Picked up a few discs at a car boot in Haslingden in Lancs. One disc had written in run out groove "one day this will be a big sound". The record was All the heaven a man really needs by Hudson County. Its shite.
Ding Dong by Dave Diamond on the Double Decker label. 6 of the best.........................By the way thats a cover up....
Im not playing anymore, going to watch the grass grow on the front garden. Heh Heh!
First time Ive ever heard this disc and I think its feckin brilliant. Right up my street. Proper northern to my ears. Where was I when this was being spun??? The mind boggles. There must be 100s of records I have not heard
The pub was called THE WATERLOO and is still there albeit a conference centre now. UNDERGROUND ran on monday nights circa 76/77. It never got supported much. Just a few locals with not much energy left after the usual heavy weekend. Shame really it had potential.
On your right , our left, is a good old buddy of mine, Fred Waterhouse from Clitheroe. Cant see is brother Brian tho. I must have been in the Casino that night. Probably not in mind tho . I wonder what record they are actually dancing too. Probably Gary Lewis!!!!!!!
I remember listening to Richard Searling when he used to broadcast on a Sunday morn on Jazz Fm. He was telling a tale about this guy who in the early eighties kept pestering him to sell Don Gardener Cheatin Kind. Richard thought the bottom had fallen out of the rare soul scene so after a while he gave in to the guy. The price..............£85. Now thats gotta hurt!!!
I remember listening to Richard Searling when he used to broadcast on a Sunday morn on Jazz Fm. He was telling a tale about this guy who in the early eighties kept pestering him to sell Don Gardener Cheatin Kind. Richard thought the bottom had fallen out of the rare soul scene so after a while he gave in to the guy. The price..............£85. Now thats gotta hurt!!!
WHAT!!!!! No Doni Burdick and the absolutely utterly totally one and only proper northern inst ever BARI TRACK???? You need to find a place for this. NOW!!!!
I well remember nickin in the casino many ways. The bouncers got wind of what was goin on in the particular route we were takin. They were waitin one night when we dropped in the top cloakrooms from the roof. BUT, other soulies who were in the cloakrooms at the time got in their way and jostled em, Thank goodness. Us? We were off like the clappers. The bouncers knew we were from Blackburn so hung around the left hand side off the casino stage (looking toward the stage ). We just hung around the back of the casino. It went on for fookin weeks I swear. Only problem was, were we were hiding for the wont of a better word, were a load of people who thought "WHAT THE FOOK YOU LOT DOING IN OUR PLACE" Dangerous sometimes at the Casino. Wouldnt change a thing. Circa 1975/6 I think.
Whenever a topic starts about certain records I always end up daydreaming about who actually found/discovered the said disc. What they thought at the time they first heard it. What there reaction was to the first 30secs until it dawned on them they had a certain winner. And then. FFS wait until everybody hears this rascal!!!!
Anbody any idea who first turned Panic up?
Just how many records do you own my friend? Every time someone posts about a certain record, you post up a scan. Demos, issues, british, french, different labels etc etc. You must have an amazing collection!!!!!