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Everything posted by Koolkat

  1. Remember goin Wigan on numerous occasions in my mates dads Hillman Minx.Trouble was his dad didnt know. We used to wait while hed come back from the local con club and gone to bed pissed up and then my mate Grevs used to nick his car keys. There was always a nervous drive home at top speed from the Casino back to Blackburn wizzing our tits off still, hoping hed not got up yet and gone to the garage to get the car. The garage was a lock up across the street. This went on for weeks....we had it off to a tee. One week his dad took the battery off to charge up. I dont know where from, but Grevs got another battery on the saturday afternoon and everything was going to be allright. "We,ll just do the same routine it will be a peice of piss" says he. Anyway his dad goes to bed and we go to the garage, get the said battery and proceed to put it on the car. Its only the wrong size and has got different terminals. "No probs" says Grevs "well just use 2 pairs of mole grips to connect the connections together." On the way back, wizzing our tits off a police car followed us all the way from Chorley for a good few miles and then turned off. We were shitting ourselves.....ysee, Grevs hadnt passed his test.
  2. you must be joking, They,ll all be shite.
  3. Cheers. 20 mins and we have an answer. We know that none of us can remember it being played at a venue were we attended. Awsome tune. Probably got underplayed cos of all the other great sounds around at that time.
  4. Got a few buddies around at ours at the min. Weve been having an instrumental session. Like you do....... Weve all got our faves.....some you cant stand. Ive always banged on about Bari Track......its the best. BUT weve just listened to Bubblegum Breakthrough again after a period of years and decided its awesome when you take it apart, instrument wise. I would have like to have danced to this first time around on the scene. I started at Wigan and Blackpool early 1974. I certainly cant remember it. When was it aired? None of us can remember. One guy just said "post the question up on soul source and I bet you get an answer in minutes" So I have....lets see how fast we get an answer. The time starts now and its 14.52
  5. As he any discs stored away?? Pm me sharp like.
  6. Cant believe that buddy. Ive just listened to Bari Track not 2 mins ago and thought I,ll log on soul source and see whats going on. FECK ME, Im gutted to say the least, he to me was everything Detroit stood for. Im going to blast Bari Track again and think about the guy and how many tunes he was involved with. Mike Terry I salute you. The heavens will be hearing that burping sax tonight thats for sure.
  7. Ive mentioned this before on SS. I had a mate who was into Robert Plant and all that kinda stuff. I made him listen to the Tops one night shift at work. I made him listen to Levi,s voice. THE VOICE. That mate has just rung me up and hes mightily upset at the saddest news that Ive certainly heard this year. LEVI STUBBS I SALUTE YOU. I WAS AND STILL AM YOU,RE BIGGEST FAN.
  8. Sharpees.... Im so tired of being lonely......Onederful. It is indeed wonderful.
  9. Agree. But I have just to name one for mesel. The awesome "Bari Track" covered as "I miss my baby" by The Lebaron Strings. Ive got goosepimples typing this in. You just had to be there. I used to wait all night for this track to be played. Every one and I mean everyone has to be made to listen to this tune when they are starting out on the scene. An instrumental that to me epitomises "PROPER NORTHERN" no other inst comes close to my mind. Only my opinion of course.
  10. Editted Eddie to Willie. Thanks for pointing the error out chaps. Been working the night shift and I was still asleep methinks.
  11. As early as that......That is early! Only came to my attention at Wigan, like I say about 75ish. It must have been a sleeper cos I got around 73-75. Mind you I might have been out of it when it was spun. Tee Hee! Still, a top top tune and well done sir for finding that. That must have been before Tony Jebb went to the torch, no? So what are we saying, was it spun at the Torch then? Just interested thats all. Where did you come across the disc?
  12. Yeah I know what you mean. I couldnt really get into it. But it did break the night up when Gary lewis et al were being giving a spin in the main hall. Plus if you were lucky enough to meet a nice young lady there were some quiet spots to chat an that.
  13. Agree 100%
  14. What!!!!!!!! Hold on!!!!!! No mention of the Velvet Satins. Shame on us all. Or were we all in Mr Ms
  15. Yeah, cheers Steve. I knewwwwww that . What I meant was its history on the scene. Doh! Who had it in there mits first ,when and stuff. Mid 60s recording, geddaway.
  16. I know when this first crossed my ears. Circa 75. But Ive read/gleaned info that this was a lot earlier, I think. I just cant remember. Its always been a top top tune to me. Anyone of you knowledgeable people help me out.
  17. Just read the Wigan no 1s thread and it got me thinking about Mr Ms biggies/popular tunes. The place used to bounce to these two. Nothings to good for my baby. Stevie Wonder. Gimme some lovin. Spencer Davis Group. Both fantastic tunes to move to when you had a gurn on!!! Anymore for anymore.
  18. Paul Anka Micheal and Raymond Johnny Caswell They stick in my mind as big, big tunes.
  19. Only one I didnt go into ms for was Betty Wright. I thought she was good, although I hadnt clue what songs she did!!! Copious amounts of chalkies and brown and clears was probaly the reason
  20. Ive always love this. But I wouldnt have dared said so on here!!!!!!............Fair play to ya buddy. I havent listened to it for about 3 years.......But instantly had goose pimples all up the arms.
  21. Yeah. Great tune. However im not to keen on the first voice....but the second. I wish I could sing like that thats for sure.
  22. Where does Joe Matthews sit in all this?........ Koolkat copies......Demos vs Issues... How many copies etc?
  23. The man could sing without even trying. Absolutely effortless! Jackie, I am your biggest fan!!!!!
  24. Gotta agree. Motown drums!!!!......Uptight is another fine example....... Many people copied.
  25. And thats another thing.......getting on the coach in Blackburn . Bear in mind it originated from Burnley, calling at Accy etc. We were only 16 and there were some bigger lads than us on that coach when it arrived. Pretty intimidating I can tell you. You just never knew who was gonna tip up on that coach.

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