeve wear 1975 set & Curtis has established his usual slow funky soulful & melancholy sound which works best on LOVE TO THE PEOPLE / HARD TIMES / BILLY JACK Curtis Mayfield - Curtis US CURTOM LP - £15 EX light cover wear Curtis Mayfield - Curtis US CURTOM LP Gatefold - £10 VG / ring wear Classic debut lp with so many good tunes IF THERE'S HELL BELOW / MOVE ON UP / WE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE DARKER THAN BLUE VG - pretty marked but plays without too much disturbance Comes with original hype sticker! Curtis Mayfield - Do It All Night US CURTOM LP - £6 Nr. Mint in shrink Curtis Mayfield - Do It All Night US CURTOM LP - £8 Sealed - no cuts but seal partly open Curtis gets into Disco territory with mixed results. The 2 that work in that vein are YOU ARE YOU ARE & PARTY PARTY and the slower Soulful cut in more familiar territory KEEPS ME LOVING YOU Curtis Mayfield - Got To Find A Way US CURTOM LP - £12 Mint / Unplayed / no cuts / with insert lyric sheet Curtis Mayfield - Got To Find A Way US CURTOM LP Promo - £10 EX with lyric sheet / Cut out Curtis Mayfield - Got To Find A Way US CURTOM LP - £8 EX saw cut writing on back cover More classic Curtis Inc. AIN'T NO LOVE LOST/LOVE ME(RIGHT IN THE SOCKET)/Etc... Curtis Mayfield - Heartbeat US CURTOM LP - £12 EX in shrink Curtis Mayfield - Heartbeat US CURTOM LP - £12 Sealed - cut corner - little bit of damp inside the open corner Curtis Mayfield - Heartbeat US CURTOM LP - £8 VG+ light sleeve wear Curtis Mayfield - Heartbeat UK CURTOM LP - £10 Mint / unplayed UK copy in US sleeve / with insert Inc. the tune YOU'RE SO GOOD TO ME which supplied the groove for M. J. Blige - Be Happy! and the mid tempo disco killer TELL ME TELL ME (HOW DO YA LIKE TO BE LOVED) Curtis Mayfield - Curtis Live US CURTOM 2xLP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £25 Unplayed copy with small sticker on the back Curtis Mayfield - Curtis Live US CURTOM 2xLP - £23 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed with seam wear bottom right Curtis Mayfield - Curtis Live US CURTOM 2xLP With Official sleeve Sticker - £32 Sealed no cuts but a little wear on bottom right & top left corners Curtis Mayfield - Curtis Live US CURTOM 2xLP - £15 VG+ Some sleeve wear Amazing live set from 1970 with so many classic cuts reflecting the conscious radical afro american man's struggle through the sixties MIGHTY MIGHTY / PEOPLE GET READY / CHECK OUT YOUR MIND / WE'RE A WINNER / IF THERE'S A HELL DOWN BELOW / Etc.. Curtis Mayfield - Roots US CURTOM LP Gatefold - £30 Mint / unplayed with full sleeve intact Curtis Mayfield - Roots US CURTOM LP Gatefold - £20 EX - light sleeve wear with full sleeve intact Curtis Mayfield - Roots US CURTOM LP Promo - £10 VG+ Classic LP Inc. GET DOWN / KEEP ON KEEPING ON / UNDERGROUND/Etc... VG+ with the calendar/gatefold part of the sleeve removed Debbie Taylor - Comin' Down On You US TODAY LP - £18 Nr. Miny in shrink Top southern funky soul sound from 1974 produced by PATRICK ADAMS - Inc. the funky TOO SAD TO TELL plus quality soul cuts SECOND TO NONE / ROMANCE WITHOUT FINANCE / NO DEPOSIT NO RETURN Dellie Hoskie / Eddy Noble & Their Natural Selves - Something Old And Something New US NOBLE LP - £25 NM in shrink Split artist lp & the music is as raw & lofi as the sleeve suggests. It's all about the Dellie Hoskie side with the raw Funk Instrumental SON OF THE CLOWN & 3 decent vocal tunes CLOWN / HOW MUCH CAN A MAN TAKE & a cover of I'LL TAKE YOU THERE Donald Austin - Crazy Legs US EASTBOUND LP With Official sleeve Sticker - £50 VG+ with light ringwear Classic breakbeat funk with loads of tracks Inc. RAINY DAY FUNK / MANASSAS BOOGIE / ETC... VG+ looks quite marked but plays with very little in the way of background noise Faith Hope & Charity - Faith Hope & Charity US MAXWELL LP - £15 lovely Nr. Mint copy Faith Hope & Charity - Faith Hope & Charity US MAXWELL LP - £10 VG+ Another great group soul set Inc. THAT LONELY FEELING / BABY DON'T TAKE YOUR LOVE / SO MUCH LOVE / WINGS OF LOVE / Etc.. Faith Hope & Charity - Heavy Love US SUSSEX LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £15 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Faith Hope & Charity - Heavy Love US SUSSEX LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £12 Nr. Mint with sleeve ringwear - punch hole Classic crossover soul sound from 1972 Inc. NO TRESSPASSING / WHO COULD LOVE YOU MORE THAN I / WHO MADE YOU GO / Etc.. Gene Van Buren - What's Your Pleasure US MOTOWN LP Promo - £30 Nr. Mint vinyl / WOC - back - small Gene Van Buren - What's Your Pleasure US MOTOWN LP Promo - £32 Nr. Mint Gene Van Buren - What's Your Pleasure US MOTOWN LP - £35 Sealed but the seal is a little tight & there is a bend on top right corner Top draw 1982 soul set with a mix of dance & slow tunes - from the lip to the flip there is not a bad cut on this Heaven & Earth - I Can't Seem To Forget You US G. E. C. LP - £30 This is the 1st HEAVEN & EARTH LP which you don't see too often. Quality soul throughout Heaven & Earth - That's Love US WMOT LP - £15 VG++ Inc. the soulful garage classic I REALLY LOVE YOU and the 2 step killer JUST IN TIME Heaven & Earth - Heaven & Earth US MERCURY LP - £18 VG++ Heaven & Earth - Heaven & Earth US MERCURY LP - £15 vg+ sticker on cover Heaven & Earth - Heaven & Earth US MERCURY LP - £23 nice copy in shrink Heaven & Earth - Heaven & Earth US MERCURY LP - £28 Sealed - cut corner Great soul lp Inc. NO LIMIT / LET'S WORK IT OUT / DISTANT MELODY Inez Foxx - At Memphis US VOLT LP - £20 Sealed with cut out Inez Foxx - At Memphis US VOLT LP Promo - £18 Mint / Unplayed Inez Foxx - At Memphis US VOLT LP Promo - £15 VG++ Keith Barrow - Physical Attraction US CBS LP - £10 EX Keith Barrow - Physical Attraction US CBS LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £8 Large WOC Inc. a lot of soft & slow cuts like the classic London two step soul tune YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO BE LOVED & there are a couple of funky disco tunes PHYSICAL ATTRACTION & JOYFUL MUSIC Latimore - More More More US GLADES LP - £8 EX in shrink with 1 small mark on the sleeve Seems to be the same lp as Let's Straighten It Out. The pressing isn't great on this lp. Latimore - Dig A Little Deeper US GLADES LP Promo - £10 Inc. the 2 step TOO HOT TO HANDLE & the quality mid tempo funky & soulful OUT TO GET 'CHA Latimore - Getting Down To Brass Tacks US GLADES LP - £10 Nr. Mint in shrink! Latimore - Getting Down To Brass Tacks US GLADES LP Promo - £10 Mint / Unplayed / Cut corner top right Strong set from 1980 Inc YES WE CAN / JOY / DO IT NOW / TAKE IT ALL BACK / Etc.. Latimore - It Ain't Where You Been… US GLADES LP - £14 VG+ light cover wear Inc. the rare groove/soul classic SWEET VIBRATIONS Mammatapee - On The One US WHITFIELD LP - £6 Nr. Mint Maxi - Maxi US BLUE NOTE LP - £20 VG STOC / cover wear / Cut corner London 2 step classic LOVER TO LOVER! VG plays with some crackle on LOVER TO LOVER - take a listen to the clip Maxi - Maxi US BLUE NOTE LP - £40 Strong EX / cut corner Inc. London 2 step classic LOVER TO LOVER! Nat McCoy - Soul US DOBRE LP - £30 Nr. Mint with light sleeve wear/sticker/cut corner Obscure Funk & Soul set out of California from 1979 Inc. HELP ME BABY / YES I CRIED / THE PUZZLE / FUNKY MULE Norman Feels - Where Or When US JUST SUNSHINE LP - £55 Strong EX in shrink! Inc. the Marvin Gaye sounding soul tune MOVIES Norman Feels - Norman Feels US JUST SUNSHINE LP - £40 Nr. Mint Small cut out / light sleeve wear Norman Feels - Norman Feels US JUST SUNSHINE LP Gatefold - £45 Mint / Unplayed Great funky soul set with large string and horn sections making a perfect backing for Normans soulful tones O'Bryan - Doin' Alright US CAPITOL LP - £10 Top Quality soul classic from 81 with so many good cuts DOIN' ALRIGHT / RIGHT FROM THE START / IT'S OVER / MOTHER NATURE'S CALLIN' & even a nice updated version of the soul staple STILL WATER Roy Lee Johnson - And The Villagers US STAX LP - £22 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed / no cuts Roy Lee Johnson - And The Villagers US STAX LP Promo - £18 EX Small WOL Southern Funk & Soul set from 1973 - the most upstanding tunes are THE DRYER (Vocal & instrumental versions) / PATCH IT UP / DON'T TELL ME NOTHING ABOUT MY WOMAN & a little more sophisticated & soulful is I CAN'T STAND THE LONELINESS Steven & Sterling - One Magic Night US RCA LP - £18 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed Steven & Sterling - One Magic Night US RCA LP - £20 Sealed Steven & Sterling - One Magic Night US RCA LP - £12 VG+ Another quality soul set from RCA from 1982 Inc. JUST ONE STEP / TOMORROW / CAN I BE WITH YOU TONIGHT / I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU as well as the great slow cut JUST WANT TO SATISFY YOU Sweat Band - Sweat Band US UNCLE SAM LP - £10 EX DJ STOL & STOC 1980 project from BOOTSY / BERNIE WORRELL / MACEO PARKER / FRED WESLEY which is well funky and spaced in a PFunk style - Inc. HYPER SPACE / FREAK TO FREAK / JAMAICA / BODY SHOP / Etc.. Tatsuro Yamashita - Spacy JAPAN RCA LP - £40 Nr. Mint with insert Inc. the wonderful Jazzy Spacy Soul tune DANCER as well as LOVE SPACE & the jazz-funky SOLID SLIDER The 24-Carat Black - Ghetto: Misfortunes Wealth US ENTERPRISE LP - £125 Nr. Mint vinyl / sleeve has a bit of wear cut corner - seam wear Tony Fox - The Beginning US BLASTER LP - £180 Nr. Mint in shrink / large cut corner / small tear on label Inc. the wonderful feel good uptempo soul tune LOVE LET LOVE AND BE LOVED - a favourite of KEB DARGE + I WANNA GET NEXT TO YOU Tony Ransom - Ransom US EXPANSION LP Promo - £8 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed with gold promo stamp Mid eighties Soul/Boogie set ONE LOVE / THINK BEFORE YOU DO / Etc.. Various / WNBC Radio 66 - Hometown Album II US WNBC RADIO 66 LP - £75 Radio produced lp showcasing local talent unreleased elsewhere LET'S GO DISCO by Mixed Company / TAKES SOME TIME by Pana And The Funhouse Wanda Walden - Searchin' For Love US ELEKTRA LP Promo - £10 Mint / Unplayed For pics & soundclips go to www.djfriendly.co.uk
  7. For pics & soundclips go to www.djfriendly.co.uk Soul & Funk 7 Inch Benny Troy - I Wanna Give You Tomorrow US DE-LITE 7 inch - £65 VG++ Benny Troy - I Wanna Give You Tomorrow US DE-LITE 7 inch - £50 VG+ STOL Modern soul anthem but was played at 7T’s discos too Benny Troy - Ecstasy Passion & Pain US DE-LITE 7 inch Promo - £4 Uptempo Disco vocal Bobby Williams - Everybody Needs Love Sometime / You Need Love Like I Do (Don't Fight) US R & R 7 inch - £5 VG STOL - fine on 'Everybody'. Other side has cue burn Buddy Turner - You're What's Missing In My Life US OCEAN 7 inch Promo - £18 VG+ / WOL Sweet Soul/Disco tune - Same both sides Calvin Leavy - Enjoy Being Hurt By You / Free From Cummins Prison Farm US ATCO 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £18 Nr. Mint Raw Southern Soul/Funk sound Carl Hall - What About You US COLUMBIA 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £125 vg+ Legendary Soul classic! Dunn & Bruce Street - Shout For Joy US DEVAKI 7 inch Promo - £5 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Dunn Pearson from 1982 Everybody - The Deep / Please Me Don't Tease Me US G.A.S. 7 inch Promo - £30 Nr. Mint Great obscure Boogie-Funk sound out of Philly! Fantastic Puzzles - Come Back US NEW MOON 7 inch Promo - £100 EX Killer soulful disco/modern sound from PATRICK ADAMS & GREG CARMICHAEL Faze-O - Riding High US SHE 7 inch - £15 Nr. Mint with small WOL Classic tune RIDING HIGH! First Class - Me And My Gemini US ALL PLATINUM 7 inch - £5 EX with a tiny tear on label Sweet mid tempo soul tune First Class - It's Never Too Late / The Beginning Of My End US EBONY SOUNDS 7 inch - £10 EX First Class - It's Never Too Late / The Beginning Of My End US EBONY SOUNDS 7 inch - £5 VG Nice seventies dancer First Class - Coming Back To You US ALL PLATINUM 7 inch Promo - £4 EX Same cut both sides First Class - Candy / Don't Listen To Your Friends US PARK-WAY 7 inch - £12 Condition is G - plays without skips but has a lot of noise Killer soul/modern/disco double header on a rare 7" out of BALTIMORE Freddie Waters - I'm Afraid To Let You Into My Life / I'm Gonna Walk Right Out Of Your US OCTOBER 7 inch - £4 G+ plays with crackle - no skips 2 sweet soulful tunes Freddie Waters - You Can Make It If You Try / It Has To Be Love US KARI 7 inch - £8 Nr. Mint 2 sweet soulful tunes from 1980 from the main man from Tennesse Freddy Henry & Betty Wright - Tell Her / Trying To Live My Life Without You US T.K. 7 inch - £5 vg+ Gaston - (Here A Funk There A Funk) Everywhere A Funk Funk US CHOCOLATE CHOLLY'S 7 inch - £22 WOL/Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! small warp DNAP George Guess - Dark Shadows / Do It To Death US PEARL HARBOR 7 inch - £5 One mid tempo & one slow cut out of Philly 1974 George Guess - It Takes Two Part 1 & 2 US PEARL HARBOR 7 inch - £5 Grace Jones - Sorry US BEAM JUNCTION 7 inch - £5 WOL J.J. Nichols - Dancin' Lady US KARI 7 inch Promo - £20 VG++ Comes over like a disco record but slowed right down to stepper pace. Male vocal with big strings & female vocal backing. Jackie Wilson - Nobody But You US BRUNSWICK 7 inch Promo - £4 Jackie Wilson & The Chi-Lites - Don't Burn No Bridges US BRUNSWICK 7 inch Promo - £4 Jeff Perry - Call On Me US EPIC 7 inch Company Sleeve - £25 VG+ Classic! Issue copy with instrumental version Jeff Perry - Love Don't Come No Stronger (Than Yours And Mine) US ARISTA 7 inch Promo - £18 Strict VG / WOL Same both sides Jones Girls - Misteri / Turn You On US CURTOM 7 inch - £5 Before they got an lp deal the Jones Girls had quite a few single releases. this one form 1975 has a real quality mid tempo tune & 1 funky number Jones Girls - You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else / We're A Melody US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL 7 inch Reissue - £10 EX WOL A side is a well known disco classic but this is in demand for the soul slowie 'We're A Melody' Jones Girls - Back In The Day US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL 7 inch Promo - £4 Nr. Mint! Feel good upbeat soul tune Jones Girls - Get As Much Love As You Can / ASAP (As Soon As Possible) US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL 7 inch Company Sleeve - £4 Nr. Mint! Classic slowie flipped with more uptempo tune Kenny Seymour - I've Got The Rest Of My Life US SHOUT 7 inch - £6 Nr. Mint Nice pre-disco male vocal soul tune Michael Henderson - Be My Girl US BUDDAH 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £4 Nr. Mint Nice tune - same both sides Michael Henderson - Won't You Be Mine US BUDDAH 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £4 Nr. Mint Nice tune - same both sides Mr Danny Pearson - Is It Really True Girl US UNLIMITED GOLD 7 inch - £3 VG+ One of the best cuts from the lp Rodney Trotter's Egypt - Space Nigga / Jackpot On A Cosmic Ship US GREEDY 7 inch - £90 Killer leftfield funk with horns piano and vocoder Self Destruct - Make A Decision US LIGHTNING (Blue Label) 7 inch - £12 VG+ Slow soul cut out of Philly 1984 Tiny Riley - If You Believe It US D.A.D. 7 inch Promo - £30 Early eighties Boogie/Soul styles Toast - It's Just An Illusion (Coming To Ya) US CHARM CITY 7 inch - £650 Mint- with a few minor scuffs / hint of a warp Big demand for this big tune right now Vaneese & Carolyn - Let Me In / I'm Losing You US POLYDOR 7 inch Company Sleeve - £20 Vaneese & Carolyn - Let Me In / I'm Losing You US POLYDOR 7 inch Company Sleeve - £12 VG+ Winfield Parker - I Wanna Be With You US P & L 7 inch - £40 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed Winfield Parker - I Wanna Be With You US P & L 7 inch - £20 VG lots of scuffs - plays with the odd crackle Classic Modern Soul sound which is still in demand! For pics & soundclips go to www.djfriendly.co.uk
  8. Fantastic Puzzles - Come Back US NEW MOON 7 inch Promo - £100 EX Killer soulful disco/modern sound from PATRICK ADAMS & GREG CARMICHAEL
  9. Donald Jenkins & The Delighters - Somebody Help Me US CORTLAND 7 inch Promo - £45 VG+ STOL Classic Northern tune. Lovely copy except for a couple of scuffs & a little label fade For a clip & pic of the actual copy for sale (& tons more Northern) go to https://djfriendly.co.uk/stocklist.php?show=NSSingles
