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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. This was an item of clothing going from uk to canada to send it tracked was going to cost about 20 quid just under 1/2 what i sold the item for and a lot more than what i used as a postage amount. I didnt factor in having to ship it that far pretty much all my sales are uk and europe. i guess i have to take this on the chin and either have large overseas postage values and sell less or just do europe only on bigger parcels. he might be being honest and it really has got lost but i have know way of knowing and suspect he had it and knows he can now get it for free.
  2. Its the same as this one https://www.popsike.com/JOHNNY-HOWARD-THE-CHASE-IS-ON-RARE-NORTHERN-SOUL-RB-PROMO-DJ-45-RPM-LISTEN/260975680782.html
  3. So if you post an item on ebay and dont send it either tracked or signed for then are you leaving yourself open to be shafted ? buyer could receive item but say they havent and open a case on ebay. Ebay then issue them a refund and you have lost your goods as well. is the only way to protect yourself to send everytning singed for or tracked ? The high postage could put buyers off. it seems heavily weighted against sellers.
  4. Has it definetely gone to somebody else ? i had a buyer spell my name wrong but the email as he typed it didnt exist so he was able to simply cancel the transaction. its really unlucky to get it wrong by a letter and for that wrong email to be linked to a paypal account.
  5. When i think back to the late 90s early 2000s in hindsight there were still some good deals to be had. even though it was very late into the scene lots of good stuff was available.
  6. Nice photos of the red arrows we were watching this whilst camping at tregedna farm near meanporth.
  7. Kev roberts bought or traded with jonathan for it.
  8. I've forgotton the time line of this a bit but would this be the sale that saw it go to jonathan in nottingham ?
  9. And a great modern cheapie that can probably still be had for 10 dollars or less. can see this having its 5 mins of fame one day....
  10. A great beat ballad from oliver joy overshadowed by his other on the label ?
  11. Yes i agree that first price is crazy. so many records just going daft lately.
  12. Deep soul is the genre I relate to the most. I have never really got into the early stuff.
  13. Started listening to northern after. I stopped going to house music clubs and drifted away from that scene. it had gone completely stale and I was looking for something different. Listen to all genres of soul now.
  14. Ralph weeks is in demand ballad / low rider style soul. dont know the other one.
  15. A new top 500 should include things like Robert tanner and Rudy love.
  16. In the early 90s that wouldn't have sounded out of place in a house music set. its quite generic and nothing to get excited about but I've heard far worse.
  17. Way above what I would have guessed as a value. claasic oldies just buy a cd can't see the appeal of chasing these. fair enough if you have them and got them for sensible money but to chase them now why bother ?
  18. One reminder for this list plenty of good stuff still available.
  19. Used to spend whole days going to record shops and when visiting any major city the first thing we would want to do is find the record shops. must admit i'm more of an internet browser now and cant get excited about record fairs. A new one started up in nottingham quite recently so i might pop in for a browse one day. the internet has changed it imo same for a lot of retail i buy nearly all my clothes online and do the big supermarket shop online as well.
  20. The northern soul scene is probably a victim of its own success. the obvious references are all over the place and in the mainstream they continually reference the same records and footage time and time again. but to hear the classic oldies for the first time must be quite special if they click with you.
  21. Grime was probably the last underground music. hip hop culture i am sure is still out there if you look for it.
  22. Those lyrics are probably something else thinking about it a bit more....
  23. Updated 6 x sold and 1 on hold

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