nearest thing i came to trouble,was at wigan when we got there the queue was a mile long so me and 3 mates went back to the car to wait out of the cold,this big black guy built like a brick shithouse,with a long leather coat down to his ankles follows us and asks us for our gear,none of us took drugs but he was having non of that,and kept threatening to smash our faces in if he found any on us,i always remember holding a 12" monkey wrenchfrom under the seat,ready to smash his face in,later i saw him going up the stairs,i tried to get my mates to meet him at the top to knock the twat back down to the bottom,but they woudn't and he lived to rob another day.anybody remember him,he had a scouse accent,large afro and that leather coat you'd never forgethe was like an extra from shaft.