Thanks for that , I had a rough idea about the okeh records with the 45 but couldn’t remember which was which, I might put some scans on if I get stuck, thanks again for your help
Thanks in advance, is there anywhere online I can get scans of bootlegs or information, I’ve got a few records but suspect they are bootlegs, also is there a difference between the original Okeh label and re issue label
Think the first time I heard about them was when I saw they were on at Glastonbury, I honestly thought they were a vynil only outfit , seen plenty of there gigs advertised but heard nothing about them
Got to admit they seem to be doing well, gigs all over, all though I’ve never been to one , seem to cater for the younger end , seem to be turning into a bit of a brand , anyone been to one of there gigs
Hi john , there’s people who will pay that money for boots , to be honest I don’t like owning them , only bought it out of curiosity, like I said only cost me a few quid, thanks for the input , John
Anyone know anything about this , googled everything can’t find anything about it , looks dodgy, any information appreciated, thanks in advance, John .
Hi vix, you should find a lot of people into this sort of music on hear , in fact I think there’s a thread on it somewhere, l like it myself, but collect rather than sell , welcome and hope you find what you want , John
Just wondered if anyone can point me to a video on YouTube for oh Lady Luck/?lloyd price, on the monument label , keep getting the abc version, thanks in advance, John