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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  2. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  3. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  4. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  5. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  6. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  7. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  8. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  9. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  10. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  11. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  12. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  13. Casper


    From the album: stoke all niter

  14. i will put my best vest on sammy ! ..... susan will put her best knickers on too pete n' susan KTF
  15. very nice review, things are looking good for the film.....which is great news ! pete n' susan KTF
  16. thats cos we are all too knackerd from dancing and drinking water we have smuggled in to be botherd writing up on what you all know was a brill nite anyway...guess we dont need to "big up" the nites eh ? pete
  17. thats because most of it does not have the same sound and feel.... it just does not cut it..... period ! pete
  18. from the film company ... Hi Peter, The film is progressing well and on schedule. As ever, these things take a lot of time and energy. As the film nears release a new website will be launched with a lot more information, but it's not yet possible to put a date on this. Announcements will be made on www.ipsofactofims.com at the appropriate time. Best, Ed Barratt Assistant Producer good to know all is well i think, despite the pundits and piss takers, .....there is enough downers in this world at the moment without poor and negative "comments" about what may or may not be a good final product, ......I for one hope it will be a great success ! pete n' susan KTF
  19. looks fine to me! is he not a soulie cos he did not go to wigan or something ? he is just doing a demo, nothing else.............he is outside showing his moves and having fun too, .I would sooner have two like him than twenty of the beer monsters that swing around some venues ! pete n' susan ktf
  20. ok Fat lol I used to be regular where you are off to saturday, i hope you have a good nite, anniversarys usually are....i have not been for i think almost 2 years now, stood for an hour and a half (with others) waiting for a dance....if you want to break new sounds dont put em on one after another....im afraid it put me off for good..... were most tunes instant dancers ?....i think yes for the most part, since they "fitted in" well.... went to Doncaster a year ago to the "earl" ....what a nite that used to be, i hardly new a sound that particular nite,....and was sadly not inspired by what they played, so i have given my ears the chance.....and we did give it an hour or so.....what eventually struck me was all the dancers who got up for the most part were women, and the blokes sat n' watched..... most odd ? one thing we aggree on, i too would sooner dance with 25 like minded people than stand and groan about the music...and these venues are around too ! a cd would be nice, what would be better would be to break sounds more slowly at a venue..... but hey , thats just me... anyway, im off to polish my polyveldts and wash my white sox, have a good'n ! Pete, .......livin in a time warp n' lovin it !
  21. . I'd rather be at a venue with 25 other folks hearing quality sounds ..... well Fatius.... i am sure you will get the oppertunity real soon ! at the end of the day, if the new stuff was as infectious, exciting, and great to dance to as the sounds we were brought up on, then and we would all be wanting it..... just as we did then , ...don't yer think ?....the music would take us along like a storm and fill the venues .... but most of it is not, thats why it isn't, why it won't be, never will be, because it just does not , for most, cut the mustard.... empty dance floors will equal empty venues....very very quick ! just going to sew some more buttons on to my pockets pete KTF n' all that stuff...right on
  22. the "oldies crowd" as you put don't populate "soul source" so much anymore...always getting slagged off by the "hip n' modern crowd"...actually not much of a crowd really...and never will be, and thats what the truth is.... that sort of average second rate poo will never be as popular...ever, period... (odd few are ok though? ) as for venues shutting down ? has it ever changed ?....one closes another opens, apart from councils or club owners stopping nites, it seems to me as soon as the dance floor goes empty..(and guess why ? )...the punters will drift away...seen it happen a few times round here, that does not go to say the dark side does not have a place or people wanting to listen, just not at "northern nites"....unless they have a seperate room big enough for the " up front hip crowd"... i guess the "oldies are dead" crys will be going up now... so pop to stoke next week, ( come n' say hello too) or the shed in Notts tonight, or Nuneton saturday (wont be there cos im not well ...cough, splutter )... now check it's pulse... it will not be weak i can assure you pete ,.....defender of the faith, baggie trousers n' all that !
  23. went on the web site to see whats happening of late and there has been a change of title... anyone know whats going on there ? or have i missed something https://www.ipsofactofilms.com/films/souled_out.html pete n' susan

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