  10. Mavis Rivers - Footsteps Of A Fool Reprise Promo Nr. Mint £75
  11. Darrell Banks Angel Baby ( Don't You Leave Me ) / Look Into The Eyes Of A Fool US ATCO 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £60 Strong EX
  12. To hear a soundclip of the copy for sale go to https://djfriendly.co.uk/stocklist.php?show=NSSingles
  13. Pat & The Blenders - Just Because / (All I Need Is Your) Good Good Lovin' 214919 | F | US FAST EDDIE 7 inch - £375 nice VG++ copy which plays clean
  14. The Bleu Lights - They Don't Know My Heart / Forever US BAY SOUND 7 inch - £100 vg+ quite marked but plays fine Storming Northern Soul out of Baltimore For a clip of the actual copy for sale go to https://djfriendly.co.uk/stocklist.php?show=NSSingles Nick
  15. Mamie Galore - Beautiful Inside / You Wore Your Lie Well US IMPERIAL 7 inch - £50 Nr. Mint! Great under the radar record BEAUTIFUL INSIDE is Funky Northern dancer which should appeal to many styles of DJ & YOU WORE YOUR LIE WELL is a lovely Crossover tune https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecyQbH-zSwg
  16. Jean Wells - If He's A Good Man / Welcome Home US QUAKER TOWN 7 inch - £65 VG++ WOL
  17. Syng McGowan - That's What I Want / Peggy Did US HOPE 7 inch - £180 Strong EX WOL - on B side slight warp DNAP
  18. To order & see pics & clips go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk Soul & Funk LPs Andre Maurice - Evening US BALE LP - £40 nice copy with some minimal sleeve wear obscure private press lp out of DC 1975. Best cut for me is the slow tune A MAN AT TEN plus a couple of funky tunes THE STRIP / COMMUNICATE Chuck Jackson - Needing You Wanting You US ALL PLATINUM LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £8 VG++ Light ring wear Chuck Jackson - Needing You Wanting You US ALL PLATINUM LP - £12 Sealed - no cut out Classic soul slowie PIECE OF THE ROCK Chuck Jackson - I Wanna Give You Some Love US EMI LP - £15 Cut out hole - top right corner Awesome soul set from 1980 I WANNA GIVE YOU SOME LOVE / NO TRICKS / WAITING IN VAIN / Etc.. Chuck Jackson - Through All Times US ABC LP - £25 EX in shrink with cut corner & cut out Killer downtempo funky soul tune with beat intro from 1973! Chuck Jackson - Encore US WAND LP - £25 WOC - back - neat 6t'S LP Cymande - Cymande UK ALASKA LP Gatefold - £30 EX with minor sleeve wear Cymande - Cymande US JANUS LP Gatefold - £25 Strong EX copy! Cymande - Cymande Classic debut LP from London's finest fuses funk/reggae/afro Inc. THE MESSAGE/DOVE & the huge Loft/Garage classic BRA! Cymande - Second Time Round US JANUS LP Gatefold - £17 vg light cover wear Cymande - Second Time Round US JANUS LP Gatefold - £30 Sealed with small cut top right - seal partly open classic LP from the uk's finest - every track a winner Inc. FUG/ANTHRACITE/BIRD/Etc. Cymande - Promised Heights US JANUS LP Gatefold - £35 EX Cymande - Promised Heights US JANUS LP Gatefold - £30 VG++ cut corner top left Lovely LP from the london's finest funk group BROTHERS ON THE SLIDE/CHANGES Cymande - Arrival US PAUL WINLEY LP - £30 VG+ due to pressing Rare come back LP from 81' on highly collectable label! - not the best pressing sadly. Highlights are YOU WON'T FEEL SO PROUD / WHAT'S THE WORD - GOOD TIMES & the breezy Caribbean tune SWEET TALK VG+ & probably so scarce due to the poor pressing with bubbles in the vinyl which can can be heard on occasion Debra Laws - Very Special US ELEKTRA LP - £10 Debra Laws - Very Special US ELEKTRA LP Promo - £10 promo stamp on cover Such a sweet voice which you will recognise from her work with a lot of mid seventies jazz artists like AQUARIAN DREAM / RONNIE LAWS & most known HUBERT LAWS - FAMILY - lots of strong tunes here HOW LONG / LONG AS WE'RE TOGETHER / ON MY OWN / YOUR LOVE / BE YOURSELF and of course the title tune was quite a hit & still popular in the US as sampled by L. O. T. N. S. Enchantment - Utopia US COLUMBIA LP - £15 One of their more sought after titles from their best early eighties period with lots of quality cuts Enchantment - Enchantment US ROADSHOW LP - £8 VG++ Quality male vocal soul group album from 1976 Enchantment - Soft Lights Sweet Music US RCA LP - £12 Sealed with saw cut Enchantment - Soft Lights Sweet Music US RCA LP - £8 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Enchantment - Soft Lights Sweet Music US RCA LP - £6 VG++ Some sleeve wear 1980 lp from this class male vocal group Inc. I BELIEVE IN YOU / I CAN'T BE THE ONE / YOU AND ME Enchantment - Enchanted Lady US COLUMBIA LP - £10 VG+ light ringwear Enchantment - Enchanted Lady US COLUMBIA LP - £18 Nr. Mint in shrink! Enchantment - Enchanted Lady US COLUMBIA LP - £15 Nr. Mint with very light ring wear vinyl Mint but sleeve has some light ringwear which this sleeve seems often to suffer from Fred Parris And The Satins - Fred Parris And The Satins US ELEKTRA LP Promo - £10 vg+ light sleeve ring wear Fred Parris And The Satins - Fred Parris And The Satins US ELEKTRA LP Promo - £15 Quality soul lp from 1982 with the big 2 step tune LET ME BE THE LAST ONE Gloria Gaynor - Gloria Gaynor US ATLANTIC LP - £8 1982 with some decent boogie tunes RUNAROUND LOVE / TEASE ME / LOVE ME REAL Gloria Gaynor - I Am Gloria Gaynor US SILVER BLUE LP - £8 Gloria Gaynor - I Am Gloria Gaynor US SILVER BLUE LP - £10 Sealed Probably her most sought after lp because of a couple of quality boogie soul cuts ONLY IN A LOVE SONG / I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU Irvin Lee - The Irvin Lee Project US CHECKPOINT LP - £20 Nr. Mint! Mid 8Ts Independent soul LP Inc. WITHOUT YOUR LOVE / BABYLOVE Lalomie Washburn - My Music Is Hot US PARACHUTE LP - £18 Lalomie Washburn - My Music Is Hot US PARACHUTE LP Promo - £15 EX cut corner top right Inc. the sassy sexy mid tempo tune MY LOVE IS HOT Malone & Barnes - Freedom Serenade US HUMPIN' INTERNATIONAL LP - £75 VG+ Nice left of centre Independent soul funk LP WARP TEN/MOONSTRUCK/JOURNEY TO THE STARS Monk Montgomery - Reality US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £18 EX Cut corner / light cover wear Title tune is killer lush funky jazz with strings keys & female vocal as used in house (Andres) & hip hop (Lootpack). BUMP DE BUMP & CLOSE YOUR FACE are also decent Instrumental funky jazz tunes Mtume - Juicy Fruit US EPIC LP - £9 Nr. Mint in shrink! Title song is such a classic!Full length version Mtume - In Search Of The Rainbow Seekers US EPIC LP - £8 vg+ STOC Mtume - In Search Of The Rainbow Seekers US EPIC LP Promo - £12 Nr. Mint! Classic lp from 1980 with many good cuts but I can't get enough of SO YOU WANNA BE A STAR Mtume - Kiss This World Goodbye US EPIC LP - £22 VG++ WOL Mtume - Kiss This World Goodbye US EPIC LP - £25 EX with a hint of light ring wear Mtume - Kiss This World Goodbye US EPIC LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £28 Nr. Mint with name written on cover Inc. the georgeus funky soulful downtempo disco groover LOVE LOCK! Mtume - Theater Of The Mind US EPIC LP With Official sleeve Sticker - £5 Sealed - could be a little warped 1986 LP! Mtume - You Me and He US EPIC LP - £8 Sealed - could be a little warped Another classic Soul set from 1984 New Horizons - Something New US COLUMBIA LP With Official sleeve Sticker - £25 Nr. Mint in shrink! New Horizons - Something New US COLUMBIA LP - £23 Nr. Mint with some minor ring wear Classic 1983 soul sound produced by ROGER TROUTMAN Odyssey 5 - First Time Around US BRC LP - £32 Nr. Mint in shrink! Not a bad cut on this top 1975 soul - funk lp - some stand outs are the VOICES OF EAST HARLEM sounding PEACE OF MIND & the funky EVERYBODY'S COMPLAINING the feel good sound of MASTER PLAN as well as a nice version of STOP I DON'T NEED NO SYMPATHY Ray Alexander Technique - Let's Talk US HARLEM SOUND LP - £175 Rare soul LP in lovely EX condition - the pressing isn't the greatest & it has a bit of a sheen on the vinyl. Inc. SAVE ME / MY SPECIAL ONE / Etc.. Sheree Brown - The Music US CAPITOL LP - £12 Nr. Mint with cut out hole SHEREE gives us her style of soulful music on her 1982 lp - lots of good quality soul tunes but LOVE