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Everything posted by Gogger

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/documentaries/2010/07/100623_greatest_hits_pt1.shtml link for above documentry from bbc world service web site.
  2. squeel like a pig
  3. would that be the south yorkshire version of a hillbilly
  4. there is a interview with dennis edwards of the contours/temptations on the craig charles funk and soul show from the 23rd january, it can be found on the bbc i player,got untill the 30th january to hear it , if anyone intrested.
  5. me to
  6. went to see johnny guitar watson at bailys doncaster late 1970s with my mate , after other show in town was full, so glad we did , due to other show being full there was only about 30 there, but he played like there was 30000, anybody else at that show?.
  7. signing up now, well done brilliant website.
  8. remember this show well , going to look at you tube , to see if it is still as good as i remember it.
  9. thanks for that
  10. just been reading about gladys knights forthcoming tour, and in the interview she was called the empress of soul, i have never heard her called this before, just wondered if anyone else has, gladys had not heard of it before eather.
  11. rods done a few covers over the years, but after hearing P P Arnold, his version of the first cut is the deepest always made me wince.
  12. My link i no most on ss could fill it with soul singers but still nice to see these two there. hope the link works if not f it.
  13. yes,if wednesday or united have a game ,they will ditch the soul show.
  15. thought barnsley was twinned with bagdad
  16. just followed the link ,looks like its going to be worthwhile,
  17. listening to the mary fox show,playing a song by bobby goldsbourgh about christmas,its crap and nothing to do with northern soul or motown,thinkng why am i listening to this.
  18. thought cellarful of motown vol 3 was below par, judges daughter by the origanals must be crap motown,stevie wonder is up there with the best of them IMO.
  20. went shopping with the wife the other day, and all of a sudden i hear jackie wilson/i get the sweetest feeling playing over the shops sound system, just wondered has this become an everyday standered,i know its been in the charts a few times,but this was one of the early songs that got me into soul and northern,anybody think it is a boring standered or a classic,for me always a classic.surley to good for muzak.
  21. just like to say well done always donate to bluebell wood when i can it must be south yorkshires favorite charity
  22. have to agree,tainted love did get them stampeding to the dancefloor,that list is awsome,also remember dobie gray /out on the foor doing the buisness
  23. end of our love/nancy wilson pyscodelic soul/ saxie russell
  24. can't believe tyey only hung a banner from the balcany,playing modern in them days ,o dear
  25. not very soulful,but northern,who can forget david and the giants,bet there's some who would like to.

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