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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. doh !! I don't have that Barbara St Clair its a 45 by Sylvia St Clair that I have just checked in my notes. Shep "Fool to fool / i'm sitting in" went from 10 to 50 or more very qucikly. Sold mine for 20 before it realy got to its peak. I never could imagine it getting any higher than 20 then almost immediately it did. "I have seniority" is my fave Bobby / Neal Kimble I rate it highly in terms of quality and paid good money for it but I have seen a couple on ebay since go for what I thought was a steal. But it doesn't come up to often. There is one now but start price is probably a bit high but i'll no doubt watch it just for curiosity. The JAB one is also great. Cookie Scott jumped up as well in recent years but its not a 45 I like at all. All high pitched poor poor production and singing isn't great either. Just doesn't do it for me at all.
  2. what is this called ? I think I might have oen that will be appeaing in the sales section. Label damaged quite bad but clean vinyl. would make a perfect DJ copy and a good bit chepaer than a M- copy.
  3. Yeah I did see that one and was suprised. That is one of his I never bothered to pick up and looking back I probably should have.
  4. I did buy a copy of Gregg Stephens "I'm so lucky" Arba for $4 a couple of years ago still waiting for that to become in-demand..... nice enough modern sound I didn't like it at first but its catchy. Jackie Wilson "Because of you" was something I saw go from 20 to 80 when I started collecting. One of the early examples of something that wasn't rare but national demand in the UK seemed to realy push this one. Did buy one for 40 and sell it for 80 but I wouldn't be so confident that these common sounds would be such easy money anymore. Ace Spectrum as already mentioned did exactly the same. and I wonder how many people would have flicked staright past al-dos in butch's box at 30. With a 300 tag I bet more people would have given it a look.
  5. 2 great records i've only ever known them as both as big ticket items. I must be looking in the wrong places. and i'm fairly sure I speak to a recent supplier of al-dos to the UK. These cheap copies must have come another route as I never got wind of them. was it only a handfull ?
  6. the vauguards discussion in the prices thread got me thinking about this. are there any 45s that are currently in demand and selling for a few hundred quid that were still easy to find for say 30 quid only a couple of years ago ? don't have to be rare tracks but I suppose some of them might be. I can't think of any of the top of my head but there must be a few. I'm just interested if this still happens. I simpy buy what I like when I find it at a price I like so it won't change my buying habits. continental showstoppers "not too young" is about the best example I can offer but I don't think the pricer increase on that is as dramatic as what i'm asking above i don't mean where people have droped on a 45 well below the market rate at the time just simply what is perceived to be general opinion of prices a couplke of years ago compared to now.
  7. I get stuff at work and our eurpoean firends well the czechs in my case do have the commas and full stops the opposite way round to us brits on values for things.
  8. Other ? is that one of the shirley releases or the indie one. seen a few copies of the indie release on ebay lately.
  9. Russ put your want up on the funk forum you'll have it within a week. this was a massive seller at time of release. only sold mine this year on this forum think I got about £20.
  10. With all due respect John you are not typical of the rest of us at what prices you can get for 45s. You've put a lifetime of effort into getting where you are. If like me its a sideline to my normal working life then I can never hope to sell records for the same prices you do as I just haven't got anywhere near the same number of people asking me for 45s. And also i don't have the same number of contacts to buy them from. The prices you achieve will be achieved by prehaps you and the other lucky few at the top of the tree. I can find a lot of 45s all day long at 50% of your prices but doesn't mean to say you won't sell your copies of those same 45s. I certainly don't agree that the market is a strong as ever. 2 busy record dealers doing well is not suprising to me but I don't see that same vibrancy across the board. Dylan
  11. yeah but 70 quid 16 years ago is a lot different to 40 quid 5 years ago. 16 years ago i bet most things were far more sensibly priced. 5 years ago we were well into the current situation where that 45 woiuld have been a lot more.
  12. is that £30 each or £30 for the batch ? if its for the batch how many did you get ? just curious.
  13. what one guy making a mistake with one copy ? or loads of copies from loads of sources. I would have been looking for this 45 around that time and never saw it for this price ? who had it ?
  14. its the win some loose some approach that you have to adopt. Now i'll pay a going rate for a 45 from you and think "oh well LH was cheap so over the 2 i'm about right" I took a punt on that Curtis Walker thing on Jigga Ray. Would normally have waited, looked around for a chpeaper one but i had some credit with you so it didn't seem too bad. thats also a nice 45 btw.
  15. LH&Memphis its a bloody great record. This is just the kind of thing i'm looking to buy and if they get that low then i'll have em every time. but based on your experiences i'd be nervous about carrying a spare unless it was stupidly cheap.
  16. that went quick.
  17. This reducing things slowly until they sell is a great approach. Prehaps not for you but for us buyers it gets to a point where things are bound to sell. I now check your site regulary because of this. When I saw that LH&Memphis Sound for £30 I couldn't believe it and snapped it up. Now I may be wrong but I always rated it a lot higher in vaue. "House full of rooms" is great. cheers for that one.
  18. you don't undercut ebay but I was happy to buy that oddballl 45 from you recently as your price was fair. You didn't try and squeeze for a few extra quid.
  19. It might have had a small amount of exposure with the funk DJs I know a couple who have it. It is a very catchy tune.
  20. I don't think i've got a bad record by her and like this record but I do think this is the weakest 45 she made on this label... sorry.
  21. I must have missed this one , was it recently ?
  22. i'd like to hear the black forest one to.... did hear it is very good.
  23. There are probably a big number of potential soul colectors out there but these prices can't help the situation. If the arse ever does fall out the market i'll be doing all I can to hoover stuff up but I may have a long wait or alternatively it may never happen. I've read a lot of threads on this forum about 45s that are being listed for big money that are not rare but i've still not witnessed anybody trying to cut these sellers out the market by dropping prices.
  24. I think a lot of people with the knowledge about what is rare and what isn't have had there time in this game and are happy now to sit on what collections they put together in the past. I'm relatively new to this game and do still enjoy trying to find and buy records but I do think less and less people are actually wanting to own the 45s now a days. The example Pete has given must prove this and the low number of bidders on genuine rare 45s on ebay also proves it. But i've seen that just by being patient the things you want do turn up eventually at prices you are prepared to pay. But on the other hand there are occasional 45s that defy logic and just go higher and higher in value with no particular reason.
  25. if its a tight hairline crack and NAP then 25% of the records M- value prehaps ? i've just had this same dilema myself but I was buying not selling.

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