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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Lots and lots of people were asked...it was a general subject on the internet....pete and I applied and they phoned us back. filming went on for weeks....we had loads of fun and made alot of friends including some of the cast. Pete and some of his mates did a photo shoot outside for the local papers.... all again good fun... the directors and producers and their teams were very friendly( and very patient with us untrained crowd LOL) we and many others were asked back several times for different shots.....it was filmed over several months....which we enjoyed doing very much, and for the fun and new friends we made we have no regrets whatsoever....same as any film, you like it or you dont....not hard is it? lol And yes it is true that to try to re create something that happened is very hard....but only those of us who attended the casino can ever be the true judges of that i guess? ktf susan
  2. What is it with you Mr.Sado just because you think you are some kind of Writer /director /producer, or whatever you dream to be .... just because you wrote a play, which i aggree was very succsesful, you think nothing can ever be done again without your seal of approval....you think your word is sacred....whats up ? jealous cause you were not "consulted" ?......as a matter of fact we saw the version in Bolton of your play which you said was "crap"....but had standing ovations .... yes people probably WILL like this film....me being one of them........ Just give it a chance.........you are entitled to your oppinion.....but as always ,....always so negative.. difference is Mr Sado,your just a number,a minority, and because of your constant negativity and whining on, who gives a f..k what you think anymore...cos it's always the same, same , same... your just a pain in the arse with your "over zealous Criticism and your comments are becoming boring..... you must be so miserable... ...... KTF Susan

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