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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. yeah can somebody do the same for me as well please and also give me the contact details of the dealers who have them all for peanuts
  2. Great LP also features a fave of mine "without you in my life"
  3. just to play devils advocate here. If you don't know what records you have then you MAY have piles and piles of Sam Fletchers. Personally it makes no odds to me.
  4. yes totally different songs. ....... but sebastian the flip to keyman is terrific.
  5. Yeah I didn't realy answer your demo V issue part of the question. I think all the ones i've seen have been issues. i have an atlas issue. Sebastian will have to confrim what i've said on 3rd label. I may be making a mistake there.......
  6. I don't like carmelita too much either fairly average sound. Haven't heard this other one on the label. mp3 anybody ? i've heard good things about it from a few places now.
  7. i'm not sure carmen will remain rare copies are already starting to trickle through.
  8. i'd say atteru is rarer than atlas as I see atlas copies all the time. Sebastian offered this for sale on a 3rd label if i'm not mistaken ?
  9. Yes Blue eyed singer from the Uk but itys a great 45... classmen on pearce is another blue eyed 45 that would go very well with this one.
  10. Thanks all I could have read all the gemm help screens but these short and to the point replys gave me exactly what I wanted. I can see myself spening nearly as much time on gemm as I do on ebay. I half expected some replys here saying its the buyer who foots extra costs and the seller gets a better deal but it seems exactly like ebay in that its the seller who looses a %. Which is exactly how it sholuld be
  11. So how does gemm work ? Is the price you see on the screen + shipping what you pay ? How much of this price does a seller get ? Does ther seller pay the comission to gemm in a similar way as you do on ebay. I'm a bit late to get on this one but i've recently ran a couple of searches and baught a couple of cheapies and one not so cheap. Was pleasently suprised by some of the stuff I found on there.... more later when it arrives
  12. As much as I like "it's me" I would go as far to say this is his weakest deep soul side. So that just backs up even more how good all the other sides are. By another lesser artist "it's me" could well have been the best record they ever made but with WJ it has some very stiff competition.
  13. I have this for sale. I will PM you.
  14. I have "What i'm gonna do" and like it but the girly chant backing vocals aren't great.... would be better if something else happened at that point. Willie J does a cracking job on lead vocals. Seems to be fetching about $75 on ebay now so getting some attention.
  15. lets not sing the praises of this 45 any more until I get my copy.
  16. copies of Sweet Mewmories do seem to trickle through ebay now. I've seen quite a few over the last year or so. But still an excellant record.
  17. sounds good. I won't be doing much looking between now and then....
  18. can't realy argue with that can I ....... i'll get my coat. So if either of us comes across somebody with multiple cheap copies we can both win.
  19. get behine me in the queue.
  20. Yes you are right the other one is on kent. Just checked. The kent release is a permanent fixture on ebay...... I just wrongly assumed it was on minit.
  21. la la la la la la so simple yet so effective from the backing singers.
  22. Looking for Webs "Its so hard (to break a habit)" Popside Gene taylor "Don't go away" Minit Getting fed up with there other titles on the labels cropping up on my ebay searches but not the ones i'm after. cheers, dylan
  23. wrong topic will move into wants.
  24. huh huh huh
  25. I don't like Jackie day "Naughy boy" doesn't do anything for me at all. This is not aimed at her in general as I quite like the more soulful tracks she cut on modern.

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