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Everything posted by funkyfeet

  1. All records in Ex Condition unless stated: Topics - Man (Token) £250 (mint- clean labels) seen for sale between £300 - £600 - Semi Known 70's dancer waiting for it's day. Frederick Hymes - Time ain't gonna do me no favour (Fab Vegas)£150 (Mint- clean labels) Copies have disappeared. Carl Spencer - Big City Girl (Rivoli - slight label wear) £50 Early 60's catchy dancer, half book price. Summitt - Farewell (I'm Leaving) (Pouland - * on label) £60 old Levine spin, in JM guide for £200, needs re-activating. Machine - My Baby Loves Me (Jarrett - Mint-) £40 Super 70's dancer, big seller for us. Dorothy Morrison - I Can't Go Without You (Brown Door) £60 Classic 70's of the highest order, a must have Mecca spin. Gordon Keith - Look Ahead (Calument - Slight water label damage, label information still visable) £40 Bargain books at £100 Johnnie May Matthews - My Destination (Northern) £50 Vg+, clean labels. Early Detroit, for the you collectors. ON HOLD Hill Sisters - My Lover / Oh My Love, Sweet Love (Space) £30 2 XOL, Vinyl Vg+ Semi Known double sider. Bronzettes - (Beggin') Baby Don't Leave Me / Moments (Double Soul) £75. Current plays for this Jerry O double sider. SOLD Valentines - Gotta Get Yourself Together (Sound Stage 7 W/D) £30 XOL, Great semi known mid tempo group dancer. James Fry - Still Around (Hi Demo) £25 Vg+ Haunting midtempo 70's Memphis Willie Michell production. Glady's - Love (O-Gee) £20 In-demand midtempo dancer Albert Jones - You And Your Love (Candy Apple) £40 Classic 70's always sells for us. Spaceark - Welcome To My Door / Do What You Can Do (Color World) £50 Great re-activated 70's double sider. SOLD Original Larks - Together (Shazam) £50 Same song as Don & The Doves and Eddie Foster. Very similar to the Don & The Dove could be the same group under another name. P&P £2 Cash, Cheque or Paypal Tel: 01745 334 811 or email: funky.feet@btconnect.com or pm
  2. Spoke with Greg last night, he's busy writing up on his UK tour, I will publish as soon as he sends finished article. Some pictures already on the https://www.heybabydays.com/book.htm
  3. TEL-:01745 334811 OR E-MAIL:- funky.feet@btconnect.com rare issue of this early philly dancer, BILL HORTON - I WANNA KNOW (KAYDEN EX/swol. £100 In-demand record which turns up on W/D not the rare issue..........
  4. bump..........
  5. Cheers Andy, I'll pass on your comment to Greg.
  6. All records in Ex Condition unless stated: Topics - Man (Token) £250 (mint- clean labels) seen for sale between £300 - £600 - Semi Known 70's dancer waiting for it's day. Frederick Hymes - Time ain't gonna do me no favour (Fab Vegas)£150 (Mint- clean labels) Copies have disappeared. Carl Spencer - Big City Girl (Rivoli - slight label wear) £50 Early 60's catchy dancer, half book price. Summitt - Farewell (I'm Leaving) (Pouland - * on label) £60 old Levine spin, in JM guide for £200, needs re-activating. Machine - My Baby Loves Me (Jarrett - Mint-) £40 Super 70's dancer, big seller for us. Dorothy Morrison - I Can't Go Without You (Brown Door) £60 Classic 70's of the highest order, a must have Mecca spin. Gordon Keith - Look Ahead (Calument - Slight water label damage, label information still visable) £40 Bargain books at £100 Johnnie May Matthews - My Destination (Northern) £50 Vg+, clean labels. Early Detroit, for the you collectors. Hill Sisters - My Lover / Oh My Love, Sweet Love (Space) £30 2 XOL, Vinyl Vg+ Semi Known double sider. Bronzettes - (Beggin') Baby Don't Leave Me / Moments (Double Soul) £75. Current plays for this Jerry O double sider. Valentines - Gotta Get Yourself Together (Sound Stage 7 W/D) £30 XOL, Great semi known mid tempo group dancer. James Fry - Still Around (Hi Demo) £25 Vg+ Haunting midtempo 70's Memphis Willie Michell production. Glady's - Love (O-Gee) £20 In-demand midtempo dancer Albert Jones - You And Your Love (Candy Apple) £40 Classic 70's always sells for us. Spaceark - Welcome To My Door / Do What You Can Do (Color World) £50 Great re-activated 70's double sider. Original Larks - Together (Shazam) £50 Same song as Don & The Doves and Eddie Foster. Very similar to the Don & The Dove could be the same group under another name. P&P £2 Cash, Cheque or Paypal Tel: 01745 334 811 or email: funky.feet@btconnect.com or pm
