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Everything posted by hullsoul

  1. H New to me & liked it on first plays.Mr Green has a lovely tone to his voice,this tune suites it perfectly Cheers Martyn
  2. Dave Do I hear "Stand By Me" in there somewhere? Cheers Martyn
  3. Much copied never bettered imo Cheers Martyn
  4. Dave Great tune,another you never hear out .Looks nice on issue,mines a demo. Cheers Martyn
  5. Dave I've got "That Girl" by them on Bell.I think that suffers from the same thing as this?The production is brilliant but the vocals are a bit iffy to my ears?Put a proper lead vocal on them & you'd have a couple of serious tunes imo. Cheers Martyn
  6. One in the playbox for Saturday night. Bunny Sigler - For Cryin' Out Loud Decca
  7. Gogger Deja-vu?I nearly bought one of these the other day,sounds good Cheers Martyn
  8. Rick Got a sweat on thinking about dancing to this New to me but hit the spot straight away Cheers Martyn
  9. Dave Nothing wrong with this(great vocals) but it's a bit too nice for me Cheers Martyn
  10. You should have got out more to nighters in the 90t's Cheers Martyn
  11. Dave New to me but really like this Cheers Martyn
  12. Old nighter cheapie that I've not heard out for ages..........time for a re-activation I think? Betty Everett - Nothing I Wouldn't Do ABC
  13. I'm feeling like a bit of Motown magic & this fits the bill perfectly The Temptations - I Want A Love I Can See TMG
  14. Heard this out couple times recently,great version imo. Della Reese-Compared To What Avco
  15. One that's in the playbox for Saturday. Tammy Wayne - Have A Good Time Boom
  16. Another that should be getting some hammer next week......... Jimmy Norman - Family Tree Mercury
  17. New to me & hit the spot straight away Cheers Martyn
  18. I'm in full build up mode to The Wilton re-union so here's another I hope gets played............. Troy Keyes - You Told Your Story ABC
  19. Latest addition.Been after one of these for awhile but hearing Trusty play it at Empty Bottles the other week it became a must have,sounds awesome out Tyrone Davis-I'm Running A Losing Race Sack
  20. Wilton re-union at Springfield soon,hope I hear this Dee Edwards-You Say You Love Me Tuba
  21. Oldies time from me today. Maurice and The Radiants - Baby You Got It Chess
  22. Kev I'd give both of em away Cheers Martyn
  23. Gogger The backing track sounds great but the vocals don't sound great to me,this could be due to the poor vid though? Cheers Martyn
  24. Neil You need to get out more.......it's one that's big with the kids Will you stop trying to force friends on me I'm quite happy been in a gang of one...........the rounds are cheaper............sorry that's a drink joke having never bought one you won't have got it

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