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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Casper


    From the album: whitby soulin 2008

  2. Casper


    From the album: whitby soulin 2008

  3. Casper


    From the album: whitby soulin 2008

  4. Casper


    From the album: whitby soulin 2008

  5. Casper


    From the album: whitby soulin 2008

  6. Casper


    From the album: whitby soulin 2008

  7. Casper


    From the album: whitby soulin 2008

  8. Casper


    From the album: whitby soulin 2008

  9. yes i remember him, i think he lived in kimberworth Rotherham as i remember, not seen him for many years? not sure if he is around ... i live in nottingham now , pop up to the odd night in rotherham but hardly see anyone from "the days"... pete n' susan
  10. i still have my baggies made at the same tailor who did them in the 70's... keith malinson in rotherham, he is due to retire anytime now, he used to have blackboards outside the shop with all the prices for pockets , channel seams ,turnups etc... he also made jackets, circle skirts ....and still does now ! we would pay a deposit and pay weekly till he would hand them over he is a true "old school" tailor and a gem to chat to, makes wicked clothes to die for in true northern soul style !
  11. there is some sort of preservation order on it ...but at what level,? talking to ginger at the ritz the other month and he said they hope for at least another year.... lets hope so ! next Ritz... april 18th 16th may and a special tribute to tony banks on 23rd may KTF
  12. cos it's hard to stroke yer chin to that tune....strokin yer chin and moving yer feet...two very different things.. nee naa nee naa here come the soul police
  13. great days indeed ! Bub, what a great dj, "no requests cos i know what ya f***** want" was one of his opening lines..and he did too ! and if he played something that did not go down too well i saw him more than once take it off half way through ...cursing and throw it away over his shoulder tracky club.....fab little place, what memories.. and what about the "windmill" at rotherham.... great soul sessions there too ! casper
  14. saw him and chatted a few times before christmas... he was well and fills the floor as ever... a true master Dj. casper
  15. bit late to post... but ! Malc Redman.. promoter of federation soul club, and central soul club... nottingham plus Nottingham dj Rob Smith will be on Radio nottingham 103.8 at 9.00 am till 10.00 am thursday 6th december.. listen in casper
  16. good man! ....wear what is you as an individual and with your conviction, some will like it some will not ...but hey, it's all about choice and respect, baggies are "the way" for some of us,.... including me.... pete n' susan, ktf ...dance it.... wear it... live it ! northern soul!
  17. everyones "ideal" dancefloor is not the same.... depends how you dance i guess ? slider, stepper, stomper, acrobat, 2 steps.....and the list goes on....best to have potions and shoes in yer bag.... from 2 pair of shoes , to talc, soap,and even spray brake cleaner for the ice rink floors to slow em down and make em safe... best dance floor for me has to be brighouse ritz....it must rise n' fall 4 inches it's that well sprung, just the right amount of traction to push but slippy enough to slide n spin...heaven !.... and with no addatives except a great floor ! casper
  18. That's your opinion yes it is .. for me....thats me... not everyone ... not you you listen to soul with your ears not your eyes true...then put it to your feet n' dance...unless you have become a "chin stroker? besides i would not want to not see and trip over my 1" turnups and where were their tongues in relation to their cheeks? hey , if they say nice things thats ok is it not, if they don't mean it , well ok too ... but what would the point in making the effort to say such things to a person ? oh well if clothes don't make a soulie why do you try to keep "northern soul alive in a visual way? cos its good fun and does keep alive visualy and with tradition the image of what it was at the time some of us of an age group were there..? that's your opinion not mine yes it is.. My opinion is that baggies and vests on middle age men look bloody ridiculous. er... unless your fit as f*** like me.. casper
  19. wear what you want really...me, i wear baggies etc, cant dance in anything else ..just does not feel right ? what do people think ? well, to me it keeps "northern soul alive in a visual way, (bit like a renactment group i guess) only comments i have ever had is such things as "where did you get them ?, they look superb etc... and to me they do give the "look" of northern soul , just as full circle skirts do for the girls.... there is just somthing nostalgic and wonderful about "how it was"... it adds that extra "something" to any soul nite...putting on something special, making an effort, living the life , walkin the walk and talkin the talk ! sure, some don't feel good about them anymore, clothes don't make the soulie, but it's not about that, it's keeping it alive for yourself, 18 again for just a few hours, i was at Brighouse the other month, talking to a fellow soul clothes wearer, we were talking about the fantasic atmosphere it has there, then he said to me imagine if everyone made the effort and dressed for the nite? ....well neck hairs prickled as i visualised it ..wow what a nite that would be. baggies are not so available now , mine are still made to mesure at the same shop as in 75...by the same wonderful guy. we are in the minority for sure, but they sure as hell look better on a dancer than tight jeans and a flowery shirt,... just another thought... people who dress in a way that follows their style of music or whatever always look good, it's what you expect to see, it's how it is, imagine teddy boys or rock n' rollers , punks, skinheads, goths, emo's, etc all wearing "normal "clothes....does'nt add up does it ? keep wearing them, don't ask others , do what you believe.....and for those that slagg us off, well take a peak in the mirror too eh? casper.... keepin the faith, inside and out !
  20. DANCER !!!! Northern soul is a dance culture..... long may it always be...
  21. what really really real polys !!!!!! .....pics please..... can't be ..can it ..is it for real ! are they exactly the same ??? are they even called polyveldts?? whoooooppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my feet are waiting casper
  22. i remember on the train from manchester to wigan....some biker boys started and a fight broke out , went on for a bit then the comms cord was pulled as the bikers were getting a slapping, they escaped off the train and began to throw bricks at the train windows breaking some ! the train pulled off and waiting at wigan station the police with dogs etc (searched yet again ) could never understand 4 or 5 punks wanting to kick off against a huge mass of soulies outside wigan ??? and Mexbrough was the scene of many fights, sad to say me included...was jumped by two after we decided to leave early cos we could see what was coming, both fueled on beer they were easy to sort but the month after someone got an eye damaged with a glass....mexbrough was the place of highest unemployment in the country at the time, not an excuse to be honest! casper

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