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Everything posted by Gogger

  1. little al and the sidwinders/a man and a women
  2. little lisa /cellarful of motown 2/3
  3. shorty long,sorry if its been done.
  4. little miss soul,
  5. sorry mate how do i get a clip onto refosoul thanks
  6. after the song from duffy,getting plays at northern nights,just wondered what people thought about this one from joss stone,more soulful for me ,if not now what about 20 years down the line,i think its a belter.
  7. RW is a consumer and nothing else. He consumes and attaches himself to ANYTHING to do with Wigan Casino. The guy hasn't contributed to the scene since 81! He knows nothing about the music (ive had first hand experience djing next to him with his cd's and bootlegs!), in fact he has NO interest in it! ALL the time that the play was on he was calling for free tickets and guest passes etc, yet when push came to shove and we needed money to go into rehearsal (2nd tour) he was no where to be seen and Wigan Council wanted nothing to do with it. Unfortunately he has managed to persuade the writer of OUTIW (who never even went! and who isn't even into the music!)) to make it into a film! Russ, of course will be advising, so we are in for a treat . RW has managed to turn running a club for 8yrs, into a lifelong career and he seems willing to compromise ANYTHING in order to maintain that career. He wanted me to produce memorabilia etc to make more money from the play and im sure the film already has a t shirt and a mug (apart from Mr Martin! ) REALLY, what has he got to do with 'soul', the scene or 'life' in the 21st century?
  8. i think they should advertise soul nights as a rare soul night these days,a lot of people see the term northern soul and think wigan,especially the so called oldies lovers,can see your point of view to an extent though.ps i like all kinds of soul,some i like some i don't i took my blinkers of years ago.enjoy your soul.
  9. yes donny is the man ,love all his stuff,just listened to the above track your right it is awsome.
  10. she is my lady/donny hathaway,my favorite at the moment,me thinks it could be yours
  11. there is some photos on mary fox's northern soul website look for the link
  12. sure he was scouse,or from that area
  13. nearest thing i came to trouble,was at wigan when we got there the queue was a mile long so me and 3 mates went back to the car to wait out of the cold,this big black guy built like a brick shithouse,with a long leather coat down to his ankles follows us and asks us for our gear,none of us took drugs but he was having non of that,and kept threatening to smash our faces in if he found any on us,i always remember holding a 12" monkey wrenchfrom under the seat,ready to smash his face in,later i saw him going up the stairs,i tried to get my mates to meet him at the top to knock the twat back down to the bottom,but they woudn't and he lived to rob another day.anybody remember him,he had a scouse accent,large afro and that leather coat you'd never forgethe was like an extra from shaft.
  14. sorry replied to wrong thread lol
  15. i was an extra in a film about 10 years ago ,i got paid about 70 quid and all i could eat,my daughter about 10 at the time got 30 quid,we did stand about alot,but it was easy money,if you don't want to do it don't go.
  16. there is a postman on here don't worry your money is safe
  17. wel said beeks
  18. yes your right about the carefree,it was always wigan and then home for us,then all day in bed and up for the drum at bentley on sunday night, great days
  19. from my time on the scene ,i went to both wigan and the mecca sometimes on the same night if we had a driver,both where brilliant,but for me wigan edged it for the atsmosphere.

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