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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. a bit of cash ? don't you mean a LOT !!
  2. that makes 4 I know off then. Way out of my league price wise but very good. only 1 of these has been on the open market on ebay last or this year. did you get one ?
  3. wonder if that price will bring another copy or 2 out onto ebay ?
  4. a serious amount of money. Wonder if he's looking for a return on this investment ?
  5. Up in leeds for the weekend about 3 years ago I saw a flyer advertising Kenny Burrell playing a northern set in a restaurant as some kind of food and music themed evening. Didn't bother going as it didn't appeal to me at all. Northern is for dancing not eating.
  6. certainly sold mine to soon then. It was never talked about and seemed to have very little demand when I sold it. its is a good uptempo record just not the kind of thing I realy feel the need to keep.
  7. I would have thouhg 30-50 would get one of these ? but who knows could go up ? sold mine for about 30 a couple of years ago.
  8. Robert Tanner "Sweet memories" became a massive sound after I started going to Northern clubs. had that been played at stafford ? other things that have had a lot of turntable action over recent years but may have already been mentioned... sensations hamilton movement vangaurds passions joe jama, margeret little (I don't particulary like these 2) I can't comment if they were played at stafford cos I wasn't there.
  9. I hadn't read this when I posted. Great minds think alike.... to be honest I can't believe it hasn't been done yet.
  10. John How about an electronic copy of your guide on say excel with each bit of info in a seperate column ? that way you could filter, sort by artist, title, label, price whatever takes your fancy. i'd happily pay as much for this as I would for a hard copy and you don't have the printing costs. and while i'm at it you could give me a copy of your sales history database for coming up with the idea. dylan
  11. thats 200 too much.
  12. its yellow and sold. Just waiting the paypal unless it landed in the night.
  13. Freedom "can't you see / sunshine" Freedom M- copy of this 45 on the freedom label 60UK will accept paypal. 2 good sides. regards, dylan
  14. I agree with this, for what its worth.
  15. most people who attend rare soul clubs ? this is just the type of rare record known by almost everybody on the scene but by nobody of it which is why we are all involved.
  16. welcome to the world of rare soul. there are thousands of great cheap records but also more than enough very rare and expensive 45s. A big collection of CDs would be useful they certanly helped to get me started.
  17. I wish I was hearing some of the tracks you are now discovering for the first time. It must be magic. have you got to george pepp on coleman yet ? another 45 I first heard around the time I first heard george lemons. There are plenty of bootleg CDs marketed around the stafford sound that feature a lot of these style of records.
  18. This is a fantasic record IMO. Now need to check which label spelling I have.... never realy knew that one was rarer than the other.
  19. Ian When you came back with this haul of 4000 records. How much of yor DJ set for the years to come were taken from this one single batch. A large % or just a small % ? I ask this beacuse now it can take me years or months to simply add 1 record to my collection and now its certainly impossible to find this volume of quality soul music in one hit at a sensible price.
  20. firghtening to think what may have been left behind in a quantity of records that large. I bet there were an immense number of records equally as good that never got chosen. Having a quick listen to each record to decide which ones to take must have been incredibly difficult. And look at what happeneed to Walter and Admirations it went on to become an iconic record. Still incredibly rare if i'm not mistaken ?
  21. sunshine on flip is also very good.
  22. still plenty of good music right through 90s IMO if you liked that kind of thing. what clubs you went to is mainly down to what age you were and what music you liked at the time. I was only 15 in '89 so missed prehaps the very best clubs but still saw some good nights later on.
  23. I get the feeling some people want the wigan tunes now and others don't. nostalgia of times gone by or move on and listen to songs prehaps not discovered or not made into big sounds at wigan. For me I could compare this to going to some smaller lesser documented house clubs circa ealy 90s and having just as good if not better times than in the superclubs like cream etc etc. smaller venues being more intimate and prehaps also more progressive the larger venues having to catering for a much larger prehaps easier pleased audience.
  24. I think some copies may also have a slight warp NAP. mine also had clean undamaged labels.

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