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Everything posted by Andyontherock

  1. Angela Davis - My Love (Is So Strong) Wanted please
  2. WANTED Magic Night ‎- If You And I Had Never Met on Roulette If anyone would like to part company of a copy Cheers Andy
  3. Anyone got a copy of Benjamin & The Right Direction "Light Of My Life that they would like to part with. Cheers Andy All sorted now, many thanks for your messages
  4. Well done Chalky, you knowledge sometimes amazes me, just checked it out, you can still book him for a gig, even has a contact phone No, I wonder how many people have called him for a spare records he might still have.
  5. Don't know if this question has been asked before, BUT.. Here goes.... While having my usual look at labels and credits etc, I noticed on "The Jokers - Soul sound" on Sko-field the vocals are credited to Harvey !!! Harvey who, I thought. Is it the same Harvey from the Tri-phi disc "Anyway you wanta" I thought. I do know that this Harvey is Harvey Faqua who was married to Berry Gordy's sister and later worked for Motown, I looked at all I could find on his Discography but could find no listing of him ever recording on Sko-Field. So what do you think, has my imagination run wild with me or is there a possible link. Andy
  6. Christian Punky is this you ????
  7. Bought my copy in about 1985 for £35.00 from Jimmy Price. Round about 1989 I got wind that it had been pressed and sold it to Rudzi (Boogaloo Records, Leic) for £100 as I needed to buy more bricks to finish building my garage. The idea being that I could easily buy one back at a later date.....How wrong I was.. Could pay someone to build a whole garage now if I still had it. Wonder if Rudzi still has it????
  8. Can't get over people paying that sort of money for a boot, knowing that it is a boot!!! Doesn't matter how rare the bootleg is, its still a forgery and not original, I would sooner make a carver for £10 to play at home than pay over £400.00 for something that is not an original. Bizarre this Northern soul world we live in
  9. Also from what I can work out is that another boot of this sold for £450.00 in June 2015
  10. Cheers Chalky, so the P.B. is a boot and not a second official press then, as someone on Discogs is selling a P.B. copy for £480.00 and thinks it is maga rare as it has the P.B. I think they must have been sniffing glue
  11. I know that this is quite a rare record, but I also know a lot of people who say that they have owned an original. Have they all at one point owned the same record, or are there more copies about than first thought, or is it the more likely option that there is a 1970's bootleg that they have unsuspectingly owned without knowing.... I have see 2 copies that look the same one has a matrix B9001-A and the other in B9001-A P.B.
  12. Still need help in finding out this guys name to add to the trophy, any one recognise him???
  13. Updated names added 1999 - Wakey & Ady 2000 - Dave Rimmer 2001 - Roger Banks 2005 - Niamh Lynch 2006 - Andy B B 2007 - Keith Money 2008 - Some bloke from Sweden 2009 - Mick H 2010 - ? 2011 -Eddie Hubbard 2012 - Andy Newman 2013 - Andy Newman 2014 - Eddie Hubbard Or Donna Driscoll 2015 - Andy Newman We are getting there. Although we have no idea of the name of the Swede that won 2008 we do have a pic of him, so have a look and see if you can put a name to him. Still need help with 2010 the Jury is still out with 2014 Andy
  14. It's an important event
  15. Your help is needed... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  16. Your help is needed If you have ever attended the fantastic Cleethorpes 6T's Soul weekender run by Ady Croasdell, you will be well aware that the madness on Sunday night includes the DJ Dance competition, where DJ's who should know better, are rounded up to perform in a ritual of humiliation that is most commonly known as musical chairs. The winner of this event since 1999 has been awarded the Mighty Bub's Memorial trophy. This was meant to be engraved each year with the winners name and returned for the next years shenanigans. The Trophy went missing in Europe somewhere in 2008 and was only returned last Year in 2015, this means that we have quite a few names to fill the gaps. As I won it last year (and quite a few others) I feel that I should get this up to date and returned to Ady ready for the 2016 weekender 10th - 12th June Can you help with missing names please. 1999 - Wakey & Ady 2000 - Dave Rimmer 2001 - Roger Banks 2005 - Niamh Lynch 2006 - Andy B B 2007 - Keith Money 2008 - ? 2009 - ? 2010 - ? 2011 -? 2012 - ? 2013 - Andy Newman 2014 - Eddie Hubbard (I think) 2015 - Andy Newman Many thanks for your help Andy
  17. Hi there, does anyone have copies of :- 6ts 2 Melba Moore - Magic touch 6ts 12 Sharon Scott - Lock and key -----SORTED FOR THIS ONE NOW.. 6ts 16 Junior McCants - Try me -----SORTED FOR THIS ONE NOW.. Many thanks Andy
  18. Does anyone happen to have a clean copy of Clydene Jackson - Fresh lp for a reasonable price please Andy
  19. Looking for a decent copy of "Lost Soul - A Secret of Mine", please pm me with condition and quantity of beer tokens required. Cheers Andy
  20. Any one in Soul Source land happen to have a spare 100 Club Anniversary single "Melba Moore - Magic touch" that they would like to part company with in exchange for a few green queens. Can send money as a gift via Pay pal Ta very much Andy
  21. A great track, I remember playing this on my Radio show as a tribute to Otis Reading as it was him that wrote it, co owned the label Jotis and the backing band are (or were) the Bar kays who some members along with Otis Reading died in the plane crash. This is often overlooked I also think I played this at the 100Club a couple of years ago as well, a great track Andy
  22. Wanted Reasonable priced copy of JESSIE MAE~DONT FREEZE ON ME Original copy please on DRA please PM Me Cheers Andy
  23. Wanted reasonable priced 100 club anniversary single 6t14 - Peggy Gaines - When the boy that you love BW Sanfransiscan TKO'S PM me
  24. Is this still for sale ???

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