ONLY KNOWS is the outstanding cut for me Sheree Brown - Straight Ahead US CAPITOL LP - £15 VG+ with cut out hole Inc. the classic IT'S A PLEASURE! Sheree Brown - Straight Ahead US CAPITOL LP - £25 Nr. Mint in shrink! Inc. the classic IT'S A PLEASURE - Mint in shrink The Exciters - Caviar & Chitlins US TODAY LP - £35 strict VG - with light sleeve wear & small writing on back The Exciters - Caviar & Chitlins US TODAY LP - £55 EX with light sleeve wear The Exciters - Caviar & Chitlins US TODAY LP - £80 Sealed - no cut out I love that turn of the decade sound. This lp from 1969 shows how the vocal groups had matured at this stage. Reminds me a little of the Honey & The Bees lp. Hard to pick stand outs because there isn't a bad tune on here but BLOWING UP MY MIND has been getting some attention in recent years - also YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING / GIVE IT ALL / FIGHT THAT FEELIN'/ MOVIN' TOO SLOW / YOU GOT ME The Exciters - Black Beauty US TODAY LP Promo - £40 VG+ seem split ring wear The Exciters - Black Beauty US TODAY LP Promo - £50 Nr. Mint with light sleeve wear - punch hole / neat tape Great early seventies sound with equal parts Soul & Funk. There is the monster funk tune SOUL SISTER ANNIE & DON'T IT MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD & on the more Soulful crossover tip is LEARNING HOW TO FLY / LIFE LOVE & PEACE / I CAN'T GIVE IN VG+ plays fine throughout except it clicks a little on 2 lesser tunes on side 2 The Softones & First Class - Together US PARK-WAY LP - £75 EX The Softones & First Class - Together US PARK-WAY LP - £80 Mint Unplayed! The Softones & First Class - Together US PARK-WAY LP - £65 VG++ Signed by artist on back cover Rare small label release Inc. the huge modern soul / disco tune CANDY + CAN YOU FEEL IT / Etc.. Tony Newton - Mysticism & Romance US NCI LP - £45 VG++ Some seam wear - repair / cut corner Not your straight up Funk or Soul lp. This Gem out of L.A. spans P-Funk styles to avante leaning jazzy vibes then there is the cosmic funk of MYSTIC PIPERS where bag pipes combine with a dope groove Vitamin E - Sharing US BUDDAH LP - £28 Nr Mint vinyl minor cover wear Vitamin E - Sharing US BUDDAH LP - £32 Sealed with small saw cut Vitamin E - Sharing US BUDDAH LP - £28 vinyl clean / sleeve clean apart from small writing on back Great soul - early disco lp Produced by NORMAN CONNERS - featuring REGGIE LUCAS / MTUME / HUBERT EAVES / HARRY WHITAKER etc.. Inc. KISS AWAY / PRETTY GIRLS / NEWSROOM / Etc.. US Disco & Boogie 12 Inch Bennie Braxton - Come To Me US PHANELSON 12 inch - £30 Sealed Bennie Braxton - Come To Me US PHANELSON 12 inch - £25 WOL vinyl Nr. Mint Early 8t's Soul Classic! Crosswind - We Can Work It Out / Fire US HARBOR CITY 12 inch - £20 Sealed Crosswind - We Can Work It Out / Fire US HARBOR CITY 12 inch - £18 Sweet early eighties Indie Soul double sider out of Baltimore Donna McGhee - You Should Have Told Me US COBAGO 12 inch - £40 Sealed Classic tune from 1981 Keni Burke - Let Somebody Love You US RCA 12 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £8 Keni Burke - Risin' To The Top US RCA 12 inch Promo - £50 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Keni Burke - Risin' To The Top US RCA 12 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £40 EX BPM WOL Keni Burke - Risin' To The Top US RCA 12 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £42 Strong EX with minor label spotting / brown spots To order & see pics & clips go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk
  19. To order & see pics & clips go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk Soul & Funk 7 Inch A.C.Reed - Boogaloo Tramp US NIKE (Yellow Label) 7 inch - £15 EX Tough funky tune! Brent Dowe - Put Your Hand In The Hand / Miracle UK SUMMIT 7 inch - £20 Nr. Mint with small label mark Killer Break! Chico Band - Chico's Getto (Part 1 & 2) US JOEY 7 inch - £60 VG quite marked and plays with minor background noise Heavy funk tune out of Texas with Part 1 being the uptempo version & on Part 2 they slow the funk down Curtis Mayfield - If There's A Hell Below / Other Side Of Town / We The People / Miss Black America US CURTOM 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £25 Nr. Mint! 4 cut Promo only 33rpm small hole EP. Curtis Mayfield - Superfly / Love To Keep You In My Mind US CURTOM 7 inch - £6 EX Eddy Jacobs Exchange - Pull My Coat US COLUMBIA 7 inch Promo - £50 VG+ a little scratchy but plays near perfect - reversed labels Classic hard funk with badasss drum beat and horns! Franco Micalizzi - Bargain With The Devil / Dimitry's Theme JAPAN TAM 7 inch Picture cover - £25 looks VG plays VG+ Great Funky Soundtrack - library sounding double header. Different/better B side than the European issue George McCrae - I Get Lifted / Can't Leave You Alone US TK 7 inch - £6 Nr. Mint! Classic! Great Expectations - Welcome To The World US PHIL-L.A OF SOUL 7 inch Promo - £15 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Great male vocal group Funk-Soul sound from 1973 Hank Carbo - Bad Luck / Funny (How Time Slips Away) US HCP 7 inch - £40 Nr. Mint! Hank Carbo - Bad Luck / Funny (How Time Slips Away) US HCP 7 inch - £18 VG / unplayed but with some pressing bubbles Classic Funk! Jamaica Band - Sticky Fingers UK ACTION 7 inch - £10 VG+ Funky stuff UK style Jean.Claude Petit - Congo Ryhtm FRANCE DD 7 inch Picture cover - £18 VG but plays great - plays VG+ stamp on label & back cover Jean.Claude Petit - Black System FRANCE DD 7 inch Picture cover - £22 VG+ Johnny Hammond - Los Conquistadores Chocolates US MILESTONE 7 inch Promo - £15 VG++ WOL same on both sides Joyce Williams - The First Thing I Do In The Morning / Smilin' US NICKEL 7 inch - £45 STOL Classic Sister funk tune Ju-Par Universal Orchestra - Funky Music / Time US JU-PAR 7 inch - £6 VG+ 2 strong cuts from the album Juju & Space Rangers - Got To Be Right On It / Plastic US BLACK FIRE 7 inch - £30 Mint Unplayed! Nice double sider from PLUNKY NKABINDE + his SPACE RANGERS Lee Fields - Everybody Gonna Give There Thing Away / East Coast Rapper US SOUND PLUS 7 inch - £10 - 2 tight funky tunes! Lee Fields - Gonna Make Love / Call Her Sugar US LONDON 7 inch Promo - £30 VG++ Hot double sider from J.B. sound-a-like! Linda Lyndell - What A Man / I Don't Know US VOLT 7 inch - £20 looks hardly played but has pressing bubbles which can be heard Great Funk & Soul double sider! N.F. Porter - Keep On Keeping On / Don't Make Me Color My Black Face Blue US LIZARD 7 inch - £35 Nr. Mint - probably unplayed Funk double sider - Original pressing - styrene! Probably unplayed New Jersey Queens & Friends - Party and Don't Worry About It US MAGNET 7 inch - £90 Nice EX copy! Rare Groove monster party rocking funk tune with great vocal & Instrumental versions New Love Ltd - One Man At A Time / Universal Funk US ARCO 7 inch - £125 VG label tear scratchy but plays Near perfect on the Funk cut on the B side Paulette Reaves - Jazz Freak / It's Hard To Dance (With A Broken Heart) US BLUE CANDLE 7 inch - £5 Nr. Mint! Cute Jazzy Soul tune Raw Soul - Go For Broke / Black Bourgeoise US PHIL-L.A OF SOUL 7 inch Promo - £50 Nr. Mint but has a chipped edge b4 the music starts so dnap Scarce mid seventies Funk double header Redd Holt Unlimited - Gimme Some Mo / Nothing From Nothing US PAULA 7 inch Company Sleeve - £8 Nr. Mint - drill hole Reuben Wilson - Got To Get Your Own UK CHESS 7 inch - £60 All-time classic rare groove tune GOT TO GET YOUR OWN - full length version only released as a single in the UK! Reuben Wilson - Cisco Kid / I'll Take You There UK PEOPLE 7 inch - £6 VG+ Funk 'n Organ cover versions Soul Searchers - Boogie Up The Nation (Part 1 & 2) US POLYDOR 7 inch - £7 Strict VG - plays great Funky tune from Chuck Brown & his boys which was not on any lp The Elders - Looking For The Answer / It's Too Late To Change US AUDIO FIDELITY 7 inch - £15 Great funky psyche Rock! The Fantastic Johnny C - Let's Do It Together US BRANDING IRON 7 inch One Sided - £100 vg++ Rare one sided issue of this Rare funk winner! The Pharaohs - Love And Happiness / Freedom Road US SCARAB 7 inch - £40 Nr. Mint! great Funk meets Jazz double header. Rarely seen clean! The Pointer Sisters - How Long (Betcha' Got A Chick On The Side) US ABC / BLUE THUMB 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £4 VG+ Classic! The United Image - The African Bump / Hit Man US BRANDING IRON 7 inch - £6 VG+ Some label wear Both sides good on this mid seventies funky cheapie! The Vibrettes - Humpty Dump (Part 1 & 2) US LUJON 7 inch - £75 Strong EX - just a few fine surface marks Legendary Sister funk tune out of LA Vernon Garrett / LTD - Don't Do What I Do / Do What US WATTS USA 7 inch - £60 Nr. Mint! Heavy funk tune with soulful vocal & Instrumental version on the flip Village Callers - Hector Part 2 US RAMPART 7 inch - £20 Nr. Mint! Latin funk party classic! Warm Excursion - Phut-Ball / I Funk-I-Tus US WATTS USA 7 inch - £50 VG+ Organ lead Funk double hitter! Wood Brass & Steel - Hey What's That You Say / A Love Of My Own US ASTROSCOPE 7 inch - £10 Strict G+ WOL - bargain price Classic cover of 'It's a New Day' To order & see pics & clips go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk
