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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. That’s what I’m after but I might just squeeze one turntable on a very small cabinet next to the sofa in the corner. i wax also considering some kind of table in middle of room with a lift up lid that comes off to reveal turntable. That way it’s hidden when not in use. https://www.homefurniturecentre.com/hifi-stands/hampshire-turntable-stand-walnut.html?cpgn=8&utm_source=products-adds&utm_campaign=Hampshire Turntable Stand- Walnut&gcampaignid=17796692793&gadgroupid=&gkeyword=&gdevice=m&ggtarget=&gmatch=&gurl=https://www.homefurniturecentre.com/hifi-stands/hampshire-turntable-stand-walnut.html%3Fcpgn%3D8%26utm_source%3Dproducts-adds%26utm_campaign%3DHampshire%20Turntable%20Stand-%20Walnut&gnetwork=x&gplace=&gposition=&gcampaign=PMAX_Furniture&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoOKLideIhwMVuo5QBh1pMwxWEAQYAyABEgI83fD_BwE
  2. This thread has got me wanting a turntable set up again. Currently in storage under a bed as I need to buy amp and speakers last lot died. And a mixer or pre amp as well..
  3. Yes although I like more modern dance music I wouldn’t want to hear it at a northern or rare soul night it’s not right IMO. time and a place indeed.
  4. That’s much more like it got to agree with geese that bass is fantastic. Photek made some quality electronic music if you like that kind of thing. as for the original post a poor record really.
  5. I’m not so sure you would have to lean over tone arm to adjust the pitch. I never saw any house dj’s set up like this for mixing I think it would be more difficult. they would have them normal way with arm at side.
  6. That’s how hip-hop dj’s have their turntables
  7. Recording this looking forward to it.
  8. Yes it’s on 16th there is a programme about disco tonight on BBC4 which might interest some ? oh and some football also on tonight…..
  9. I think the collecting side of things will carry on and on the genuine rare and great records competition will be just as fierce as it always has been. i’m not so sure people will be as bothered about playing their records in venues. This is a shame as for me hearing rare records and knowing how hard a collector has worked to build a collection is what makes the scene special.
  10. Photos now added this is a very conservative ex practically m-
  11. As in title tracks areJesus is watching you / I’ve got a mind this has reversed labels and is ex cond strong vocal on this gospel dancer but don’t ignore the flip side I’ve got a mind is superb deep soul a really excellent track. 200gbp inc uk special delivery postage overseas would be a bit more depending on location. PayPal gift for payment please photos tomorrow….
  12. That’s the thing all that’s good about the scene just carries on anyway with just the right amount of promoting that’s done in the right way. i’m still listening to soul music most days and still get a lot of enjoyment from it. i do occasionally get to venues and enjoy it when i do.
  13. The commercial side of the scene is being absolutely flogged to death. It always has been to a certain extent but it seems really bad now. Worst I’ve known it.
  14. They might be adding vests and beer towels to the collection soon. Might as well complete the look. And a long leather jacket. So many things they could promote and pass on to the next generation and they choose baggy trousers. I never felt the urge to wear or buy these when I joined the scene in the 90s. if they focused on the music they would attract far less negativity.
  15. Thanks all loads of great shows and some great knowledge goes into these sets. more than enough there to go at. Quite a few I’ve not come across yet. Brian goucher on deans shows deserves a special mention it was superb.
  16. Dress codes always used to baffle me regarding door policy. no jeans or trainers in lots of places as if they were the problem. it was the shinty shoes and trousers brigade that were more likely to want a fight. things have changed a lot and all that nonsense seems to be a thing of the past. As for the current push in some quarters on northern… its the marketing behind this most recent revival that has gone up quite a few notches. Previously a handful of young people myself included would join the scene in relatively small numbers. More noticeable in Manchester, London and Europe less so everywhere else. None of this was happening when I started going out and seeing the same faces all over the country was proof of a healthy travelling support.
  17. Bobs knowledge, passion and willingness to share information was incredible. a true soul man and a very sad loss.
  18. 2000 to 2010 was still a great decade for collecting with plenty of bargains to be had and also lots of great nights and niters. 2010 marks the start of the decline for me and what we are seeing play out now takes things to a whole new low. but there is still some great music to enjoy and I’m sure some great nights still to be had just got to avoid all the dross. some mix of 2 and 3 from original post would suit me.
  19. That’s serious money for Bob and Fred. is there a connection somehow between this 45 and Eddie hughes “soul searcher” They sound very similar.
  20. Think before typing might be a good idea…
  21. Gloria jones and Marc bolan yes ignore me not sure how I confused Marc almond with Marc bolan
  22. They were in a relationship and had a child together so that is one reason he may have wanted to make the recording. not to my taste but it’s not aimed at soul fans is it.
  23. Never heard that version until now sounds good much more stripped back than the Lee Harris credited version who I assume is singing on this ?

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