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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. Had similar feelings about late 80s clubs, raves and Ibiza
  2. @Roburt i believe nick hornby is simply asking a question not expressing his views. Reading between the lines of what he is saying I would say his views are aligned to yours. when he says does listening to melancholic songs make you sad I believe he is suggesting it probably doesn’t ? i might be wrong but that’s my perception. i believe you can find strength or understanding in these songs some of the best soul songs tell strong emotional stories. rainbow road being a great example. the look on your face being a story of two halves and a great dance floor track. magic touch upbeat happy song or a tragic story of domestic violence.
  3. Yes some excellent input from Nick just sad that as time goes on this detail and the people pushing to find it will reduce
  4. Yes that’s how I understood it as well added that to a recent thread
  5. A reference to a man who would move in on soldiers wives while they were away fighting.
  6. My mistake I meant large. There is the other untidy stamp that looks wrong.
  7. I gave up I’m not sure that everybody agrees yet so no 100% confirmation small archer stamp seems to be definitive original opinions differ on some other variants
  8. Love the direction that these records took the scene. Some great memories and still having a big impact now.
  9. Jimmy Mack flip is a new one to my ears what a fantastic side. I used to have the billy nitro a long time ago plenty of legs in that don’t think I’ve ever heard it in a DJ spot ?
  10. But there will be more than one stack of labels for a pressing probably ? guess it depends how the machine is stacked for labels.
  11. Massive attack in Bristol last night, awesome.
  12. That’s the better of the two sides for me always really liked that one
  13. Bit of a trek for me then from stapleford
  14. That’s interesting roughly where in notts is that ? I live there myself might be close to me ?
  15. I get the fashion statement comment but proper uk made shoes are more about a long lasting quality item rather than being a fashion statement. You could spend as much or a lot more on fashion and look like a clown in something that won’t last a fraction of the time. comfort also a big factor I’ve got some shoes that seem ok but on a long night out do kill my feet but it was impossible to know that when I tried them on and baught them.
  16. Fair comment about some of these brands being to nice and possibly to expensive to ruin. But you can really tell the difference between a well made shoe and a lower priced variation. its a shame some brands have chosen to cut costs and reduce quality but the market for higher end quality shoes may be quite limited ?
  17. Cheaney outlet in desbrough https://www.cheaney.co.uk/factory-outlet-i121 had some great deals from here proper uk made Goodyear welted shoes.
  18. I didn’t appreciate he played an alternate take of the primers I wasn’t listening closely enough
  19. Moments like that must come along once in a lifetime…. did you have any idea what it was before you played it at home ?
  20. Not heard the x-rated yet or don’t remember hearing it… will check it out.
  21. And one more there will be loads of tracks by them I still need to hear but these 2 caught my ear
  22. Superb slowie. similar path to mal making the move away from northern and into slower and just soul in general.
  23. Clarence glover is s great record. I miss the days when great records like that were almost ignored and could be picked up easily and cheaply. same could be said for Patrica Denson
  24. One of his last records and a real grower when I first got into soul I wouldn’t give things like this the time of day but grew to like them a lot

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