  8. Must have been at least 2 people bidding or was this the start bid?
  9. Funky Feet stock "There's That Beat"
  10. I thought there were at least 3-4 known copies, plus other unconfirmed copies in hands of US Motown collectors.
  11. FUNKY FEET RECORDS - RHYL Tel: 01745 334 811 email - funky.feet@btconnect.com Royal Esquires - Ain't Gonna Run (PRIX) £50 Mint/Unplayed Condition Still Monster Sound and copies will eventually dry up, time to tuck a copy away for a rainy day.
  12. Just put this item in our ebay watch, as we need this to complete our set of wrist bands, which should be on sale shortly. The set will include: Mick H - Prestatyn 2003 Roger Banks - Prestatyn 2003 Soul Sams - Blackpool Hilton - 2006 Chico's - Cleethropes 2006 Ady's - 1st Cleethropes (The Rare One) Plus Many others including Ginger, Tim Brown, Andy Rix's (Shrine Blue one) Big Daddy Bicknell, Keith Money (Tartan one from Fleetwood 2001) Does anybody have a John Manship cleethropes 2006 wrist band we would also be interest in that one also.
  13. Funky Feet Records, RHYL, North Wales 01745 334 811 funky.feet@btconnect.com All Records are in Ex Condition with Clean Labels except were noted. EULA COOPER - BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSEY (NOTE) £40 JOE BUCKMAN - TILL THE END OF TIME (SIPIA) £30 KING CURTIS - FOOT PATTIN' (ATCO) £15 PARADISE - TELL HER (PHIL-LA-SOUL) £80 FOUR HOLIDAYS - I'LL WALK RIGHT OUT THE DOOR (MARKIE) £50 KENNY CARLTON - LOST & FOUND (BLUE ROCK) £175 Plays with slight background noise, most notable at the beginning - Fine for DJing with HAL MILLER & THE RAYS - AN ANGEL CRIED (TOPIX) £50 PEGGY MARCH - IF YOU LOVED ME (RCA - Demo) £25 CHARLES PERRY - HOW CAN I (MAGNUM) £35 WILLIE HUTCH - I CAN'T GET ENOUGH (MODERN) £50 Northern! in pencil see scan.
  14. No Lil Peddler is Repite Records who re-issue lots of Beach Music, but the guy supplied a lot of the information to Greg Haynes, it's all in the book, well worth the money + you get two free CD's with some great music on. Greg will be at Prestwich on the 6th to sign books and 13th at Lowton again to sign books. On Saturday 3pm-5pm Greg will be at Funky Feet Record Shop in RHYL signing books. Regards Mark + Chico Funky Feet.
  15. have a copy for sale in shop....£5.00 + £2.00 p&p.lp is in ex condition. e-mail @ funky.feet@btconnect.com or ring 01745 334811............. mark& chico (funkyfeet records)
  16. Steve if you see Colin, pass on our regards Mark & Chico @ Funkyfeet.
  17. This is were the JM bible or popsike could be a god send. I keep my records upstairs, as I live in a previous flood area. I wonder how many others in the area have suffered similar.
  18. Book is seling fast don't be disappointed? - Also look out for the signing dates.

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