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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. Thought you had dissapeared of the face of the earth........ hope you are well.
  2. great record this. Took me about 3 goes to finally get a copy that didn't skip.... anybody else notice that problem with this 45 ?
  3. Time waits for no man is far better..... what a great double sider.
  4. looking for a copy of Jimmy Braswell "One more chance" Gene if you can help PM me.... cheers.
  5. Sams copy went in trades to somebody me thinks.... not me.
  6. 100UK is insane.....
  7. I'd sell my copy on jude for that price if anybody wants it.....
  8. Notts County ? The Willie & Anthony is great and somebody on here posted it as a want quite recently...... sorry can't remember who.
  9. The buy it now option seems to have gone now...... chalky I have an mp3 on my old computer but will need a bit of time to get to it so if somebody has it closer to hand.... if not i'll get it eventually.
  10. no just normal black vinyl. I was told about the pink vinyl copies and was expecting pink vinyl until I opened it.
  11. https://cgi.ebay.com/KIM-TOLIVER-WHERE-WERE...1QQcmdZViewItem Just flicking through ebay and came across this. Took me an age to get myself a copy which in the end was cheap but now it seems to be a fairly regular feature on ebay so they must have been found somewhere. Anyway a stunning ballad and worth $15 of anybodys money
  12. depends what is on the flip side but you can get this side for 20UK or less.
  13. Ceasers "I've got to know" Both Sides vg+ 175UK This has quite a tricky back beat slightly funky and uptempo. Nice tune and pretty hard to find. Dylan
  14. yeah with a record of that rarity in that condition any decent seller would include an mp3 for at least a sample of the track. Unless it ws M- and didn't need one. Obviously he's got something to hide.
  15. Dylan

    The Clovers

    check your PMs
  16. Four Arts "Who do you think you are" Shee vg+ 325UK FRom same label as Little Nicky Soul a great New York group soul record. E. J. & Echoes "You're gonna hurt" Diamond Jim vg+ 200UK Rare detroit soul 45 that seems to have a buzz about it right now. Great flip as well get tewo for the price of one here. pm's if interested, paypal preferred payment Dylan
  17. looks like these guys had a day out. eie eie eie eie eie e oh....... up the football league we go. ahhh the joy of youtube
  18. you'd want a full mp3 to sit and home and listen to a good few times first before bidding. vg can be a tricky grade to judge. I've had plenty of 45s at this grade that play very well. But none of them cost $2000
  19. check ebay this shows up regulary. Or at least it did a few months ago.......
  20. do you know the buyer, is he trustworthy ? might just be trying it on. Prehaps the 45 is fine and he wants his cash as well in effect getting the 45 for free.
  21. 2 good sides on EJ & Echoes their cheapie on the label is also great. More of a deep soul vibe.
  22. If everybody is after the CS version it may give me a chance to grab the Jackie Beavers.... but thats just wishfull thinking.
  23. To me it sounds like a rip off speeded up version of Andy Fisher "MY heart is beating stronger" sing the words only faster and you'll get the idea. Don't like this much...... sorry.
  24. I had a copy of Bobby Long & Dealers "Gotta have love" Old Town from my dad. He collected in the 70s but sadly most of it was boots and reissues. There was a small clutch of good stuff but nothing that was worth mega bucks. TMG 512 by Hit Pack was the best UK piece.
  25. What do people think of the Karen Striblin version ? That is the only version I have had but I sold it a couple of years ago. For me her voice didn't quite make the grade but its still pretty good. When I had this KS version the CS version was an easy 45 to pick up for about 50-75 so i'm suprised to see these prices.

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