will dig into your uploads some more I remember listening to quite a lot through lockdown the 100 club shows and a few others. All good.
soul discovery Paul Collins was another I listened to a lot on the more modern side
I’m currently getting my weekly fix from
dab of soul, triple s, dean anderson
any other tips ?
Any plans for rare soulcial to come back or have I missed it ?
Not vinyl but I sometimes buy clothing online from Italy and imagine this will be affected. I keep checking the site but no information yet.
Discounted clothing me be a thing of the past....
primark here I come.
update : so 135gbp is the cut off point for clothing anything over that has additional tariffs.
I am wondering the same myself to be honest. I sometimes buy items from Europe myself and not all sites have published changes yet. I would guess people may be getting unexpected charges even if sites don’t notify them.
but that’s only a guess time will tell.
I won’t buy for a while.
Yes I read the press release the cycle part company put out. Essentially it wasn’t good.
i am not so sure these are anomolies more like new charges that are here to stay.
I don’t think you can relate size and speed. I have 12” vinyl that plays at 33 and 45rpm unless I am misunderstanding what you are saying.
I probably have 7” vinyl that plays at 33 and 45rpm as well.
but I do think these actetates are very suspect.
When we visit Cornwall we always have a look in waves gallery. They take some great wave shots from in the water mostly from porthleven. Pricy but impressive.