  20. For Soundclips & pics & to make an order go to my website www.djfriendly.co.uk nickdjfriendly.co.uk Soul & Funk LPs Al Hudson & The Soul Partners - Spreading Love US ABC LP - £8 vg STOC Al Hudson & The Soul Partners - Spreading Love US ABC LP - £12 EX sleeve wear Al Hudson & The Soul Partners - Especially For You JAPAN MCA LP - £12 1989 Japanese issue great lp from Al & co. from 77 inc. the killer soul TRYING TO PROVE MY LOVE TO YOU & WHEN SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH MY BABY & 2 funky disco cuts DISCO LOVER & LET'S DISCO Al Hudson & The Soul Partners - Cherish US ABC LP - £8 EX STOC Al Hudson & The Soul Partners - Cherish US ABC LP - £10 WOC - faded (hardly visible) - Vinyl Mint Another classic set from Al Inc. IF YOU GET CAUGHT / IF YOU FEEL LIKE DANCIN' / I LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU and some great slower cuts like SURVIVORS OF LOVE B.T. Express - 1980 US COLUMBIA LP - £6 EX STOC light sleeve wear B.T. Express - 1980 US COLUMBIA LP - £8 Nr. Mint in shrink! Solid funk/soul from 1980 Inc. the classic much sampled GIVE UP THE FUNK & a very 'Got To Be Real' sounding HAVE SOME FUN which is a Bambaataa break from back in the day B.T. Express - Keep It Up US COAST TO COAST LP - £10 Nr. Mint! Classic Disco & Funk sound - not really a bad track on here STAR CHILD / LET YOURSELF GO / DANCIN' DREAM / Etc.. B.T. Express - Do It 'Til Your Satisfied US SCEPTER LP Gatefold - £7 EX small WOC Classic Disco-Funk sound EXPRESS / DO IT ('TIL YOU'RE SATISFIED) / EVERYTHING GOOD TO YOU / MENTAL TELEPATHY / Etc.. B.T. Express - Non-Stop US ROADSHOW LP Gatefold - £8 Sealed Classic disco funk Inc. PEACE PIPE / WHATCHA THINK ABOUT THAT? Bobby Jones - Talkin Bout Jones US TOYA LP - £75 VG+ a little off center not effecting play Damn scarce Soul lp from great male vocalist Inc. LOVIN' HARD LIVIN' GOOD / LONELY MAN / TALKIN' 'BOUT JONES / CHECK ME OUT / WELCOME BACK Dunn & Bruce Street - Official Business US DEVAKI LP Promo - £15 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Dunn & Bruce Street - Official Business US DEVAKI LP Promo - £12 EX WOC - back / WOL / Light cover wear Killer 1982 boogie / soul set from DUNN PEARSON & BRUCE STREET Inc. I OWE IT TO ME / SHOUT FOR JOY / YEARNIN' & BURNIN' / IF YOU COME WITH ME / MT. YOU (UP ON THE HILL) / Etc.. Earl Van Dyke - The Earl Of Funk US SOUL LP Promo - £15 Unplayed copy - some cover / ring wear Inc. funky versions of CISSY STRUTT / THANK YOU FALETTINME BE MICE ELF AGIN / Etc.. John Valenti - Anything You Want US ARIOLA LP - £40 Sealed - no cut out Inc. the killer soul tune WHY DON'T WE FALL IN LOVE which has a Stevie Wonder feel L. J. Reynolds - L. J. Reynolds US CAPITOL LP - £13 EX with cut out L. J. Reynolds - L. J. Reynolds US CAPITOL LP - £18 Mint / Unplayed - no cut out L. J. Reynolds - L. J. Reynolds US CAPITOL LP - £15 Sealed with cut out hole Sealed but sleeve is a bit worn Inc. the classic early 80's soul of KEY TO THE WORLD! L.J.Reynolds - Travelin' US CAPITOL LP - £22 Mint in shrink - no cut out L.J.Reynolds - Travelin' US CAPITOL LP - £25 Sealed with cut out Inc. the 1981 soul classic TRAVELIN' Milt Matthews - Milt Matthews US H&L LP - £10 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! His 1978 lp is more of a straight up Soul session with several good tunes DO WHAT YOU REALLY FEEL / I AIN'T GOT NO LOVE / AFTER LOVE WHAT / TRUST ME / ME AND YOU AND LOVE Milt Matthews Inc. - For The People US CATALYST LP - £40 Sealed - no cut out (seal part open) Inc. great version of THE THRILL IS GONE - tuff funky male vocal soul tune - rare LP! Milt Matthews Inc. - Milt Matthews Inc. US COMMONWEALTH UNITED LP - £12 VG to VG+ in shrink! Great folky & Soulful set Inc. IT AIN'T YOUR FAULT / LITTLE GREEN APPLES / CHICK-A-POO LAND / Etc. Oliver Cheatham - Saturday Night US MCA LP - £22 Sealed - no cut out GET DOWN SATURDAY NIGHT is always a winner especially since the house mixes came out a couple of years back & there is so much more in the way of quality eighties SOMETHING ABOUT YOU / BLESS THE LADIES / MAKE UP YOUR MIND / JUST TO BE WITH YOU / Etc.. Passage - Passage US A&M LP - £15 Sealed Passage - Passage US A&M LP - £12 Nr. Mint! Gospel flavoured soul lp from 1981 Produced and featuring Louis Johnson of The Brothers Johnson. I SEE THE LIGHT has been getting all the attention but there is more to enjoy. THE GREAT FLOOD is far more uplifting than it sounds with a mellow jazzy feel. POWER is uptempo & slower cuts are HAVE YOU HEARD THE WORD / YOU CAN'T BE LIVIN' / OPEN UP YOUR HEART Positive Change - Positive Change US FORTRESS LP - £175 Sealed with name written on shrink Killer soul lp with many great tunes LOVE OF A LIFETIME / THIS IS WHERE I'LL BE('TIL YOU RETURN) Starpoint - Wanting You US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £30 Sealed - no cut out Starpoint - Wanting You US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £25 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed - cut corner Starpoint - Wanting You US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £20 EX large WOC / WOL Classic soul from 1981 Starpoint - All Night Long US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £30 Sealed - no cut out Starpoint - All Night Long US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £23 Nr. Mint! Starpoint - All Night Long US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £15 VG+ STOL / STOC / some cover wear Inc. BRING YOUR SWEET LOVIN' BACK VG+ plays near perfect on A side. A bit of noise on Side 2 Starpoint - Starpoint US CHOCOLATE CITY LP Promo - £15 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Starpoint - Starpoint US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £12 WOL/WOC vinyl Nr. Mint Nice copy of their 1980 LP Inc. YOU'RE MY SUNNY DAY / Etc. Starpoint - Keep On It US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £12 Mint in shrink! Starpoint - Keep On It US CHOCOLATE CITY LP - £10 EX WOL Starpoint - Keep On It US CHOCOLATE CITY LP Promo - £10 VG+ cut corner Another solid lp from this great funk/soul group from 1981 Starpoint - It's All Yours US ELEKTRA LP - £8 Sealed with cut out The Independant Movement - Slippin' Away US POLYDOR LP Promo - £15 EX WOC Title song is a warm female vocal disco/garage classic & there are a couple of great Disco-Soul tunes WALL TO WALL HAPPINESS / LET'S TALK IT OVER / ONE IN A MILLION The Nineteenth Whole - Smilin' US EASTBOUND LP - £80 vg++ WITH some basic cover wear The Nineteenth Whole - Smilin' US EASTBOUND LP Promo - £120 Mint / Unplayed / In shrink Classic 1972 Funk Soul set from top vibes man Billy Wooten & co. Inc. YOU CAUGHT ME SMILIN' AGAIN / SLIPPIN' INTO DARKNESS / DARK CLOUDS RISING / Etc.. The Ovations - Hooked On A Feeling US MGM LP - £70 Sealed in lovely near perfect condition The Ovations - Hooked On A Feeling US MGM LP Promo - £35 vinyl Mint sleeve sticker on back & small sleeve wear The Ovations - Hooked On A Feeling US MGM LP Promo - £25 Vinyl EX - some minor sleeve wear & small tear on back Classic male vocal trio soul sound. This 1972 lp is my favourite from them with so many sweet tunes to choose from TOUCHING ME / HOOKED ON A FEELING / ONE IN A MILLION / SO NICE TO BE LOVED BY YOU / MR. RIVER / Etc.. The Ovations - Having A Party US MGM LP Promo - £25 STOC - back - neat The Ovations - Having A Party US MGM LP - £32 Sealed top quality soul LP from 1972 out of Memphis. Inc. YOUR LOVE IS LIKE A SONG TO ME / BORN ON A BACK STREET / TOUCHING ME / DON'T LOOK BACK / Etc.. Wade Marcus - A New Era US COTILLION LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £20 Vinyl Nr. Mint - light cover wear Classic Funky set with many tunes having been sampled in Hip Hop Inc. THANK YOU FALLETIN ME BE MICE ELF AGIN / SPINNING WHEEL / LOST IN A POOL OF RED / FEELIN' ALRIGHT / Etc.. For Soundclips & pics & to make an order go to my website www.djfriendly.co.uk nickdjfriendly.co.uk
