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Everything posted by hullsoul

  1. Fabulous Apollos - Some Good In Everything Bad Valtone
  2. Another Fabulous group with another fabulous nighter tune,this time the Apollos. Fabulous Apollos - Some Good In Everything Bad Valtone
  3. Kev Always liked this,didn't know it was a Mecca play Cheers Martyn
  4. Gogger Had this quite awhile,bought more or less as it was getting played at nighters & still sounds the biz to me. You see the odd one going cheap these days so you might get lucky? Cheers Martyn
  5. Andy As you know didn't watch him much at Wilton as seen him at Cleggy weekender & thought he was good there........he must have been as I stayed for his full set Cheers Martyn
  6. If we're trying to better Jr & failing miserably I'll throw this in the mix,LP only track from a great LP.Still nowhere near as good Jr's version.....none can be Hearts Of Stone - What Does It Take To Win Your Love VIP LP
  7. Darrow Fletcher - What Have I Got Now Jacklyn
  8. Back to the nighter sounds from me today............. Darrow Fletcher - What Have I Got Now Jacklyn
  9. Dave Shame it never took off as I think it's a cracking dancer?Used to hear "No One Loves You" quite often a bit back & I just assumed it was J & G but it could easily have been Hot Cinnamon without me knowing Cheers Martyn
  10. Same here I'd never heard the Hot Cinnamon version before,just had a listen & it sounds the same record to me.......but I am a bit mutten Cheers Martyn
  11. Love both sides of Joe & George,has "You're Gonna Miss Me" had an regular plays anywhere in the past? Cheers Martyn
  12. The Queen City Show Band - True Patron Of The Arts Pow
  13. Another I bought Saturday.Pete Smith said that someone was playing this about ten years back but didn't say who,can't say I've ever heard it out?Has an old school feel to me,coud imagine it getting played at Wigan? The Queen City Show Band - True Patron Of The Arts Pow
  14. Always think it sounds like Zu Zu Man on whiz John Weston gave me the nod about it awhile back,think he's played it out a few times.I've also given it the odd play recently & it doesn't seem that well known? Cheers Martyn
  15. Stu Got this great LP,if memory serves me right there loads of great tracks on it including "I've Got The News".Not played in ages,must dig it out Cheers Martyn
  16. Pete Certainly worth a play imo,has an old school feel to it I think. Paid half that for my Pow copy but not mint has some writing on the label & a few marks that you don't hear. Cheers Martyn
  17. Boff Is that the unreleased footage from the Wigan Shopping Centre promotional video Cheers Martyn
  18. Patto It was awhile ago now but sure I asked Pete when I bought it off him & he never said anything?Will check with him again in case I dreamt that bit I know I asked Chalky about it been played at Stafford & he said not? Will ask around again & report back..........come on Kev,Dave anyone,someone on here must know Cheers Martyn PS Bit good for Russ if it was him
  19. Well I hope you lot are proud of yourselves?All this talk of inst meant that when I was out last night & just happened to browse through a sales box I came across an inst that's been on my radar awhile but I've not done anything about tracking one down (think Pete sold one recently) but as soon as I saw it all I could hear was you lot shouting BUY IT!!!!..........so you lot have got the blame to my missus Any info on plays,venues etc would be most appreciated The Queen City Show Band-True Patron Of The Arts Pow
  20. Patto Great tune & I was well chuffed to get a demo awhile back off that nice Pete Smith,been told the demo's are quite hard?? Are you sure it's a Wigan spin?Although I've known it for a lot of years I've never heard it get any consistent plays & I'd always thought it was a Stafford play but when I asked around after getting my copy all those with far more knowledge then me who I asked didn't think it'd been played anywhere enough to become associated with any particular venue?By know way I'm saying I'm right & would love it if you could give me more info that would place it as Wigan oldie as it's too good to have slipped the net?? Cheers Martyn
  21. Harry Deal & The Galaxies-I Still Love You Eclipse
  22. For a lot of years now I've stopped looking in sales boxes while I'm out as I'm usual spent up via the internet so avoid the temptation but recently I've fallen back into old habits.It's now starting to cost me a few bob as I bought two again last night(dam that Mace & his sales patter) & proves that I can look through most sales boxes & find something I want..........suppose it just shows how long my wants list is So back on the wagon from now on..........NO MORE SALES BOXES!!!! Got this cracker though Harry Deal & The Galaxies-I Still Love You Eclipse
  23. Gogger Was at Ad Libs R n B night last night & this was played,spent the next half hour with my mates discussing various other versions only to come to the conclusion that my statement of this been one of the best versions was right.........they're like our lass?Don't they know I'm always right
  24. Andy Could find a little bit of room in the collection for this baby Cheers Martyn

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