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Dylan last won the day on December 19

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    Richard marks speak now

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  1. I thought Frederick Hymes was played in progressive northern clubs in a similar way things like James bell were never really considered it a modern record.
  2. There were loads of others Pete this one just sticks as I let one get away
  3. What’s the one record you spent a long time trying to snag a copy but for what ever reason didn’t manage it. for me it’s Thomas Bailey “just won’t move” on king i was even watching a copy on eBay that went really cheap but forgot to bid. Other than that copy I hardly ever saw it. there are lots of others but they were already expensive and had lots of demand so always went over what I was willing to pay.
  4. 150 dollars if I remember right when exchange rate was 2 dollars to 1 pound ?
  5. I don’t disagreee with this but to me when a record is around in the qty this is then it’s time to look elsewhere when it comes to spending. Dont see the point in paying current market price I don’t see the value in doing that.
  6. One of the unknown cover ups on a proper record…. mighty lovers for one.
  7. My thoughts are 250 is plenty for fred hymes I wouldn’t consider it rare and there were enough copies for everybody who wanted one. and in recent times it’s had lots of hammer so a bit predictable for a DJ spot ?
  8. Fred Hymes way over what it should be and regularly sells for ? madness I pity the people hearing these things for the first time now as these prices make it unrealistic.
  9. That determination to own a record you are aware of and want for a long time is something that must happen to us all. I know I’m guilty of it and have also then sold the items once I’ve owned them a while.
  10. Lillie Bryant all time great fantastic northern.
  11. Excellent shows Chris a regular listen on my drive to work
  12. When I sold obscure ballads most went back to states or Japan but that was a while ago now. There obviously are UK based collectors but I don’t think they are the majority for this sound.
  13. I think the desperation to be 18 and have access to the adult world of pubs and clubs will happen forever with all generations. Sneaking in underage has some kudos to share stories with your mates. Exactly Its an embarrassment to all that’s good about rare soul and the rare soul scene.
  14. It probably is a time where many will step aside and let next generation put there spin on things. How old now people who attended Wigan etc 60 or older ? not sure I want to adapt to this new social media created scene. i preferred things how they used to be. How they still are as well in some places.

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