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Everything posted by Casper

  1. i thought the soulie asking the question asked for no snide remarks ... seems some numpties can't help themselves..... Pete n' Susan
  2. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  3. Casper

    Robin Hood ollerton

    northern soul only !
  4. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  5. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  6. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  7. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  8. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  9. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  10. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  11. Casper


    From the album: Robin Hood ollerton

  12. this one.....cos its my girlfriend
  13. we watched it this morning , copied it last night....it was a real shame , i felt for her and wish she could have done better, she has lost it or was suffering from a throat or cold problem, i feel she has just lost her voice with age...you could see most of the audience were cringing too... i saw her some years ago with Edwin Starr and she was fine, but it is time to let memories be memories... bless her she will always be the best for me, such effortless talent in her day..... we wish her well... pete n' susan xx
  14. contact Andy holroyd... he is the "dvd" man you will see at many venues filming the best dancers around, if he has not got any i will eat my foot ! PM, me for his phone number. i am sure he can help. ktf, pete n' susan
  15. spot on rednose... very few soulies i know would ever put any posts on here now....it tends to go from "banter" to insults, a bit of a shame really pete n' susan ... (lost in a time warp we don't want to get out of )
  16. 2 rooms .... or play what it says on the tin with only one room, ....nothing worse than traveling a distance to hear what you expect only to be force fed something else! pete n susan x
  17. no need for comments where they are not asked for Trevski.... ... no need at all, the member asked an honest question, snide ..."funny"... remarks are in bad form... ... and just get bad feeling going again.. scally, we will get some information to you by PM in a day or so, just got to talk to a few people.. ktf , pete n' Susan
  18. hey nice one ! good luck Sandie and Sammy.... and all the others who will take part too,... both Sandie and Sammy are great dancers and lovely unassuming people , they will do us proud...( would be nice if they are not dancing to Duffy though )..take care .KTF ........ see you all soon i am sure ! Pete n' Susan xxxxx
  19. i may be a die hard but...... the term "northern soul" should never be done away with... why should it? would the world be a better place without, reggae, ska, rock n' roll, punk, house ,rap, garage,indy,and whatever you like.....just because it is not easy to explain to some outsider what "northern soul" is does not mean you can just call it "soul"......you could perhaps find a kind of soul in all of the above if you asked it's devout followers?....for what is soul in reality...? yes it does put music in a box with a label on it, but does not most things in life have a label, how would you find it or identify if it had not? i feel sorry that some cannot carry on with the term and feel ashamed....that is true sadness, this is the music that brought us together, blew our minds away....and still i hope does...this is the music of our youth and will last forever in our hearts that age....the music will always make me feel i belong to the people i see week in week out, my family, my "northern soul " family.....i will miss them all when the time comes for me to be gone, as i miss those who have already gone.. i could not turn my self away from what has been such an important part of my life....and my memories.. KTF....Pete n' susan xxxx
  20. we went last year... against the "soul police" wishes who slagged it off before the event even took place.... guess what ? we and 95% of the people had a super time.. yes it is a bit odd in a shopping centre ... but in some strange way it worked, some bits went wrong like the cue for the "bar" and i hope for the people who use it they think about a better service...the night had its own magic in its own way.....we will be there again this year for sure. as for RW....if you ever get the chance to chat to him then do.... a really nice bloke .....and if he can still make a living from events etc and the name of "wigan casino" and our memories, well good luck to him, it was a buisness after all venture in the first place i guess... was it not ? pete n' susan
  21. of course they are using us...thats why we went....not for pay...just to be there and take part ....and do you know what? we had a great time doing it, they came round so many times trying to keep us informed as to what was happening, they appologised so many times for running late etc.... pay does not come into the equation, it's the experience and meeting so many like minded people who just want to have fun and do something worthwhile, chatting to so many fellow casino members and soulies from far and wide.... sure it's not easy waiting to get up and do something, it's hot, dry and tiring......but to be honest never boring , just interesting as to how much these people care about getting the scenes as accurate as possible, this takes time....i do not think anyone who attended would be so dim as not to realise that running behind with the shooting was a possibility.. too many people are so negative on here .... paul, sadly you for one...these people are trying so bloody hard with this film...and on a budget too...the film crew and actors are so friendly and fun...we wish them luck with the film, we really really do.... Pete n' Susan....xx....
  22. well we just got back too.... what a change from the "buzz" on saturday ?... still great to meet up with old and new friends, nice to talk to you Perdita, ....by heck it was so hot in there today ! as for standing around well we were told it may be so i guess ? but the quest to "get it right" is to be applauded for sure we all had a good dance in the intervals ... a good but frustrating day in many ways... Pete n' susan xx ktf

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