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Everything posted by funkyfeet

  1. Regular from 1974-78 then now and again through to the end.
  2. Herbert Hunter - Born To Love You https://www.popsike.c...0071676173.html
  3. Ian and I've got every release on Shrine as well, just don't want to show them to anybody.
  4. This is only the 4th known copy???????????????????????? been offered over the book price for mine.
  5. £400 + for a boot is this a record?
  6. Gilly do you have any idea were it is now?
  7. How was this played out, was there an original acetate or were they cut when the tapes were discovered?
  8. Simple really JM has it priced at £100 so everyone follows suit, on popsike it has been selling for more than the original.
  9. Disagree one of the great lines, just love it.
  10. When I spoke with Kenny he didn't say anything about the It's Soul Time release so I presume he doesn't know about it. I'll double check with him to see what the score is with it.
  12. Looking for boot/ re-issue of Tempest - Someday & Big Dee Erwin - Satisfy my Needs required by one of my customers for his juke box, anybody help me out.
  13. Just letting you know if you own the PES 45 it's a boot, done by some guy in Florida, Kenny is currently going through the US Justice System with a claim against the guy. The only official release of Kenny Hamber version of this song is the 12" on MILLION DOLLAR ENTERTAINMENT. Looks like it's also been booted on IT'S SOUL TIME but with "Anything You want" on the flip side. JM has the PES as an original with a £100 price guide Original 12" seem to be on the net from $50 up.
  14. Seen it as high as £100 sold my copy for £50 about 12 months back.
  15. Make this mistake myself, no big deal, a polite message for a correction tends to work.
  16. Another Similar record was the Cherry People "And Suddenly"
  17. Time and place record, massive in it's day along with his other dancer "Ain't Gonna Lie" it's a case if you weren't there you can't understand records like these, imagine a full Kings Hall and then some pounded the floor to tunes like this.
  18. Same.
  19. Sold about 20 Elvis Presley Australian Ep's just like this recently, cheap and nasty to save money comes to mind.
  20. Was booted on OOTP early 70's then 100's of real ones turned up, regular soul pack filler, never booted on original label.
  21. Ady, how about posting your pic.
  22. The 1st boot is the one done by Pete Lawson and Chris Fletcher - faded yellow one sided, this is the faster version, I'll post a copy up later on tonight.
  23. I Have three different ELF copies + the UK Release.

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