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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. yes the epic demo is an easy find should be 20 quid tops. But still a great track. As far as the issue copy goes i'd pay $70 for a spare.....
  2. Pete Cooke on Dimension plays great with a hairline all the way through the playing surface that doesn't even click. Also have a M- copy
  3. Here are Forte titles for sale @ 25 each sorry for being vague firast time around. Sharon Revoal "run between raindrops" Fab Rhythm Makers "You gotta be doing it / mini afro twist" Fantastics "live and let live / cy night and day" red and pink label of above title 1 of each Marva Whitney "Daddy don' know / we nee more" not actually as many as I first thought.
  4. mmmm..... the infamous love hill i'm convinced its an urban myth. Label scan anybody. John Ridley may have the only known copy ?????????????????? I've never bothered to ask around on that label release only read about it at melingo.
  5. Rayons and Towanda Barnes SOLD
  6. if I sell the soul fay i've just listed or a few of the others then i'll buy this for the 200.
  7. Prices UK sterling Rayons "You confuse me baby" Forte 25 M- The Soul Fay "Young girl" Audio Forty 125 Ex Gloria Walker "You hit the spot baby" Flaming Arrow 25 Ex Commands "No time for you / hey its love" Backbeat 25 Ex Towanda Barnes "If i'm guilty" Groovy 15 Ex Seb Williams "Get your point over" Ovide 25 (also nice flip side on this) cheers. PM if interested and paypal is preferred payment. I have most other Forte titles (not the studio take of Gene Williams) as I picked up most in the find if you want any of the others at Rayons price PM me.
  8. if I wanted to pay 250 I would already own the 45......
  9. I got distracted to the point I baught a 45 by Annette on Fam-Lee only to find out later it wasn't her. I had my doubts after the first listen as this singer is not in the same league.
  10. check your PMs
  11. i've been looking for that for the last 6 months but keeping it under wraps..... :angry: :angry: manship does have a copy at 250 which you could use as a reference for what you think you should be paying.
  12. lets not forget "promises should never be broken" possibly her hardest to find ?
  13. that avatar has sent me goggle eyed. I have set out to complete a couple of artists but never actually got the whole lot. Kim Tolliver / Briggs being one of them. I still need the chess LP (somebody help !!!) and I haven't bothered to pick up the castro 45. It is interesting when an artists has only made a small quantity of 45s yet all of them are of a very high standard. Makes you wonder why they didn't make more. And yet even though they have made only a handfull of 45s there is always one that seems to be totally elusive.... grrrrrrr. Jimmy Braswell an artist that springs immediately to mind. Every recording is outstanding.
  14. This isn't right though is it ? the winner may have bid 100 pounds more than you but he only has to be one increment higher than the 2nd highest bidder to win the auction. I herar this comment "I was outbid by a very small amount" so so often but its just not the case.
  15. its a great double sider but values of 100 and 150 seem a bit excessive. I'd be fairly confident in saying if i didn't already have this 45 I could secure a M- copy within the next say 3 months for around 40 quid. and it wouldn't take much effort either......
  16. just seen this and it made me laugh.... "I have a list of 45 items dated back to 1960 and some are rare. I have no value in selling faulty items. All items are sold in working condition. " so where exactly does this fit into the g - vg - vg+ - m system ? this is a new seller with zero feedback so he may get the hang of it in the future.
  17. I'd be keen to hear this as well and have never heard it either. I think I still have about 3 copies left of the double sided demo which is fantastic I must add..... Interestingly (or not ?) I have seen about 4 or 5 of the 45 with both sides go through ebay fairly recently.
  18. I don't think he had the one we are talking about nicely avoided my though with a reference to the other title on the label.
  19. I wanted Jimmie Raye "Philly dog" as a top want for ages. By the time I finally found a copy I didn't actually want it anymore. So not quite what you have asked but similar. My tastes for the collection have moved on. But it is a 45 that I would still love to hear in a venue just don't have any desire to own a copy.
  20. curreent high bidder has baught stuff from me in the past good stuff as well :>) just sent him a friendly piece of advice.
  21. I tend to only use .com due to time restrictions. I still find more to buy than what I can afford. Haven't realy noticed much difference. I thought everybody used .com as the primary source ? sometimes searches do redirect to .co.uk but hardly ever in my experience.
  22. Thomas Bailey "Just won't move" Federal come on somebody this strutting southern mover will never work to a northern floor so you might as well offload it to me
  23. mmmm.............
  24. Ernie Rivers "A message to percy" Knox story of this one is on the net.

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