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Everything posted by Philreeves

  1. Bill Downs it is. No mystery or underhand practice here. It sounds like a transcription error which happens very frequently when transferring an interview from often muffled tape recordings into print.
  2. I remember hearing the Chris Jackson record played to me by DG in the Soul City shop. I didn’t like it then or now. Chris Jackson sounds nothing like Chris Bartley (or Van McCoy) and DG was hurt that I didn’t like it (tough!) having previously sold me Chris Bartley’s album and the “I found a goodie’ 45 both of which I loved. I am aware that people can’t distinguish between voices having seen the crazy situation where Donnie Elbert was credited with singing “So Soon” when in fact it was by Van McCoy. (Also not by Chris Bartley as was suggested elsewhere).
  3. Hey Steve! Your book is amazing and I find it hard to put down. A labour of love for sure. Thanks so much. Phil
  4. Typo in the biography. VANDO records not Vanda. I’ve ordered my copy.
  5. Ok Michael. Good luck with your search.
  6. Hi Michael I have issue 602. £5 plus postage/packing
  7. Betty Fikes & The Passions I Can’t Lie To My Heart Southbound
  8. I’ve seen worse shows. Nice to hear two of Bettye Swann’s Capitol recordings in one episode.
  9. I watched it last night and again this morning. Really pleasing overall mainly because the purpose of the programme was clear , focused, and included the people who were there in the U.K. and how they reacted to the music they loved.
  10. RIP Mattie. What a truly inspirational person!.
  11. You could ask Mr Finewine (downtown soulville) if anything is happening. It could be that any events would be outside of Manhattan eg like Brooklyn. Not strictly NS but great & friendly in my experience.
  12. Yes MIDDLEMAN I think it was the ABC . Fairly close to the train station. The Tops and the Spinners really put on a energy packed show dancing up and down the aisles and giving hi fives and handshakes to us fans.
  13. Gladys Knight & the Pips at East Ham Odeon 1969 ?. Peabo Bryson Hammersmith 1993? Four Tops & The Spinners Hull 1973 All of these were great value for money and cemented my love of soul music further.
  14. I saw him dance briefly at the EL Grotto In ILFORD Essex in around 71/72. Stunned most of the then sparse crowd in particular when “Move On Up” was played. Memorable to me. RIP Andy.
  15. Thanks Kevin. I’d like that . Cheers!.
  16. Sad news indeed. I think James wrote the music and Clarence Jr wrote the lyrics for their “Pasado” Stairsteps favourite . What a talented family!. RIP James .Condolences to Keni and the Burke family.
  17. I foolishly loaned my copy to a friend 10 years ago. No sign of a return so I’m hoping someone out there has a spare. Thanks for looking. Phil
  18. Hi mate I gave up and bought a vg copy from Craig Moerer in the us. Let me know your price and I’ll see if it’s worth trading up. Thanks!. Phil
  19. Have handles at each end. Ideal for 7” record storage or DJ. see pic COLLECT ONLY. £100 FROM GOODMAYES, ILFORD, ESSEX Parking Is free and easy. SOLD
  20. Still looking fo these!
  21. Still looking for this record. Anyone?.
  22. Thanks so much David just sent him a message. Phil

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