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Everything posted by Gogger

  1. turned me telly on and there was bobby womack singing with lulu, came as a shock, only wanted to know if anyone remembered it, all the best john. trust me i'll prefer bobby womack anyday.
  2. thanks for that, for someone who's not always in the limelight, she,s had quite an interestng career. still going strong as well. by the way i'm not a lulu fan.
  3. not sure only caught the back end of show, nice tune that.think it was on bbc , so might be on i player
  4. was watching a show saturday night about lulu, when a part comes on with her singing a duet with bobby womack, everyone was full of praise for it, cant remember it at all can you , just listened on you tube , not half bad , all the best john.
  5. joe tex , you better believe it baby, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stPnj3o1dmA
  6. really enjoyed listening to that, brought back some good memories, can't wait for the next ones, thanks to all concerned.
  7. i go out less than salman rushdie , but even i know it's o.v.o. , i'd feel cheated if anything else was played.
  8. thats your baby - joe tex
  9. thanks everyone ,gone from can't find to coming at me from all angles.
  10. thanks that will do, just couldn,t find anything at all about it. like it myself, didn,t seem to be for sale anywhere.
  11. thanks in advance, been on discogs,can't seem to find any info, brunswick 55489 i think, soul source to the rescue i hope, thanks again , john.
  12. has there been a drop down auction today, sure the one i am looking at is last weeks, keep refreshing page but same one apears, thanks in advance, john.
  13. no thats a fanny
  14. not just yet but it won't be long
  15. thanks, you learn something new everyday, thought it might be somekind of dance.
  16. just been listening to shake it shake it by willie hutch, somewhere in the song they sing, come on sister annie, let us see you shake your fanny, in the uk she would probabley get arrested, but what about in the u.s.a., would she be applauded, dragged of to the local police station or both. what does it mean.
  17. harold melvin and the blue notes, the o'jays, bet there's quite a few.
  18. radio documentry on marvin gaye's life and music on radio 6 tuesday nights at midnight, two episodes have been on allready but are available on bbc i player at the moment, limited time though, 6 days left from today, smomey robinson doing the talking.sorry if been mentioned before.
  19. watched it on the pbs website, enjoyed it, some good performances, to say it was in the white house, the audience were relaxed and out for a good time, most of the well known faces from motown on front row, no gladys knight or diana ross though.might not be everyones cup of tea, but worth a look.
  20. was going to post this myself, but you beat me to it, i tried to watch one of the other videos on the site , but would not let me, hope someone knows a way how to do it.
  21. two tops sounds imo, though not funky enough for me, top northern in my book.
  22. many thanks for that ,is there much differance in values.
  23. thats good advice, going myself on jan 9th 2011, cant wait , the music , the people, the wheels the dogs boll*cks.

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