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Everything posted by Kevinkent

  1. Neither would I. And if I were a promoter I wouldn't dream of not paying my DJ's. Too many 'promoters' building their ego's from full floors created by, amongst other things, minimal door tax and the expectation of free DJ's. Too many ' dj's' happy to oblige and willing to obtain top tunes by the easiest possible boot..... I mean route. - Kev
  2. Surprised that you think charging a high entry fee penalises guests. Not always the case, but I generally find that you get what you pay for in life, and this scene included. IMO free entry events are to be avoided and I consider it disrespectful not to pay the DJ's for their input. Unless of course their input and their collection is worthless - Kev
  3. Any chance of some actual playlists? That way I can quickly judge wether any future events might be to my taste and worthwhile attending.( The purpose of this forum, I thought) I'm sure there's some good stuff on here but I stopped listening after 90 secs. - Kev
  4. All my vinyl gets the Amberclens treatment on arrival and I've been recommending it for years. I recently bought a really cheap crackly G graded Deena Johnson demo as I reckoned it was muck in the grooves rather than wear. A quick spay of this stuff and wipe with a soft cloth and it played perfect. No hiss, no crackle, and it even cleaned the grime off the label. Amberclens was one of a number of products tested at a forensic laboratory for quick and easy cleaning of CSI type equipment. It was important than no traces (and we're talking nanogrammes) of contamination were able to be transferred from one crime scene to another. Amberclens was by far the most effective stuff tested. - Kev
  5. I agree with your choice. Mine initially felt a bit tight across the top but loosened off nicely without ever becoming too slack. I've seen them in the odd independent shoe shop for around £100. - Kev
  6. Edited. Should have learnt to read bad grammar by now. - Kev
  7. I'd have thought posting in the "Look At Your Box" section would be more likely to get your question answered mate. - Kev.
  8. Not likely to get much response here Neal. You've posted in the non-vinyl section of Sales & Wants. I thought you were selling a watch! - Kev
  9. Bugger! .....so I'm too late with Joy Orbison then? - Kev
  10. Well done Elaine! Being nominated is an achievement itself. Good luck and hope you get it girl. - Kev
  11. Cruise Ship Cabaret standard IMO. Nothing more. - Kev
  12. No, a 'dish' is when the record is very slightly bowl shaped and is evenly warped from the centre outwards, and is usually caused by poor storage. An edge warp is when there is a kink at the outer edge of the vinyl and this is more likely to have caused damage to the grooves. It may have been repaired at some stage to be less visible but the compression to the grooves remain - as I suspect has happened in your case. Like the man says - get a refund and wait for a better copy. - Kev
  13. I much prefer the sellers that post soundclips. I'm always on the lookout for something new to my ears, plus there's so many tunes that I can't recall the title or artist. It's so much easier than constantly (and sooo slowly) flicking between Sales and youtube. If I'm looking for something new I might only look at the sales that state 'with soundclips'. - Kev
  14. My Gator copy plays loud and clear. I think I paid £60 about 3 or 4 years ago. - Kev
  15. Milton Bennett is my current preference. That may change - spoilt for choice an' all. Thanks Ady ! - Kev
  16. Email sent. - Kev .......but if you read this first, I'll take the Gloria Walker if you still have it.
  17. My view is that probably all of the factors mentioned in the original post played their part. i.e. NS Dance has evolved from other styles of dancing. Seeing Soul Artistes dancing and performing elaborate moves, live or on screen, had a great influence in the direction the style of dance evolved. The ability of some dancers to embellish their moves may have been due to the stretching and high kicks that they practised in their Kung Fu or Karate classes which were around certainly before '68 when I first took them up. (Maybe those that sought something different out of life applied this to 'sport' as much as music). The fact that NS and Martial Arts simultaneously enjoyed a certain popularity in the early 70's is a mere coincidence, but a fortunate one for those that had the energy to be involved in both. - Kev.
  18. Everybody has gone mad! .............It's £8 at Tesco's. - Kev
  19. It's not Gene Autry and the Autistics is it? - Kev
  20. Fiver. - Kev
  21. Any event with a door tax of £0 - £5 must be value for money, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are good. £10 - £12 value for money probably equates to a good night. If I could pay £20+ and still consider it value for money - now that would be something. - Kev
  22. I wouldn't worry about clearing the floor. A few years ago I played Shirley Wahls which completely cleared the floor then immediately received the biggest applause of the night. - Kev
  23. CD's and open decks? Yorkshire is a bit far for me, but I probably wouldn't bother if it was just around the corner. Sorry. - Kev

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