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Everything posted by Gogger

  1. remember buying smiling faces sometimes, from a shop on hallgate , doncaster, think the shop sold electrical applainces downstairs, and musical instraments upstairs, but sold records as well ,always had the latest tamla motown records in, not just the chart stuff, always played the b side at home, great sound.
  2. IMO invictus was a great label , you've got to crawl / 8th day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJJRzQDcc_E&list=PL0E13E3E60EB055EA&index=107&feature=plpp_video
  3. all i have on this label is gene chandler the b side to Just Be True
  4. did this guy make a bad record
  5. LOVE DON'T COME NO STRONGER - GREG PERRY £5.00 VG- THERE IS / SHOW ME - THE DELLS £2.00 VG- CAN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY MIND - LARRY SANTOS £5.00 VG I CAN'T REST / I SURRENDER - FONTELLA BASS &3.00 G BB HOLE Thanks for looking, paypal gift prefered , PM If intrested
  6. this song can't seem to make it's mind up, not sure about the guitar break either, but it's jerry butler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjiVVE69uX8&feature=BFp&list=PL0E13E3E60EB055EA
  7. nice floater from the tymes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-sI-IZz_rk
  8. hope you like miss betty wright
  9. from the film superfly i believe
  10. enjoyed the program, but everybody knows the disco was invented by jimmy saville
  11. bit of a tribute to soul train
  12. bought this the other week, not heard it before , maybe i should get out more
  13. its now 18 days for all items. you can appeal against the vat charges if you think there wrong , all items are returned to sender if there is a return address, if not they are sent to belfast , to somewhere that just deals with items without a return address, they are opened to try and find one,quite a few items do get left just because of the high charges, hope this helps.
  14. this story sounds familiar https://bettybbungalow.tripod.com/music.html
  15. came out as a single in the us, not sure about uk, great song imo, and album of course.
  16. another from teddy from me
  17. went to the wheel just before crimbo, when they played this the place just seemed to rock a little bit extra, oldies are good
  18. what about these two another classic
  19. could not find a version by maria grever so this will have to do diana washington version and the one we are all familiar with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGvnS3-Awy0 and a link to the song https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_a_Diff'rence_a_Day_Made kinel that took some doin
  20. so much love is good , but so is this imho
  21. happy new year, here's james brown in mellow mood
  22. agree , getting hard to keep up with whats been posted, usually search before i post, must have missed this one
  23. says it's a repeat from the 50th anniversary shows , thanks for the tip will watch it for sure, says they are live performences.

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