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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. i've baught a few badly graded 45s in the hope they turn out to be better than described. its a dangerous game. don't do it too often.
  2. all i'm going to say is lester tipton is now one of my ebay searches and will be for a couple of months. interesting comment above about 30 copies not effecting the value. I was having that thought earlier just how many copies would start to effect the price ? one thing for sure 2 copies in quick succession has got people talking about it on this internet forum.
  3. 200.... 250.... beginning to wish I bagged a couple of spares.
  4. lou pride i'd guess early 80s ? still another great version. A bit more controlled in the vocal I guess. thats the one moerer has for $6. thanks for info on others. I think i've missed some very obvious examples in my searching. Will check them out
  5. I've now got 3 versions of this deep soul winner and wondered how many more there are ? so far I have Joe Woods (IMO the best version i've heard yet) Valentine Adams Lou Pride I do know of a 4th group version which I have on CD but group name has gone from memory. all above are quite different and all great, the last one is available at craig moerer now for $6 and i'd reccomend it to anybody. dylan
  6. he is saying this time that its the last copy. Prehasp he could have said on first auction i've got 2 of these but that would have sounded more suspicious that way, well it would to me ? The gossip would have started. if I had just sold something for $7k I wouldn't hang around to sell a 2nd one either. I'd be selling 2nd one straight away.
  7. auction listing says this his is only other or last copy of lester tipton. so I guess it will be and if it isn't he'll never be able to make a suggestion like that agin and be taken seriously. seems like a good seller to me so i've got no reason to question what he's saying.
  8. been outbid a few times myself this week but only on cheap $10 to $30 bits. still seems to be quite a few people in this market still ? anybody got a terry felton on revilot for me....
  9. i've just noticed moerer is now out of stock. May have been for a while but for a long time he had a few of these and it was selling steadily. now could this become the next TJ Williams..... only time will tell but its got all the right ingredients I think.. its catchy as hell and no doubt getting played in the "progressive" venues. Or it might even be an oldie by now
  10. I wanted that to say massive tits. oh well never mind.
  11. gentle bump. any info appreciated values etc etc.
  12. dispo 30 quid ? rca less.
  13. thats true.
  14. without collectors and DJs the scene wouldn't exist.
  15. I was going to suggest they carry they original with them at all times just in case the soul police are present but that seemed a tad sad. I think if we are talking about very rare records its generally known by at least some others who has what. As these seem to be the only things worthy of putting onto a carver to protect them and stop devaluing. i'm sure people saying they had this and that would be found out pretty fast.
  16. if the person playing the carver has the original in one format or another then it seems fine to me. but if they don't then it becomes CR&P.
  17. I'm a Man Just Like You / Don't Let It End This Way Cat 1974 PM me if you have a copy available. cheers, dylan
  18. can't see you having a problem geting one of these ? are they not on ebay any more ?
  19. is this with butch not sure I know this one ?
  20. a few years ago there was an uptempo female thing with a very catchy hook "suprise" is that still a c/u ?
  21. lots of c/u things on the scene over the years but which one has lasted the longest ? are there things that were played at wigan that are still played as c/u's as only the owners and a few select others know what they are ?
  22. there is some demand in the UK I baught 2 copies last year . Had to return the first one cos it had a gouge on it that clicked. no idea on rarity or value. 45s like this always seem cheap to me in comparison to northern ? got to be at least 30 quid hasn't it ? for quality alone. so no doubt a copy will now go through ebay for about $10 !!
  23. you won't have to look very hard to find another right now
  24. Jimmy Holloway was regarded as very rare but a few have sold on ebay this year and a couple of those were from a certain UK seller who may have more bit annoying as I paid more for mine than what some copies are now selling for. but that not taking away from the fact its a great record. but its not huge $$$.
  25. it is good but very fast. Can the old legs keep up to this tempo now a days much prefer this to there more well known one on this label its got a lot more punch.

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