December is usually a month for reflection of the past year so I thought I'd throw this up for a bit of fun to see what tunes have been exciting people in the last year.This could be ones you've heard out,ones you've bought,off a CD,ones you dug out the back of your collection.Anything that gets you all giddy & can't hear them enough..................
(this is not an oldies V newies,70'ts V R n B etc. thread so just respect what excites each different person)
One's for me been played out............
Martha Bass-Since I've Been Born Again Checker LP
Charles Johnson-I Made A Mistake Rainbo (would have been on 2010 list as well)
Ray Williams-Gonna Get Even Space
Hector Rivera-I Want A Chance For Romance Barry
Barrett Strong-Sugar Daddy Acetate
Dam Sam-Miracle Man Tayster
(Many more I can't remember just yet........it's my age)
Ones I've bought.............
Gene McDaniels - Sweet Lover No More Columbia
Louise Murray - The Love I Give Verve
Mamselles - Open Up Your Heart (Let Love Out) ABC
Lou Rawls - Breaking My Back Capitol Creative Products
The Sonny Gordon Five-The Dance Coral
Tom Storm - I Love You Ge Ge
The Rayons-You Confused Me Baby Forte
Benny Poole-Pearl.Baby Pearl
Coasters - Down in Mexico Atco
(Many more but will call it for now)
Mods sorry if this is the wrong forum feel free to move it?