Just a thought:
When I started out on the long trip to where I am to day, I went to the local youth, local night clubs and soul nights then onto all dayers/nighters. A lot of the tunes I heard at my local night club where also played at soul venues, I'm not talking about re-issues here, although of course they were being played, it was the way it was and a lot of these charted, but I'm talking about the new releases of the day, the philly tunes and the soul disco stuff, some great music and a lot of them rightly classed as classics today.
I went to the Mecca reunion on Saturday and I could have been in my local disco back in the 70's hearing the likes of Taraves, Moments, and others and I'm gussing we've missed a trick here, the way to get youngest interested is via the good stuff that's being released today, but we've become too snobby either about rarity or not playing it because it's on a UK label or dare I say it simply because it is a new release.
I'm not nescessary saying we should play it at all the niters by default some of them don't lend themselves, Bidds for example, but why not say Stoke it's surely big enough (crowd wise) to be able to throw some of these tune in during the night, and I see nothing wrong in playing these tunes at soul nights and if it helps get a younger crowd through the door, hopefully their next step is that they crossover to the more uncommercial items, just like we did back in the day.
Are we ready, willing and able to play the likes of Eli Paperboy Reed at our soul venues.