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Everything posted by Thecivilservice

  1. Diskery in Birmingham - depending on which of the two old guys serves you you either pay book price or £5 for any 45. They have thousands of 45s plus a secret room full of them on the first floor
  2. I don't bother with tracked unless its a particularly expensive record. If you sell in large volumes then the extra money you make in increased sales due to low shipping will more than offset the very few items that get lost in the post
  3. Rare UK Issue of this great and hardly known Mod / Soul tune. Very few issues about, mostly demos Excellent condition £25 inc P & P
  4. EX condition demo copy £20 inc 2nd class P&P
  5. price £1.22 maximum to send back 2nd class.
  6. This isnt something ive ever encountered but if you are sure its not a problem with set up you could solve the problem by increasing the grip on the spindle. A thin, very carefully applied application of nail varnish or similar to the inner circle of a uk (small centre) 45 would do the trick. Id try it first on something low value first though.
  7. When ive sold them before the Motown seems to go for about the same as MW3024. So maybe 10-20 on ebay
  8. Did a uk single really cost as much as 45p in the early 70s as they were only 99p on week of release in 2006 ?
  9. Maybe a few quid more to a 'the night' completist... the Night on mw3024 is a charity shop regular, I stopped buying them a few years ago because i had so many copies and you can pick up a copy at almost any record fair for a fiver but they do sometimes sell for more on ebay
  10. I don't really understand how you can expect someone to value them without valuing each record? No need to involve an 'expert' unless you want to sell to that expert as thats what they will want. Just get googling.
  11. My opinion - throwaway syrupy girl group stuff...very little to like about it
  12. Not to tar all French people with the same brush but in my experience I find that French people often tend to be the most impatient and unreasonable buyers.
  13. Yes apparently they attempted to record keep on keeping on in 1978 but couldn't get it right, they then stole the riff and used it for interzone.
  14. Soul survivors expressway to your heart is full of driving / relationship metaphors
  15. Didn't you just pay $21 for it? And it previously sold for $44 dollars last year so the value is somewhere in that region. Never seems to get many bidders.
  16. Williamsburg is only 5 minutes or so on the L train, get off at Bedford Avenue. It's hipsterville, lots of cool bars, thrift stores and record shops so if you can spare the time and it sounds like your sort of place then I'd recommend a trip over there. There are no record stores in mid manhattan in the touristy areas but you can find some in Greenwich village and maybe the lower East side / East village
  17. Last time I went (2011) I wasn't too impressed with lower manhattan's record stores, Williamsburg is a bit better in that there are lots of record shops though I don't remember seeing much soul. Williamsburg Street market stalls actually had the best bargains, got some v cheap garage rock 45s. Ive heard that the best shops and less picked over are in harlem or out in the bronx but never had chance to find them myself.
  18. Look at this on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351788556835 Finishes Thursday at 19:30 UK time Also please check my other items some may be of interest got a few records on 1 day auction as need cash for my mates stag do at the weekend!
  19. Bobby Parker Watch Your Step - London Look at this on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351751345909 Thanks Rob
  20. Speculating on whether an item is original is against eBay rules so just report these listings and eBay should close them down.
  21. £60 -£80 issue, £100+ demo
  22. Reckon that if someone takes the time to upload a track then they can pitch it up or down if they want. Think the etiquette should be to state the pitch change in the description though. Does grate a bit when it's not what you're used to like the too fast version of Turn Back To Me by The Amboy Dukes (UK) currently on YouTube.

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