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Everything posted by Andyontherock

  1. How very sad, "If I had known" has very fond memories for me back in the days of Top of the world.
  2. Cheers Julian for your help
  3. The label on my copy is more of an orangey brown as opposed to the more yellow colour of the Boot also the label on my copy is bang on central without the word Row being chopped by the center hole. The numbers in the run out are 2349-1, the edge of the disc is square not pointed. Can anyone verify this info at all as to its authenticity
  4. Managed to pick up a copy of Otis Lee - Hard row to hoe for a reasonable price from a collectors son in the states. It is mint and barely played. Initially made up by the condition, but have noticed recently that there a load of look a like boots hitting the market. Does anyone know how to spot an original, Matrix No's etc, or give away signs of the boot. Ta very much
  5. A true gent that will be very sadly missed. Loved having a chat with Tony, always went away with a smile on my face with my spirits lifted. Seems like forever ago, when you came and DJ'd with me and Gaz Keen at our first soul nite in Leicester in the early 80's. Honoured to have been your friend, man are we gonna miss you
  6. I have it on an Acetate that Guy did for me in the days of Stafford, great record.
  7. Ohhh, been a busy day, forgot to post that there is no news to confirm that Jimmy Ruffin has died according to our extensive worldwide IRN news system at the radio station, as everyone above has also confirmed. Blessings are with him and hope he manages to get well soon
  8. I will find out 100% when I get in to Island fm at 2.00 and will have a look at our IRN News system
  9. Are we sure that this is true, I can't find it anywhere else reporting that he has died Very sad if its true
  10. Have grown up with all your amazing 100 club discoveries Ady. Life would just not be the same without ever wondering what you are going to pull out of your pandoras box next. I'm convinced that you have a time portal somewhere in the 100 club that you dash back in time to Detroit to visit these soul artists laying down these super rare tracks on tape for the very first time and when no one is looking you swipe a copy. We should call you Mr Benn of 100 Oxford Street
  11. I'm glad someone else has asked the question, as I didn't want to sound stupid asking..... Looks like I have to start buying Matt Bolton a shed load of drinks next time I see him for any chance of a look in
  12. I was the third brother of five Doing whatever I had to do to survive I'm not saying what I did was alright Trying to break out of the ghetto was a day to day fight RIP Bobby a soul legend
  13. Hi there Do you still have this for sale and are you interested in offers Cheers Andy
  14. Hi there, any chance you still have this for sale
  15. Hi there, Do you still have the Trends for sale, if so will you take an offer on it. Cheers Andy
  16. 45 or no 45 the 100 club is a place I will always give my support to. Ady has kept it going through the good and the bad times and during that time has brought some fantastic tunes to the decks. It costs me over £100 to get there and back (when my flight doesn't get canceled) and its worth every penny.. I treasure my Anniversary singles as I do the night that goes with it, But if someone wants to sell their copy, its up to them, at least we can then fill the few gaps in our 100club collection for the ones we couldn't get to..
  17. Sorry, but "Shazaming"? I've not come across that one before. What's it mean? Its an App that you can get on your phone....You hold up your phone while the track is playing and it tells you what the track is with the option to buy it from i-tunes or alternatively from some dodgy file sharing site for nothing
  18. There are always going to be people that buy bootlegs, so there is always going to be a market for some unscrupulous money spinning leach to start knocking out bootlegs to make a fast buck. The thing that really pisses me off is the amount of these lookalike labels on e-bay with a very loosely worded description that could lead the unknowing bidder to pay well over the odds for what they consider to be an original issue. I have messaged many of these dealers asking about the unclear wording of the description and have been met many times with a barrage of abuse and being told to mind my own business. I only play originals when I DJ and the biggest problem I have come across lately is someone shazaming all the tracks I played and then playing them at another venue from a lap top........WTF Andy
  19. I also have on Yellow PYE advance promo copy ep with the tracks You got me hummin, Use me, Different strokes and i'm your puppet. NEP24293 I have seen another Version of Different strokes, by Sly Johnson on Twilight, but not UK Andy
  20. Thats what I want to know Tony.... It does say "Copyright controlled soulful records 2012" on the label. I have googled this and nothing at all comes up, it would be nice to think that this guy is selling legit re-isses authorised by the Label, writers and artists and then they in turn get a cut from the profits. But sadly this isn't always the case.
  21. Just seen a couple of copies of Silky Hargraves on e-bay going for over £25.00 at the moment. The guy reckons that they are legit limited re-issues. Is anyone able to shed any light on these... He has '0' feed back and seemed rather miffed that I mentioned "Bootleg" https://www.ebay.co.u...a#ht_500wt_1204
  22. I bet that is something Richard Searling would rather forget.........
  23. I have an Ambassadors Demo LP on Arctic, on this lp is Storm warning, are the Ambassadors the Volcanos or is this just another case of record companies letting more than one artist signed to them to record the same track ??? Andy
  24. The funniest one I have ever heard was when my friends Bob Lee and Matt Bates were double decking at a Brighton Beach do at Leicester Uni. Behind the decks was a great little area perfect for us DJ's that like to have a dance while DJing. Matt had just finished playing Harvey-Any way you wanna on its original very brittle styrene label, and started to have a dance to the next track that Bob was playing while still holding the said record in his hand. Matt getting rather involved in spirit of the track that Bob was playing decided to do a high kick....... He kicked the record full on, shattering it in to lots of small pieces and showering the full dancefloor with fragments, leaving him holding just a small diry-lea sized triangle in his hand........

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