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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. "its no mistake" is the one of his i'd be buying....
  2. oh well I doubt this will effect the value of the originals. Plenty of people must have this in some format or other now.
  3. surely this isn't 100 quid ????? I don't think you will have to pay more than 20.....
  4. just loads of stuff to trawl thorugh. A good place to start might be the CD's in the Americas Most Wanted series uo tp 3 volumes now I think ? And the sleeve notes are very informative on all of them so you'll get directed to lots of other stuff. Not purely WQ but I guess you'll find plenty to enjoy. happy listening
  5. mmm..... I heard that for the first time not so long ago at a soul blog. No idea on price first time i'd ever come across this but i did like it a lot.
  6. this is terrific good choice. 5 from me. Innersouls "take your time / thoughts" Plemmons Walter B "Before I fall in love / mans way of life" Sunshine Lon Rogers "My girl is a soul girl / too good to be true" Ramco Barbara Hall "Big man / broken hearted" Tuska Buddy Cantrell "Ain't no good / why did you leave me ?" Tuska which leads appropiatelyt to WHY did I sell this grrr.......
  7. voices was selling the TB for £2.50 not that long ago.... can't believe some of the prices i've seen it for lately. Barmy....
  8. manship has m- (exceptionals) and vg+ (exceptional 3) copies not sure if these are at prices you want to pay ? "what about me" is the side for me.
  9. mmmm must be on a few wants lists that 45 its certainly been on mine for a while. good luck. I've tried all the obvious places.
  10. Annette Snell on Epic easy on demo but well worth searching out the issue for the flip.
  11. sent you a PM
  12. just baught a copy of "feeling something new inside" by Peaches Daniels for $20 and also got Lonnie Robinson "Are you sure you wanna give me your love" in same package. its just this kind of 45 that keeps me interested in collecting soul music. Realy great records and proof to me that there are still great 45s out there at good prices. never ending learing curve.
  13. bloody great ain't it.
  14. These do seem reasonable although copies of Percy Stone do keep coming onto the open market on a fairly regular basis. Remember that being a 4 figure record. Doesn't seem to be the case anymore. If it keeps coming down I may even be tempted myself. ED i've seen sell for a lot more than this.
  15. Got an EX copy of this for sale 500UK other side is the side.......
  16. I'd be interested in what people think this is now worth. 200UK - 300UK - more - less ???? don't see this for sale often.
  17. mmmm.........
  18. I keep seeing that black circle one and wondering if it is any good. Purely based on the strength of the stang release. after that tip i think i'll grab myself a copy. cheers steve.
  19. Did any more copies of Benny Harper turn up after that quantity that John Anderson had a few years ago ? great record but tricky to dance to.
  20. pm sent
  21. what a great selection of 45s here. I tried to collect most of these but am still missing a few. Excellent stuff right through.
  22. sent you a PM ......
  23. Ben traded for my spare remember it well.
  24. i've had a demo and an issue still got the demo. "baby i'm lost" seems much harder to find out of the 2 on the label. I've got an issue of that.
  25. yes I know the other side is a track thats had a lot of action on the funk scene and is known but i'm talking here about the thoughts side on its own merits.

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