If they had badge's they should have had them on display , It's a hefty fine if your caught working a front line door with out one, I'm not 100% sure but I think the promoters get fined as well.
Unprofessional ("bored don't like the music") , Door staff who give it large and display a bad attitude just because they can...
How do they keep ending up working soul night's and basically being paid for pissing people off in a do where pissed off people are normally as rare to find as the music they've came to listen are. (if that makes sense)
If security is required by the venue owner's could the promoter not pick their own door staff, that way you'll know who your getting is licensed, and will give the soulie's the same respect as no doubt he/she is receiving from them..
I know of a security firm that had the same team work regular weekender's and one off night's for a large music scene kinda like the soul scene , the security team was a professional bunch of nutter's that where willing to travel, knew the scene and liked the music and didn't provoke trouble.