New member here. I know I should have introduced myself in a different area probably, but I ve just seen this post and had to respond. SOUL YOGI. I first heard this at Samanthas cica 1974 and started the search for it asap. Found it 2 yrs later in some guys box in the record bar at Wigan.( The only place to find wanted dics in my opinion, cos half of the guys didnt know what they had, or the record hadnt broke yet) Paid £2 for it then in mint! A lot of cash then for me. Next morning played it to a mate who I knew ,knew his stuff. He loved it right away, and then he was on a mission to find one. He never found one !!! Its not a rare disc but Ive not seen one for yonks. Its bloody unusual and fast. Some years later Dave Godin did a review in Black Music mag. He said and I quote. "Freddie mccoys performance on the vibes is of virtuoso quality and although this side has in the not to distant past caused some minor ripples it really deserves to become much more widely known and loved. one to really float out to, that sparkles with irridescent space and much else, it is one of the meanest low down instrumentals I have heard in months". He knew his stuff did Mr Godin. Dont know how to do sound clips sorry. Its deffo on Prestige 2.40 mins of nostalgic mania.