Remember goin Wigan on numerous occasions in my mates dads Hillman Minx.Trouble was his dad didnt know. We used to wait while hed come back from the local con club and gone to bed pissed up and then my mate Grevs used to nick his car keys. There was always a nervous drive home at top speed from the Casino back to Blackburn wizzing our tits off still, hoping hed not got up yet and gone to the garage to get the car. The garage was a lock up across the street. This went on for weeks....we had it off to a tee. One week his dad took the battery off to charge up. I dont know where from, but Grevs got another battery on the saturday afternoon and everything was going to be allright. "We,ll just do the same routine it will be a peice of piss" says he. Anyway his dad goes to bed and we go to the garage, get the said battery and proceed to put it on the car. Its only the wrong size and has got different terminals. "No probs" says Grevs "well just use 2 pairs of mole grips to connect the connections together." On the way back, wizzing our tits off a police car followed us all the way from Chorley for a good few miles and then turned off. We were shitting ourselves.....ysee, Grevs hadnt passed his test.