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Everything posted by hullsoul

  1. Kev Nowt to do with been tight it was about not been listed with you lot of reprobates.........I was a nice lad Cheers Martyn
  2. Mine was Yellow & forged..........nicked some of the right coloured card from work & copied the lettering off my mates with a felt tip.Got in for ages with it until I lost it & had to get a new one which I think was a light blue? Cheers Martyn
  3. Patto/Neil Must admit always play the "Having Fun" side out,always liked "I've Gotta...." but think it's a bit fast for some(me I mean) Cheers Martyn
  4. Hues Corporation-We're Keepin' Our Business Together Liberty
  5. One for you crossover boys,this is the B of the great up-tempo 70t's mover "Goodfootin'" Hues Corporation-We're Keepin' Our Business Together Liberty
  6. Some more......... Gail Anderson - My Turn Now Early Bird VirgieTill - I Didn't Steal Your Dog Glover Mighty Sam - Papa True Love Amy Barrett Strong - I'm Gonna Cry Tamla Cheers Martyn
  7. Patto New to me,certainly makes it a double-sider & surprised some enterprising dj hasn't flipped it over & given it a spin.........or have they? Cheers Martyn
  8. Kev One of the best tunes posted for awhile.........why don't I own one of these Cheers Martyn
  9. Garry Here's a few.......... Walter Jackson - Lee Cross OKeh Al Reed - Sorry About That Axe Tina Britt - Who Was That Veep Junior Wells - I'm Gonna Cramp Your Style Bright Star Slim Harpo - I'm Gonna Keep What I've Got Excello Not sure on prices now but they all used to be cheap? Cheers Martyn
  10. Gogger Lifeline/Pow Wow the night before so not a chance I'm afraid,unless I call in on the way home Cheers Martyn
  11. Money well spent Cheers Martyn
  12. Denise Chandler-I'm Walking Away Lock
  13. Another forgotten oldie from me today from a lady who was later to find fame as Denise Williams. Denise Chandler-I'm Walking Away Lock
  14. Patto The money's in the post Cheers Martyn
  15. Can I join in,don't like Gin or Rum but love been a social reject Cheers Martyn
  16. Gogger When is it in December?Must admit bit busy. Cheers Martyn
  17. Gogger I do remember you stalking me at H & G Cheers Martyn
  18. Dave You British boys what you like........you know that the British releases of US releases are second issues Cheers Martyn
  19. The Pussycats - I Want Your Love Columbia
  20. Another that'll be going in the box for that oldies night,forgotten Wigan oldie. The Pussycats - I Want Your Love Columbia
  21. Peter What you doing posting a picture of my younger brother Cheers Old Martyn
  22. Peter Sorry can't get past Spyder's version with any other version Cheers Martyn
  23. Patto Still waiting for the fine details but will be in February. If your out & about over Chrizzy we'll be at Wetherby Engine Shed on the 27th Cheers Martyn
  24. Ketty Lester-Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid RCA
  25. Been asked to do an new oldies night starting up after Chrizzy, don't get ask to do many night's like that as on the odd occasion I do get asked I always say I'll do it as long as I don't have to come & play handbag stuff & can play stuff that wasn't just played at Wigan.In this case that's exactly what they want so been thinking of things to play & Lynn (my wife) has already told me I'm playing this Ketty Lester-Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid RCA

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