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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. didn't take long to get a reation from you.
  2. Hot boxing is watching what Ian Wright and Butch buy and then posting it up on here as a want and offering stupid money for it. Trent Sisters, Buddy Cantrell, Willie Johnson. its a joke.
  3. i'm very suprised Johnny Robinson hasn't sold ?
  4. no it shouldn't, its priced right for a vg- copy ?
  5. looking forward to listening to this at the weekend. go your site as one of my favourites got lots of other interviews still to get through as well.
  6. its not exactly memorable is it ? can't see any reasaon to get excited here. and whats going on with that Larry Davis another that was 50 quid all day long 5 or 6 years ago
  7. thought it must have been this I was dancing too. sholuld give myself a pat on the back for being able to remember. I was a little worse for wear.
  8. Could I have heard this at soul-essence 2008 ? sure a song with those lyrics were running round my head at one point.....
  9. will check it out
  10. seems to be on a few wants lists this. a friend of mine recently sent me a wants list and this was right at the top. and to think i've never even heard of it.... must be a good one.
  11. you didn't expect to be pleasently suprised by this show did you ? its exactly as I expected it to be and I suspect you as well surely.....
  12. tend to agree with this for a casiual observer interested in learning a bit about northern soul this show was good and the tracks started off good although did drift off a bit as the show went on. For most people already involved with the scene then its not going to be informative and you are unlikely to learn anything. This is a mainstream radio station at prime time, it was never going to get a show which is aimed at a relatively small minority in the overall scheme of things.
  13. thats a thread in its own right "great tracks thare are LP only" but I bet its already been done. There will be endless entries. Kim Tolliver "I'm loosing the feeling" Mary Queenie Lyons "we'll cry together" would be my 2 to start.
  14. in amongst his auctions the odd good one does pop up but he overhypes all rest as a general rule.
  15. this thread is a fantastic source of information to people like myself who only have a little knowledge of this label. and the few I have picked up have been very cheap and great so its a label to dig into a little more I think.
  16. Picked that up a few years ago. Great record. this is the x-roads where our tastes meet I think.
  17. the other 2 I have missed were about $400-450 probably 18 months or so ago and bith listed very close together. I put what I thought was a high bid on this copy based on those prices. somebody else obviously wanted it me than me. but I did expect to win this copy with the bid I placed. I like both sides the deep side is fantastic but i don't think the uptempo side is right to become an in demand record on the northern scene so I hope pirce doesn't climb any mroe than it already has.
  18. the diplomats CD is excellant well worth picking up, a terrific group. recently been playing "honest to goodness" LOUD on the CD. Might try and pick it up on vinyl cheapish.
  19. how much did you bid on the ebay copy just finished thats the 3rd copy i've been 2nd highest bidder on its getting quite annoying.
  20. i'd like to meet some of these people ...... got any contact details
  21. I wasn't going to mention that... all his other prices are sensible this stood out a bit.
  22. If I had chandlers i'd snap your hand off on a straight swap. Good deal you are offering there.
  23. cheers mate thats in line with what I thought. nice when you hear soul in unexpected places makes you stop in your tracks. great record this.
  24. what price is this selling for now ?
  25. I said its got a good flip and is priced right as well so 2 posirtive comments ??????

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