got the skinhead late 70 early 71 while still at school , had hair almost collar length before that ,even me mam didn't spot me straight away , lots of skinheads in donny around that time , they used to go into that pub where the tut and shive is now , forgot the name oldtimers kicking in , lots of west indians used it to , if i remember right music policy was always soul and reggae , few used to be into slade , before my time there was a pub in armthorpe they used to go , played soul and reggae , our lass will remember she was a skinbird before i got into it ,(being a skinhead not our lass) her mates sister used to hang around with the big boys. we used to go to that place at retford on a friday night broken wheel or something ,trouble was it usually ended in fisticuffs , memory just needs a little jog and it will come back.