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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Casper


    From the album: The Torch Reunion Oct 09

  2. Casper


    From the album: The Torch Reunion Oct 09

  3. Casper


    From the album: The Torch Reunion Oct 09

  4. Casper


    From the album: The Torch Reunion Oct 09

  5. Casper


    From the album: The Torch Reunion Oct 09

  6. Casper


    From the album: The Torch Reunion Oct 09

  7. Casper


    watch out....! the jellytot twins are planning something... (yes,we are up to up to "no good"....as usual) ktf susan ( JT)
  8. Casper


    well my dog could get its head through a cat flap that big !!
  9. Casper


    hey AJ,who are we going to jellytot next?..... (the jellytot twins are up to no good again ) KTF Susan (JT) xx
  10. Casper


    some really nice photos in this album ... good stuff ! pete n' susan
  11. Casper


    mmmmmmmmmmmm....gorgeous xxxx I love that man of mine.... susan (KDLs) xx
  12. Casper


    Sal... you look great... ktf susan.
  13. Casper


    this is Helen... soul sister to the jellytot twins.
  14. Casper


    Susan n' Jan
  15. Casper


    hi Hele ive not seen any check ones but ive seen stripey ones and spotty ones!! ktf susan
  16. Casper


    Hey! thanks Susan! and thank goodness for Primark Big Knickers!! See you at Grosvenor for more high kicks, jellytots and general naughtiness? xx hi Hele jan and i wear marks n spencers!...... lookin forward to Grov got your pressie ktf susan xx
  17. Casper


    Thommo.... youve been "Jelly Totted" pete says he wants to be "Jelly Totted" too!! KTF Susan xx
  18. "no one's talkin about modern" we have been at cross understandings i think thats a nice track actually......quite dancable....its the sound or as you say the "ilk" will always decide if it will make it, most of what i have heard in alternative rooms do not ..... but i may add i do not spend much time in there cos my polvelts start to melt and scorch my white sox pete
  19. Hi Russ... the new stuff thats around just don't cut it....... " New" meant to be interprited as "modern" we are obviously at cross wires here because i took your comment " new dicoverys" as meaning modern stuff and if i got that wrong then i apologise for that .... I know it frustrates the people who have "moved on".... there are those on here who constantly slagg off the oldies / baggies lot, you were not mentioned in person and was again a generalisation of the way many threads end up...... now does that make things a little better..... Russ ?
  20. ok.... i really did not want to get involved as far as this..... but i have been a little misrepresented and to an extent misunderstood .... perhaps ?? Kingsway hall is a superb oldies only venue of around 13 years, it has a country wide following, brilliant atmosphere and a wide but oldies playlist from some excellent dj's who know how to entertain and keep the place buzzing ..... it was christened by someone (i don't know who?) as "the wigan casino of the 21st cent" ......if you have ever visited you can see and feel why....as i said in the other thread, it's almost like being back at the stage end of the casino sometimes....brilliant ! now, russ picked up on the thread title and posted about "not to take anything away etc" ....but...was not wigan about breaking new sounds ? .... now to me initially that sounds like ..."you people are having a good time but you should also be playing some new stuff too" ??( i may have misinterpreted it of course) so, i put.... ....but to be honest....the new stuff thats around just don't cut it....would'nt have then and does not now... .....so i cant see the formula changing anytime soon.... yes i wrote that ....was not actually about what was played at wigan... but a generalisation of what i hear and see when i visit "modern" rooms now.... and i do have a look,and a listen i assure you.....and you know what?, people on here go on about the scene being watered down.... thats just what i see when i have a look inside....music that is way away from the fast stompers, the gritty dark soulful infectious dance beat of those early days of this "dance culture" scene of ours .......i may need more education with "modern up front".. or whatever you may like to call it......... but i cannot find the heart to sit through it all........people enjoy it, i have no doubt whatsoever ....... soul it may be ? but not the soul i wanted and still want now.... as do most..... I know it frustrates the people who have "moved on" ...... but just because you have ,does not give a right to diss others who have not.... i may be wrong but i cannot remember a thread started by oldies people diss'n modern soul lovers ?.... but it seems like some kind of "in" thing to do the reverse...... and then it moves on to how some dress and so into the usual spiral ....... yawn.... you know what.... we all have some common ground on here.... i love oldies, but i like some crossover too..... modern?, i'm not so sure ..... but perhaps it's time to live and let live on here .....but that will never happen i guess ....... pete .
  21. Casper


    thats Helen....fab dancer....great soul sister(and knicker flasher ) keep up the good work KTF Susan
  22. went to Rob's on saturday.... notice outside says open later this week probably..... really funny to stand outside and see the window and frame buckling out under pressue from records inside .... pete n' susan ktf
  23. Casper

    kingsway hall sept

  24. Casper


    From the album: kingsway hall sept

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