  21. to order & see Soundclips & pics go to my website www.djfriendly.co.uk nickdjfriendly.co.uk Soul & Funk 7 Inches Bataan - Woman Don't Want To Love Me / X-Rated Symphony US EPIC 7 inch - £20 VG+ STOL Nice tune - getting plays Ben E. King - Street Tough US ATLANTIC 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £15 EX Classic tune! Nice on 45 Billy Brown - Solidarity / Early Eighties (Instrumental) US KABB 7 inch - £30 Nr. Mint! Great 1981 Funk / Rap tune Black Ice - All About Love / I Just Wanna Hold You US MONTAGE 7 inch - £10 Great modern Soul / Disco tune from their toughest lp Bo Kirkland / Ruth Davis - You're Gonna Get Next To Me UK EMI 7 inch - £4 VG+ WOL classic 2 step soul Bo Kirkland / Ruth Davis - Easy Loving / Can You Feel It UK EMI 7 inch Promo with Picture sleeve - £4 EX Bobby Cole / Alonzo King - What Can I Say / She Better Show It US BEE JAY 7 inch - £25 Slightly wonky funky tune on very obscure label Change - The Glow Of Love US WARNER BROTHERS 7 inch Promo - £10 VG+ Classic! Clifton Dyson / Gwen Matthews - I'm Giving Up / So Lonely US QUANTUM SONIC 7 inch - £40 Mint Unplayed! or EX for £30 Classic Modern Soul tune! Counterpoint - Sure Bet / Shockwave US WILD BLIND & CRAZY 7 inch Picture cover - £40 Nr. Mint! Unusual & collectable 2 step soul tune from 1987 out of Baltimore with a uptempo Rap/Soul cut on the flip Cut Glass - Rising Cost Of Love US 20th CENTURY FOX 7 inch Promo - £5 EX Great female vocal mid tempo soul / disco tune from 1980 Delphonics - Don't Throw It All Away US ARISTA 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £20 EX Sweet soul tune Earl Connelly - Make Up Your Mind / The Devil In You US MAYCON 7 inch - £10 VG+ Big seventies tune - not the best pressing Edee - Make It Last US ICA (Blue Label) 7 inch - £75 Nr. Mint / WOL Huge 2 step classic! Floaters And Shu-Ga - For Your Love / Glass House US FEE DETRIOT 7 inch - £6 Mint Unplayed! Sweet tune! Fritz - Let's Play / Love How Is Love US SPURTREE I'NATIONAL SOUND 7 inch - £30 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Garfield Fleming - Don't Send Me Away US BECKET 7 inch Promo - £60 Mint Unplayed! Gwen McRae - Funky Sensation / Have A Good Time US ATLANTIC 7 inch - £10 Nr. Mint! Gwen McRae - Funky Sensation US ATLANTIC 7 inch Promo - £10 VG+ same both sides J.R. Hammond - Nothing I Wouldn't Do For You US SUGAR KANE 7 inch - £20 G+ plays through - check clip Rare & unusual tune with sweet vocals. G+ pretty scratchy so bargain price L.V. Johnson - I Don't Really Care / I Love You US ICA 7 inch - £15 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Nice double header L.V. Johnson - Let Yourself Go / It's Not My Time US ICA 7 inch - £6 Funk on the A side & slowie on the flip Larry Santos - Can't Get You Off My Mind / We Can't Hide It Anymore US CASABLANCA 7 inch - £12 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Madagascar - Baby Not Tonight US ARISTA 7 inch Company Sleeve - £6 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Strong boogie sound! Marlena Shaw - Yu-Ma/Go Away Little Boy UK CBS COLUMBIA 7 inch Company Sleeve - £4 Marlena Shaw - Yu-Ma/Go Away Little Boy US COLUMBIA 7 inch Promo - £5 classic jazz - soul vocal tune which was a radio favourite of some of the KISS FM DJ's back in the golden pirate radio era Marlena Shaw - Let's Wade In The Water / Show Time US CADET 7 inch Company Sleeve - £80 Mint Unplayed with drill hole Marlena Shaw - Go Away Little Boy / Mercy Mercy Mercy US CADET 7 inch Company Sleeve - £5 VG+ drill hole Original 6T's version of this classic tune! Melvin Britt - Magic / Call Me The Fool US MONTAGE 7 inch - £10 7" only release for this boogie tune! Michael Wycoff - Looking Up To You / Love Is So Easy US RCA 7 inch Company Sleeve - £50 Mint Unplayed! Classic tune! Phillip Mitchell - Turning Over The Ground / Ain't No Love In My Life US HI/LONDON 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £20 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Great double sider with Al Green style backing with strings & horns Quiet Storm - When You Came / I Let You Go US TAMLA 7 inch - £7 Nr. Mint! Double funky Disco sound on this Smokey Robinson production from 1981 Ramona Brooks - Skinnydippin / Rhythm Rhapsody US MANHATTAN 7 inch - £15 VG+ Such a classic soulful slowie! Rudy Dardy - Searching For Love US HARVEST 7 inch - £175 VG++ Strong soul tune out of North Carolina! Sidney Joe Qualls - Run To Me US DAKAR 7 inch Promo - £50 EX Classic Soul tune from Sid via Sam Dees T & T - Something On My Mind / Betcha By Golly Wow US COBRA 7 inch - £275 Strong EX copy! Killer Dancefloor Soul tune with a Jazzy backing! Terry Huff - Come On Around / I Wish US CIRCLE CITY 7 inch - £25 Promo STOL 2 class soul sides The Birds Of Harmony - Birds Of Harmony Theme / The Battle Hymn Of The Republic US ILN 7 inch - £30 Nr. Mint! Very interesting Funky Soulful tune produced by O'Donel Levy The Elegants - Hypnotized / Ghetto Slide US REAL MUSIC 7 inch - £20 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! A side is a strong slow cut - flip side is a basic funk tune! The Landslides - We Don't Need No Music / Music Please Music US HUFF PUFF 7 inch Promo - £12 B side is tight funk instrumental with interesting bass break from GAMBLE & HUFF The Two Tons - Never Like This US FANTASY/HONEY 7 inch Promo - £12 Killer soulful slow disco tune from 1980 - Norman Jay fave Tony Joe White - It Must Be Love US ARISTA 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £15 VG+ Tony goes Disco-Modern-Soulful on this classic! Walter Jackson - Touching In The Dark / If I Had A Chance US KELLI ARTS 7 inch - £7 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Classic Chi-town Soul! to order & see Soundclips & pics go to my website www.djfriendly.co.uk nickdjfriendly.co.uk
  22. for clips & pics go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk Northern Soul 7 inch Alvin Robinson - Something You Got / Searchin' US TIGER 7 inch - £12 Nr. Mint! Clarence Reid - Fools Are Not Born (They Are Made) US ALSTON 7 inch - £8 Unplayed demo copy Clarence Reid - Along Came A Woman / Something Special About My Baby US TAY-STER 7 inch - £5 VG Darrell Banks - Our Love / Open The Door To Your Heart US REVILOT 7 inch - £30 EX Darrell Banks - Somebody (Somewhere) Needs You US REVILOT 7 inch Promo - £25 G+ plays with clicks Darrell Banks - Angel Baby ( Don't You Leave Me ) / Look Into The Eyes Of A Fool US ATCO 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £60 Strong EX Donald Jenkins & The Delighters - Somebody Help Me US CORTLAND 7 inch Promo - £45 VG+ SOL Classic Northern tune. Lovely clean copy except for a couple of scuffs on the label Felice Taylor - It May Be Winter Outside (But In My Heart It's Spring) / Winter Again US VOLT 7 inch - £5 VG+ Jackey Beavers - Hold On / Hey Girl US SEVENTY SEVEN 7 inch - £8 VG Jackie Ross - Change Your Ways / I've Got The Skill US CHESS (Orange & Blue) 7 inch - £10 Nr. Mint! Jean Wells - If He's A Good Man / Welcome Home US QUAKER TOWN 7 inch - £65 VG++ WOL Joy-Tones - This Love / I Wanna Party Some More US COED 7 inch - £45 EX small stain on label Lori-Ann - Darling Say No / Earthquake US MELRON 7 inch White Label - £100 WOL Mamie Galore - Special