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Everything posted by Slippers

  1. until

    Tackar Carl - some great tracks there - can't wait for may....
  2. until

    Hi Carl, very interested in this even though it's a few months away - is it posiible to get a weekend pass in advance or is it just at the door? Thanks, S
  3. Thanks Kathryn, glad you enjoyed it i(if 'enjoyed' is the right word) Sort of film related, I'm currently watching 'Better call Saul' on Netflix . Once you get through the first couple of episodes in series one, which to be honest are mildly annoying, it settles down to become a truly great peice of Television. Back on topic, one of the better films I've seen lately is 'Mr Jones' I think it's on Netflix - not entirely sure, it's all about Stalin's forced starvation of the Ukrainian people in the 1930s.
  4. Bastarden (Danish Title) AKA The Bastard or 'The Promised Land' is well worth a watch - first thing to have kept me occupied for 2 hours for since I don't know when. It's on the BBC Iplayer.
  5. Law of Tehran, a compelling, magnificent piece of work. My attention span is severely limited and yet I was completely transfixed for the just over two hours. Blew me away
  6. Dark Hearts (BBC 4 and I Player) French series set in Iraq during peak Isis. It's a grower and very suspenseful
  7. whenever Man U played Leeds Charltoms mother use to say to Jack, " be kind to our Robert"
  8. Underneath my appartment theres a typical Swedish restaurant serving typical Swedish food. I had the windows open last night and just caught the faintest traces of something special on their CD player. Margie Joseph - One more chance Moved over to the window, lit up a fag, and sung (out loud). Felt happy and stupid all at the same time. Then this morning I went over to the 2nd hand shop and found an album Ive been after for donkeys - Blue Magic, 13 blue magic street which includes the sublime - The lonliest house on the block. Bit my tongue this time but its going around in my head as I type
  9. Walked to work this morning whistling along to Sam and Dave's 'soothe me' . Got a few odd looks from the locals as I don't think that whistling is a european thing.
  10. Solomon Burke - Simplicity (UK London) Lillian Dupree - Shield Around My Heart (D-Town) Jessie Mae - Don't Freeze On Me (DRA) Cheers, K
  11. Only ever heard this played out once (Shield Around my Heart) and I was hooked. Bought a copy a few months ago. It's £100 on Manship but I would have thought that you could get one cheaper than that. Good Luck k
  12. Stafford for the music and from what I've heard, the punters.
  13. I've recently started collecting ( a modest 60 odd records) and to be honest I have to keep a close check on it - I know I could easily go completely overboard. Prices do seem on the high side but compared with what prices/wages were like in the seventies I don't see that it's too much of a luxury.
  14. Si es correcto, lo siento
  15. It is a bit slower but still a great sound - 'just me and the fellahs - under the street lamp'
  16. Si Si Si, me le gustan Also love proper, full-on Salsa/Mambo - Anything from La Habana - Celia Cruz, Tito Fuente etc. K
  17. Beat me to it and 'Grates' is the right word.
  18. Beat me to it - Had a couple in the mid seventies but they were a bugger to iron. K
  19. Good idea, it's difficult enough to drive, listen, clap and send texts all at the same time
  20. Yeh, good one I've done this many times and it must look very odd to other motorists k
  21. Mark, thanks for getting back on the City of Fools. I have managed to source a copy in the UK Thanks again, K
  22. Been looking for copies of these for a long time now - Li'l bob and the lollipops - I got loaded ( La Louisianne) City of fools - Colette Kelly Any copies for sale?
  23. Been looking around for other stuff by Lee Moses - only ever heard 'How much longer must I wait' on one of the Dave Goddin's comps and its awesome.

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