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Everything posted by Casper

  1. true mr Toad ! things had changed an awful lot on the "skins" scene by that time .. still an interesting selection of pictures , pete
  2. some interesting pics here , much later , 79 to 82 ... but documentary . https://www.derekridgers.com/index/module/media/category/gallery%7Cdocumentary%7Cskinheads/start/0 pete
  3. interesting thread .. some great memories too, started for me, as it did for many at school with the orangey yellow "tuff" boots , then by 69 at 14 was a skin , with docs , levis, or wranglers, grandad vests , (from paul rex) .. happy times lol .. as for the music it was all youth club stuff , cos thats where it was, local and school clubs , classic soul ., ska, rock steady, mod and pop all in one big melting pot .. as time moved on ,and very quick looking back ! I became a suede head and as already said by Sean, "smoothies" and brolly boys for a short time, then soul took a hold and thats the way its been since ... of time recent I have rekindled my skin , suede look .. love it .. (susan was too young to be first time round , but as the elton john tune says .. looks cute in her braces and boots ) pete n' susan ktf
  4. Casper

    100 6642

    Lovely picture Alan ....five little devils lol
  5. Casper

    img 3863a

    really nice pic !
  6. Casper

    img 3797a

    brilliant !!!!! wow !
  7. I like it too Mark ..and when it goes on facebook it seems many do .... thought about re mastering it because the Tarzan call could easy be looped out with another section ... just another project on a shelf .. I have it on Roulette Demo .. never seen an issue apart from the disco demand stuff.. pete
  8. what a brilliant weekend at Blackburn ! it finaly all came together and seemed to run like clockwork both days .. the young people were superb and so very pacient with the inevitable stop start of on set filming... we could not stay for the last three hours soul night because we were working at Nunny nighter too , but it would no doubt have been a good session ... a few dancing injurys and sprains with a few by close of play Sunday , but nothing too serious ... As for authentic ? well overall very very good , sure everyone would be able to add this that and the other... but overall the impression of a night at the casino was done so very very well,and with the upmost care to get it right all the way, after editing will it be even more convincing ... top marks all round ! well done to everyone pete n' susan ktf
  9. would have been late 78 to mid 79 ? .. I remember the big buzz cos it was where they had "come dancing" on the telly ... it was dead posh compared to almost anywhere lol .. it had clean carpets ... can't for the life of me remember who was on .... remember the kings hall in derby too .. with the boarded over swimming pool as i remember right ? pete .
  10. Casper


    i sould have blu tacked it lol
  11. "good times" love it xx pete n' susan
  12. Casper

    100 5564

    lovely pic ...lv susan xx
  13. proper pleased this is on again ! .. superb atmosphere .. nothing "plastic" about this place , top "northern soul" venue , it will be packed to the rafters ! pete n' susan ktf
  14. just keep taking the pictures Bill ! .. most people love to see whats been going on at events ... but just respect people who dont like it , as you already do pete n' susan ktf
  15. all sorted , thank you all for your interest ! great tune pete
  16. Tribulations .. you gave me up for promises ........... original only please at least vg+ ..pm me. cheers , casper .
  17. Casper

    100 5274

    lovely xx lv susan xx

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