Agent 34-24-38 / I Wanna Be Your Radio US ST LAWRENCE 7 inch Promo - £10 Classic funk & Northern soul sound Mamie Galore - Beautiful Inside / You Wore Your Lie Well US IMPERIAL 7 inch Promo - £50 Nr. Mint! Great under the radar record BEAUTIFUL INSIDE is Funky Northern dancer which should appeal to many styles of DJ & YOU WORE YOUR LIE WELL is a lovely Crossover tune Mary Love - Let Me Know / Move A Little Closer US MODERN 7 inch Promo - £10 EX Mary Love - You Turned My Bitter Into Sweet / I'm In Your Hands US MODERN 7 inch - £20 Condition: Good - looks mashed but plays great on Turned side & the flip just has some minor clicks Mavis Rivers - Footsteps Of A Fool / Slightly Out Of Tune US REPRISE 7 inch Promo - £75 WOL strong EX Mickey McCullers - Who You Gonna Run To / Same Old Story US V.I.P. 7 inch - £40 VG+ WOL Mighty Joe Young - Suffering Soul US WEBCOR 7 inch - £15 VG+ label mark Great funky Northern male vocal soul tune Orpheus - Lesley's World / Can't Find The Time US MGM 7 inch - £8 Nr. Mint with drill hole Sam & Bill - Beautiful Baby / For Your Love US JODA 7 inch - £10 WOL Sam & Bill - Beautiful Baby / For Your Love US JODA 7 inch - £5 VG Sam & Dave - You Don't Know What You Mean To Me US ATLANTIC 7 inch - £6 vg+ WOL Silent Majority - Colors Of My Love / Frightened Girl US HOT WAX 7 inch - £10 Nr. Mint! Silent Majority - Colors Of My Love / Frightened Girl US HOT WAX 7 inch Promo - £10 STOL - Mint / unplayed Spyder Turner - Don't Hold Back / I Can't Make It Anymore US MGM 7 inch Promo - £25 EX WOL Spyder Turner - Stand By Me / You're Good Enough For Me US MGM 7 inch - £15 Steve Mancha - Sweet Baby ( Don't Ever Be Untrue) / Just Keep On Loving Me US GROOVESVILLE 7 inch - £8 Condition: Good - lots of scuffs - plays with the odd click Syng McGowan - That's What I Want / Peggy Did US HOPE 7 inch - £180 Strong EX WOL - on B side slight warp DNAP Ever popular Northern Soul classic! The Bleu Lights - They Don't Know My Heart / Forever US BAY SOUND 7 inch - £100 vg+ quite marked but plays fine Storming Northern Soul out of Baltimore The Challengers III - Every Day / I Hear An Echo US TRI-PHI 7 inch - £30 VG++ small WOL The Charmels - Loving Material / I'll Gladly Take You Back US VOLT 7 inch Promo - £5 VG WOL The Escorts - S.O.S. (Heart In Distress) / I Love You But You Don't Know Me US SOULO 7 inch - £60 Strong EX The Incredibles - I'll Make It Easy / Crying Heart US AUDIO ARTS (Blue) 7 inch - £20 Nr. Mint! Blue label original The Mad Lads - These Simple Reasons / I Don't Want To Lose Your Love US VOLT 7 inch Promo - £15 Mint STOL The Pixies - Just A Little Tear / Cry Like A Baby US AMC 7 inch - £25 WOL/EX - just a couple of light scuffs The Precisions - If This Is Love (I'd Rather Be Lonely) / You'll Soon Be Gone US DREW 7 inch - £25 VG++ Classic sound - great double sider The Precisions - Instant Heartbreak (Just Add Tears) / Dream Girl US DREW 7 inch Promo - £20 EX The Spidels - Like A Bee / You Know I Need You US CHAVIS 7 inch - £12 ex The Spinners - Tomorrow May Never Come / I'll Always Love You US MOTOWN 7 inch - £20 The Spinners - Bad Bad Weather (Till You Come Home) US MOTOWN 7 inch Promo - £10 Nice Mint demo The Spinners - Truly Yours US MOTOWN 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £20 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! The Upfronts - Baby For Your Love / Send Me Someone To Love US LUMMTONE (Black) 7 inch - £35 Nr. Mint! 1st pressing Black label The Upfronts - Baby For Your Love / It Took Time US LUMMTONE (Blue) 7 inch - £35 Nr. Mint! Blue label release The Vells - There He Is (At My Door) / You'll Never Cherish A Love So True US MEL-O-DY 7 inch Promo - £35 Nr. Mint! Tony Middleton - Paris Blues / Out Of This World US ERIC 7 inch Promo - £15 Willie Mitchell - The Champion UK LONDON 7 inch - £10 Classic northern tune Part 1 & 2 for clips & pics go to www.djfriendly.co.uk nick@djfriendly.co.uk
  23. The New Sounds - New Sound US TURBO LP - £500 Strong EX condition. Hellarare and killer soul lp which is solid throughout Inc. the huge modern cut DON'T TAKE YOUR LOVE and the killer sweet soul tune HAVING YOU AROUND - nice condition vinyl & sleeve. Only my second ever copy. For soundclips & pics & to order visit www.djfriendly.co.uk email nick@djfriendly.co.uk
  24. For clips & pics & to order visit www.djfriendly.co.uk email nick@djfriendly.co.uk Soul & Funk LPs Al Green - Full Of Fire US HI LP - £12 Nr. Mint in shrink! Al Green - Full Of Fire US HI LP - £8 VG+ light ringwear Al Green - Love Ritual US LONDON LP - £8 EX large cut top right Al Green - Al Green Is Love US HI LP - £8 vg++ Al Green - The Belle Album US HI LP Promo - £8 EX Al Green - Explores Your Mind US HI LP - £10 VG++ light sleeve wear Al Green - Truth N' Time US HI LP Gatefold - £8 Al Green - Livin' For You US HI LP - £12 Sealed with small cut out hole Billy Butler - Right Track US OKEH LP - £35 VG looks pretty scuffed but plays surprisingly well Rarely seen 60's soul produced by Carl Davis. Inc. RIGHT TRACK / YOU'RE GONNA BE SORRY / Etc.. Billy Butler - Sugar Candy Lady US CURTOM LP - £15 VG++ Carl Carlton - Carl Carlton US 20th CENTURY LP - £8 Carl Carlton - Can't Stop A Man In Love US BACK BEAT LP - £8 EX in shrink with cut corner Carl Carlton - Can't Stop A Man In Love US BACK BEAT LP - £12 Sealed - no cut out East Coast - East Coast US ENCOUNTER LP Gatefold - £45 Nr. Mint in shrink! Esther Phillips - From A Whisper To A Scream US KUDU LP - £10 VG minor cover wear Esther Phillips - From A Whisper To A Scream UK KUDU LP - £12 VG++ Esther Phillips - Good Black Is Hard To Crack US MERCURY LP Promo - £10 Nr. Mint! small cut top right This 1981 lp has always been her most sought on the London soul scene & there are plenty of reasons why. Produced by Benny Golson & Bobby Martin there are just quality cuts throughout WE'VE GOT A GOOD THING GOING / CHANGIN' / PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER / REACHING OUT FOR LOVE WITH LOVE / CRY TO ME / WOMAN ENOUGH / CITY LIGHTS Esther Phillips - Alone Again Naturally US KUDU LP - £10 EX in shrink! Inc. USE ME Freddy Cole - The Cole Nobody Knows US FIRST SHOT LP - £150 Inc the awesome funk classic BROTHER WHERE ARE YOU Jessie Butler - Free To Be Me US BOUND SOUND LP - £70 Nr. Mint! small price tag on sleeve Early eighties modern soul produced by CLARENCE REID and Jessie has that rich Southern Soul tone to his voice. Best cuts are LET MY LOVE BRING OUT THE WOMAN IN YOU / BEST PART OF A MAN LA Connection - LA Connection US MCA LP - £15 Great 1982 Funk lp featuring members & production from CAMEO. SHAKE IT / BURN ME UP / JEALOUSY / Etc.. Lloyd Price - To The Roots And Back US GSF LP - £12 Sealed - small cut but a little wear to the cornerS Lloyd Price - To The Roots And Back US GSF LP Promo with Official sleeve Sticker - £10 Mint / Unplayed Lloyd Price - Music Music US LPG LP - £45 Sealed - partially open and has some wear along the top seam Lloyd Price - Music Music US LPG LP - £40 Nr. Mint n shrink If this 1978 lp was by an unknown artist it would sell for a whole lot more as it has that obscure private press feel & is musically strong. There are spacey tunes WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY LOVE & MUSIC MUSIC and great soulful tunes LOVE MUSIC / YOU BROUGHT IT ON YOURSELF / STREET LOVE / UPHILL PIECE OF MIND and then there is an anthemic Instrumental N'SELE at the end Marv Johnson - Marvelous Marv Johnson US UA LP Promo - £30 VG to VG+ STOC - back - neat / Some cover wear Original Mono Deep groove. Marv Johnson - Marvelous Marv Johnson US UA LP - £40 VG to VG+ STOC - back Original Mono Deep groove. Great Soul from 1960 Inc. I'M COMING HOME / YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES / COME TO ME / DON'T LEAVE ME / Etc.. VG to VG+ with some scratches but all light & it plays great. Sleeve has 'DJ' stamped on the back. Seams all intact & in great shape Marv Johnson - More Marv Johnson US UA LP - £25 G+ seam split - small neat stamp on back Original Mono Deep Groove. Sadly only G+ condition. Plays with a constant background fuzz Natural Four - Good Vibes! US ABC LP - £70 VG++ / Cover wear / WOC - back Great set from 1970 with so much soul WHY SHOULD WE STOP NOW / I THOUGHT YOU WERE MINE / THE SITUATION NEEDS NO EXPLANATION / GOING IN CIRCLES / Etc.. Nice copy with light surface marks. Sleeve has wear across the top seam & is a little worn at the top back of sleeve. Small name written on back Natural Four - Natural Four US CURTOM LP - £25 EX with some minor sleeve wear Natural Four - Heaven Right Here On Earth US CURTOM LP - £15 Mint Unplayed vinyl - sleeve has some basic wear Ripple - Ripple US GRC LP - £15 vg++ very light cover wear & sticker Ripple - Ripple US GRC (Programming Guide sleeve) LP - £20 EX Inc. the rare groove classic I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS BUT IT SURE IS FUNKY! & FUNKY SONG both have been much sampled in hip hop Smoke - Risin' US J. BRIDGE LP - £125 Nr. Mint! Smoke - Risin' US J. BRIDGE LP With Official sleeve Sticker - £120 Nr. Mint! Classic soul LP - loads of great tunes from Sweet to Modern to Northern sound The Counts - What's Up Front That Counts US WESTBOUND LP Promo - £50 Just a shade below Nr. Mint with some minor sleeve wear The Counts - What's Up Front That Counts US WESTBOUND LP - £30 VG to VG+ with some basic sleeve/edge wear The Counts - Funk Pump US AWARE LP - £20 The Counts - Funk Pump US AWARE LP Promo - £25 Sealed Inc. a great soul cut SINCE WE SAID GOODBYE The Counts - Love Sign US AWARE LP Promo - £10 VG to VG+ quite a few marks but plays great The Counts - Love Sign US AWARE LP Gatefold - £15 Sealed The New Sounds - New Sound US TURBO LP - £500 Hellarare and killer soul lp which is solid throughout Inc. the huge modern cut DON'T TAKE YOUR LOVE and the killer sweet soul tune HAVING YOU AROUND - nice condition vinyl & sleeve. Only my second ever copy. Victor Vick - Komputer Kid US JONE'S LP - £125 Webster Lewis - Let Me Be The One US EPIC LP - £12 Nr. Mint! Webster Lewis - 8 For The 80's US EPIC LP - £10 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Webster Lewis - 8 For The 80's US EPIC LP Promo - £8 EX STOC Young And Company - I Like What You're Doing To Me! US BRUNSWICK LP Promo - £12 For clips & pics & to order visit www.djfriendly.co.uk email nick@djfriendly.co.uk
  25. For clips & pics go to www.djfriendly.co.uk email nick@djfriendly.co.uk Soul & Funk 7s Al Hudson - Love Is US ATCO 7 inch Promo - £8 label is a little dirty Same cut both sides. Al Hudson & The Soul Partners - I'm About Lovin' You / Almost Ain't Good Enough US ATCO 7 inch - £60 VG+ Archie Bell - (There's Gonna Be) A Showdown / Tighten Up UK ATLANTIC 7 inch - £3 VGish WOL Archie Bell & The Drells - Dancing To Your Music / Count The Ways US GLADES 7 inch - £8 VGish Brenda Russell - Way Back When US A&M 7 inch Promo in Company Sleeve - £12 EX Bridge - Stick Your Finger US GRAYTOM 7 inch - £12 VG ish - bit of crackle here & there - mostly intro BT And TB - I Can't Quit Your Love / Queen Of The Ghetto US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL 7 inch - £8 VG - quite scuffed but plays fine Bobby Taylor & Thom Bell give us 2 cool Instrumental sides. A has a squidgy Charlie Whitehead - Love Being Your Fool / Now THat I Can Dance UK UNITED ARTISTS 7 inch Promo - £4 EX WOL Charlie Whitehead - I Was Dancing When I Feel In Love / People Tell Me I'm Losing My Baby UK CONTEMPO 7 inch - £5 EX WOL Cornell - Hot Nights / Move On The Groove US BOSSSOUND 7 inch - £30 Dennis Yost and the Classic IV - All In Your Mind / What Am I Crying For? US MGM SOUTH 7 inch - £6 Ecstasy Passion & Pain - Born To Lose / Good Things Don't Last Forever US ROULETTE 7 inch - £7 VG+ Small STOL Ecstasy Passion & Pain - There's So Much Love All Around Me US ROULETTE 7 inch Promo - £5 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Ecstasy Passion & Pain - There's So Much Love All Around Me / Passion US ROULETTE 7 inch Promo - £5 VG - plays ok Ecstasy Passion & Pain - One Beautiful Day / Try To Believe Me US ROULETTE 7 inch - £4 VG+ Ecstasy, Passion & Pain - I Wouldn't Give You Up / Don't Burn Your Bridges Behind You UK PYE 7 inch - £4 VG+ WOL Eddie Floyd - Somebody Touch Me / Paradise UK CONTEMPO 7 inch - £3 Nr. Mint WOL Eleventh Commandment - Then I Reach Satisfaction US FAST TRACK 7 inch Promo - £50 Essence - Special Lady / But You Can Close Your Eyes US GENESIS II 7 inch - £25 Fish - This Is Life US CAVCO 7 inch - £50 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Franky & Jamos / The Ultra Sonic - Set Me On Fire / Capricorn Man US SPACE 7 inch - £15 VG++ Hudson People - Trip To Your Mind UK ENSIGN 7 inch - £30 VG VG - lots of light scuffs but plays with only some very minor noise if you listen out for it James Knox - Let The Music Move Ya / Running From You Love US MASTERPIECE 7 inch - £65 EX small WOL Quality Soulful Boogie tune + a slightly off kilter slow tune. Out of South Carolina . No year stated but sounds like 1980 or 81 to me? Jay & The Techniques - I Feel Love Coming On / This World Of Mine US EVENT 7 inch - £6 VG - plays fine Jay & The Techniques - Number Onederful US EVENT 7 inch Promo - £8 vg - but plays remarkably well Jill Baby Love - My Way Or Hit The Highway / The Highway US GRAND PRIX 7 inch - £5 Joy Fleming - Are You Ready For Love US PRIVATE STOCK 7 inch - £15 VG+ Leone Thomas - Thank You Baby Pt I & II US DON 7 inch Company Sleeve - £6 VG+ small WOL Lyn Roman - Where Do You Go? / Stop I Don't Need No Sympathy US BRUNSWICK 7 inch - £6 VG but plays fine Main Ingredient - Everything Man / Reggae Disco UK POWER EXCHANGE 7 inch - £15 Nr. Mint with WOL Meadows Brothers - Get On Down / I Wanna Do It US HIP SPIN 7 inch - £40 Nr. Mint! Natural Four - Love's So Wonderful US CURTOM 7 inch Promo - £20 EX Natural Four - Try Love Again / Can This Be Real US CURTOM 7 inch - £6 VG plays OK Odyssey And Company - She's Perfect / Let Me Be US CAM 7 inch - £25 Nr. Mint - looks unplayed! Late era Soul Boogie sound from Dunn Pearson Ohna - If It Feels Good - Do It / So Many Ways To Die US ROULETTE 7 inch Promo - £18 VG+ Ron Banks and The Dramatics - I Cried All The Way Home / Me And Mrs Jones US ABC 7 inch - £3 VG plays good Sharen Clark & The Product Of Time - That's A Good Reason / It's Not Your Business US YODI 7 inch - £50 EX Simtec Simmons - Classified Crazy Man / Some Other Time US INNOVATION 2 7 inch - £10 VG+ Sir Charles Hughes - For Me There'll Be No Other / The Brotherhood Of Man US JE-ENA 7 inch - £75 VG - quite scuffed but plays fine Stuff 'N' Ramjett - It's Been A Long Long Time / Time US CHELSEA 7 inch Promo with Picture sleeve - £6 VG - plays fine The Barrino Brothers - Trapped In Love / When Love Was A Child US INVICTUS 7 inch Company Sleeve - £40 EX The Barrino Brothers - Trapped In Love / When Love Was A Child US INVICTUS 7 inch Company Sleeve - £25 VG Great mid tempo modern soul floor filler produced by GREG PERRY. Strange this cut was not on their lp. The Blade Family - Sweet Dream / My Baby's Gone US KING JAMES 7 inch - £15 Nr. Mint! The Futures - Party Time Man US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL 7 inch Promo - £15 vg The Futures - Party Time Man / You Got It (The Love That I Need) US PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL 7 inch - £20 VG - plays fine The Gibson Brothers Band - To The Bone / Love Coming At Us US TANGERINE 7 inch Promo - £20 slight warp DNAP Tommy Hunt - One Fine Morning / Sign On The Dotted Line UK SPARK 7 inch Promo - £4 EX WOL Promo indicated by Solid center. Universal Mind - Reach Out For Me / I'll Never Let You Get Away US RED COACH 7 inch - £15 Great soulful Modern Soul/Disco sound from 1975 produced by Gene Redd Universal Mind - Something Fishy Going On US RED COACH 7 inch Promo - £8 Z.Z. And Company - Gettin' Ready For The Getdown / Butt La Rose US COLUMBUS 7 inch - £125 WOL Killer mid tempo soul tune - this is the 100% original issue with 'MPR/FR-JB-51679-GRFTG' in the run out groove - not one of the represses which are doing the rounds Zulema - Wanna Be Where You Are US RCA VICTOR 7 inch Company Sleeve - £12 VG+ really great versionFor clips & pics go to www.djfriendly.co.uk email nick@djfriendly.co.uk

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