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Everything posted by hullsoul

  1. A rather nice demo of this cracker is due on the doormat very soon.Odd nighter plays for this one,last heard it at Swinton played by Matt Sneath. Mariann-Motivation A-Bet
  2. Now that's a word you don't see often in a sentence Cheers Martyn
  3. All new to me boys & half descent,a tad modern for me but you knew I'd say that ,this is the best of the 3 to my ears Cheers Martyn
  4. Been after one of these for awhile,so well chuffed to have bagged one................
  5. Rick Brilliant!!Massive nighter tune in it's day,don't hear it much these days. Cheers Martyn
  6. Patto It's the sombreros for me,can't understand why the fashion never took off at Wigan Cheers Martyn
  7. Patto Would love one of these,great tune Cheers Martyn
  8. Massive at Wigan (79-ish?) Got a picture cover copy,will dig it out & post a photo of it,worth seeing for the sombreros Cheers Martyn
  9. Such sad news,another one taken to early. R.I.P Mark Martyn & Lynn
  10. Another for the "Never Thought I'd Own" section of the collection.Awesome nighter tune from a few years back,still getting plenty of plays.Great t'other side as well that gets the odd plays. Damn Sam The Miracle Man-Damn Sam The Miracle Man Tayster Damn Sam The Miracle Man-Give Me Another Joint Tayster
  11. New release time,getting a few plays........... The Harlem Gospel Travelers - He's On Time Colemine
  12. Another addition from a great artist. Betty Harris - I Don't Wanna Hear It Sansu
  13. Gogger Love this,got the LP with it on,full of great tunes Cheers Martyn
  14. Kev It was a rather nice mint demo waiting for me Cheers Martyn
  15. Just back from my hols & this was waiting for me,don't you just love that Had The Valentinos version of this for years but heard this at Different Strokes in Manchester & it was new to me.Quick trawl about & found it's a cheapie so makes it even better (Great live version of this on You Tube for those who like that sort of thang ) New Birth-I Can Understand It RCA
  16. To add to The Astors tunes.............. The Astors-More Power To You Stax
  17. Love this & my preferred side to Cheers Martyn
  18. This has been getting plenty of plays recently,sounds great out played loud. Roger & The Gypsies - Pass The Hatchet Seven B
  19. If you love the top side you'll love the B side as well ( like I do)
  20. Another recent purchase,been played at the last two Mojo's,sounds so good played out loud. Arthur Prysock-House By The Side Of The Road Old Town
  21. Dave Been after one of these forever,not heard it in ages,sounds great still. Cheers Martyn
  22. Gogger Probably so,posted most of my stuff over the years.........good & bad Cheers Martyn
  23. J Do you really want to start that game Twisted Grooves last night was brilliant,worth a visit if you can Cheers Martyn
  24. Andy Dekka's just bought one.........I'm jealous Cheers Martyn

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