my latest 45 list on ebay - mostly soul, conditions vary, soundclips for everything
take a look
thanks again
I can't believe I'm defending him, but Zappa had a real background in doo wop / R&B - later on in his career he did it more tongue-in-cheek, but the appreciation was always there
not sure about his fans though
sometimes you need to read between the lines. I think an outright declaration from the seller that they will write $10 on the customs form is something that ebay frowns upon( the gov't as well, I'd guess )
buyers can actually get in trouble( through ebay at least) for asking for a low declaration
the record was VERY undergraded ( IMHO)
I looked at the runout deadwax & didn't find the usual ARP stamp( which is typical of non-RCA Motown pressings of that time) - my guess is the this was a very limited run
I had a GM studio ten-inch acetate of 'I Blew a Good Thing' that was found with a bunch of other vintage Detroit acetates - Nine Mile Music / Invictus / HDH sessions etc
sold the acetate to Dave Thorley a couple years ago
the Volumes and JSC are obviously real - I live in Detroit and acquired both from vintage 'collections'
that was the 'strings' version - the strings are pretty subtle, more like mellotron or something
the non-string version has a more echoey / muddy mix with the guitars pushed up
imho the string version mix is far superior
I have a non-Soulfire Big Mack late 60s/early 70's pressing
the deadwax has Delta Symbol 74505 / Delta 74505 - X
AND 24221-A / 24221 - B
the pressing plant logo looks like an ALCO pressing - but there's another logo that looks scribbled out & yet another logo that looks like a KW
seems Big Mack had the metal plates? pointing towards some sort of authorized release